From Tue May 5 18:28:27 1998 Date: Sat, 02 May 1998 07:26:37 -0700 From: David Kennedy DDS To: Subject: Fluoridation Risk Assessment [The following text is in the "iso-8859-1" character set] [Your display is set for the "US-ASCII" character set] [Some characters may be displayed incorrectly] San Diego Symposium San Diego Fluoridation Risk Assessment June 20-21 with welcome party Friday evening the 19th.

Recent research shows that rats drinking only 1 part per million fluoride (NaF) in water had histologic lesions in their brain similar to Alzheimer^Òs disease and dementia. This study was the third in a series of papers published by Varner et al. Brain Research Vol. 784 No. 12 p 284-298 (1998)

Shocking, yet true and verifiable. In fact , all of the 1600 scientists, lawyers, engineers and other professionals at the EPA in Washington DC through the National Federation of Federal Employees local 2050 stated that there is a causal link between fluoride/fluoridation and cancer, genetic damage, neurological impairment, and bone pathology. The EPA scientists Drs. William Hirzy and Robert Carton will both speak at the San Diego Risk Assessment Symposium. Professor of Chemistry Paul Connett, Ph.D. will address the environmental impact. Dr. Phyllis Mullenix has published extensively on the neurotoxicity.

Attend this scientific symposium and learn the toxicology of fluoride and the mechanism of dental fluorosis. You will understand why fluoride works topically and why ingesting fluoride as in tablets, water or prescription vitamins is harmful. The symposium is part of the ongoing review process to develop an unbiased public health goal for fluoride.

The Public Health Department, Mayo Clinic, UCSD Medical School and the San Diego County Dental Society, San Diego County Medical Society have been invited to participate in the scientific review of fluoride. We are seeking any qualified scientist to support the theory that ingested fluoride is of benefit. Dr. Hardy Limeback, the Canadian Dental Association expert on fluoride, said that he could not support the concept of ingested fluoride being of any known benefit to dental health.

Come meet with the experts. June 19-21 Sat-Sun Holiday Inn at Old Town. Call Kelly today for meeting reservations 888-728-3833 (cost $150) For Hotel reservations call special rate of only $89 (800) 255-3544.

Sponsors include:
The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology
The Preventive Dental Health Association
Citizens for Safe Drinking Water