The IMDI was
created by Miriam C. Rice in 1985 to encourage the use of
Fungal Pigments; to further research on their extraction
and employment; to encourage research and cultivation of
dye fungi; to financially assist artists and researchers
to participate in the international symposia and exhibitions. |
 Back to where it all began
- Mendocino County!
A workshop exploring the legacy of Miriam C.
Rice's mushroom dyes... November 19-21, 2016
by Dorothy Beebee
smithii skeins drying - (Photo
by Joy-Lily)
Cortinarius smithii
by Darvin DeShazer) |
 Phaeolus schweinitzii |
This is the stage that
this "Dyer's Polypore" has the highest concentration of dye
pigment. |
Phaeolus schweinitzii skeins
drying. First dyebath left overnight in dye is on top row.
"Afterbath" on next day is on the row below. (Photo
by Cathi Love) |
Pisolithus arhizus
by Myra Beebee) |
Pisolithus arhizus dye
(Photo by Anni Redding) |
Pisolithus arhizus dyes |
emerging! (Photo
by Joy-Lily) |
the Skeins!
(Photo by Cathi Love) |
mixed Sarcodon & Hydnellum species dyes |
olivascens |
olivascens dyes |
| |
This "Mushrooms
for Color" Website is sponsored by the International
Mushroom Dye Institute (IMDI), founded
by Miriam C. Rice in 1985 who believed that people throughout
the world would benefit from exploring the full spectrum of
color derived from mushrooms.
CONTACT: dbeebee (at) sonic.net
for Color Website designed
by Dorothy Beebee © 2016
All rights reserved. (This
IMDI Website page was updated December 05, 2016)