Maps of My Areas of Operation
copyright 2006 Daniel A. Montgomery
Camp Radcliff western area. The forward base camp for my units was at Camp Radcliff. It takes two maps because the base is partly in both maps. The highway goes from Pleiku to An Khe and continues east to Quin Nhon on the coast.
Camp Radcliff eastern area. The locality was known as An Khe. It has been renamed An Tuc.
Camp Enari area. Fourth Infantry Division headquarters were at Camp Enari.
LZ Hardtimes was in Vinh Thanh Valley. The valley was also known as Happy Valley to the troops. LZ Hardtimes was northeast of An Khe and was close to the Bong Son River. See: Ed Moise's bibliography of Vietnam and Ray's Map Room.
Map of II Corps Tactical Zone.
Military Regions Map. I was in II Corps.
Map of Vietnam.
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Glossary Of American Military Terminology in the Vietnam War