Global Connections

A Curricular Guide to

World Wide Web Education Links

for teachers, students and parents

The following links were gathered, annotated and edited by Barry Sovel, Petaluma Junior High School, along with contributions by friends and colleagues, especially Rick Massell, El Molino High School (Sebastopol, CA). The intent of these bookmarks is to support connecting telecommunications to classroom curriculum and activities for teachers, students and parents. If you should have additions to these links, that you have used in your classrooms, please forward your contribution to Barry Sovel. [last updated: 4 December, 2001 ]


Table of Contents



Instructions on how to navigate this document
Teacher/Classroom resources for connecting technology to curriculum

General Resources

Ask an Expert...

Learning to do research

Virtual Field Trips

Teacher Projects

School page examples

Educational resources by subject area


Mathematics and Pi

Math and History

Language arts/Literature

World History

Science and Weather


Languages (bi-lingual )

Political Science

Social Science: General

Physical Education

Return to Home page

Search Tools

College Preparation

Sonoma County Resources

Reference Books


General Resources

Software support

Newspapers/news services


Education resources by subject areas
These resources are primarily targeting 6-12 grade students, as per the California State subject area frameworks. They were selected to support research, resources and inquiry for teachers, students & parents. They represent a reference work in progress.


Welcome to the NCTM home page
Welcome to the National Council for teaching Mathematics home page. You can find the NCTM Standards here
Ask Dr. Math
One of my favorite sites on the web, its archive of frequently asked questions and "Dr. Math's" answers is a superb resource for math teachers and students. Students from Swarthmore College have a revived a 1994 program where K-12 students could send in questions to "experts" and get personal answers. Today the Web and email maintain that immediate and long term contact by Swarthmore's SWAT team.
Plane and Simple
This site contains an article and lessons on teaching the Cartesian Coordinate System to Pre-Algebra and Algebra students. It includes 8 hands-on activities that involve discussion, physical activities, writing and problem solving that are modeled on the NCTM standards.
Forum Internet Resource Collection
The Swarthmore Math Forum has developed a distributed, universal index that can be relied on for up-to-date, comprehensive access to all of the sites and individual pages available for mathematics education.
Math Forum Home Page
Funded by the Nat'l Science Foundation, this Swarthmore site is a virtual center for math education on the Internet. Goal is to build a community that can be a center for teachers, students, researchers, parents & educators. Includes a math search engine.
Frank Potter's Science/Math Gems
From UC Irvine, a wonderful collection of science and math links. The greatest strength of this page (and subsequent links) is its clear and clean organization by field and subject area.
A collaboration between PBS and the NCTM designed to form "online learning communities" of groups of teachers, led by a trained facilitator. The Middle School Math Project begun in 1994 is now being followed by a similar Elementary School Project. Teacher
Dave's Math Tables
Formulas and more formulas, neatly broken down by subject and part.
The Abacus
History, how to use; one to practice with.
Martindale's 'The Reference Desk: Calculators On-Line'
From the UC Irvine, this page is almost beyond imagination. 100+ calculators, conversions tables and weather from everywhere. Be sure to scroll beyond the initial directory for more details on each calculator.
The Pythagorean Theorem
A nice introduction to the Pythagorean Theory, with several excellent proofs, both algebraic and geometry based, with Euclid's original proof. Some excellent gifs for printing and overheads
Exeter Kite Central
From the United Kingdom, a wonderful set of sites related to kites. In particular, hit the link labeled projects and try out the Sled Kite project.
Kite Flier's Site
Kites: histories, events and detailed instructions-a very comprehensive set of kite related links.
Zvi Har'El's M.C.Escher Collection
Over 60 of Escher's works, starting from very early in his career. Some color. The initial is jammed full of expandable gifs., therefore initial loading takes awhile; be patient
SCORE Mathematics:
Schools of California Online Resource for Educators
The SCORE Mathematics Homepage is one of four subject matter web pages called The Schools of California Online Resource for Educators (SCORE). This page is designed especially for mathematics teachers and students in California, the contents and links of which are intended to reflect our state's Mathematics Framework. It includes links and databases to connect you to math lessons and math resources, both by grade level and subject area.
Teachers Helping Teachers-Math
Some excellent math methodologies and lessons, although they are not indexed or in chronological grade levels. Therefore they require a lot of scrolling. The lessons are mostly K - 6.
Eisenhower National Clearinghouse
Welcome to the Eisenhower National Clearinghouse (ENC), the nationally recognized information source for K-12 math & science teachers. Also, each month presents new math & science links. Includes lessons, activities and grant info
21st Century Problem Solving
Problem solving strategies for Algebra I, Chemistry and Physics. In particular, there are 13 great Algebra I story problems that illustrate their problem solving approach, with solution sets.
Currency Convertor
Just as it says, currency conversions for 180 exchanges.Great for math practice or comparing shopping lists between international classrooms.
Mathematics: Vatican
This Library of Congress exhibit has manuscripts, art and history, from Rome to China and back. In particular, check out its history of mathematics section under original manuscripts: Euclid, Ptolemy and Apollonius
A Brief History of Algebra and Computing:
An Eclectic Oxonian View
"If you are faced by a difficulty or a controversy in science, an ounce of algebra is worth a ton of verbal argument." J.B.S Haldane (1892-1964) . Oxford brings us a brief history of Algebra, wih superb links.
Calculus and Mathematica Home Page
Produced by the University of Illinois, it contains lessons for those using and teaching with Mathematica software.It also includes links to other sites using C & M and a superb WWW search engine home page.
Fun With Numbers
Find fun and crazy links to Pi, the powers of 2, factorials and Buckminster Fuller. Great for math teachers who want to create their own classroom posters.
This is Mega-Mathematics
From the Los Alamos Laboratory, excellent lessons for math concepts, especially for 4th -9th grades
AIMS Education Foundation
AIMS is the acronym for "Activities Integrating Mathematics and Science," the AIMS magazine home page is both educational, promotional and commercial. Fun activities to go along with their Historical Connections column (under what's new link).
Links to History of Mathematics pages
A browsers delight, another set of primary links to math related pages, from the University of Kansas.
Math Magic is a project designed for students to integrate the learning of problem solving skills with computer skills. Local grade level teams compete, via the net, against each other in problem solving.
Mathematics Archives WWW Server
Exceptional primary link page for mathematics, from software to abstracts.
Explorer Home Page
From the Univ. of Kansas, this page contains countless math science resource materials. Although most are only available in Michigan and the East Coast, many have downloadable Claris and Adobe packages.

Pi folder

A pleasant and informative journey into the approximations of Pi.
The Uselessness of +Pi and its irrational friends
Need links to Pi? Html's for Pi to the 100, 31,000 and 1,200,000 places. Play with "Friends of Pi" . And do not forget about the annual "PI DAY" on 3/14 [at 1.59 of course].
Pi picture
Just a cute graphic of pi for a color printer.
Fun With Numbers
Find fun and crazy links to Pi, the powers of 2, factorials and Buckminster Fuller. Great for math teachers who want to create their own classroom posters. r own classroom posters.
Archimedes' Constant
More scholarly calculus and trigonometric approaches to looking at Pi. Also includes superb links to "Unsolved Mathematics Problems."

Math and History

Women Mathematicians
An extensive set of well written biographies of women mathematicians, written by students from Agnes Scott College, Georgia.
MacTutor History of Mathematics
This set of more than 100 HyperCard stacks was assembled at the university of St. Andrews, Scotland. In addition, it has a wonderful set of history topics from trig functions to pi to the beginning of the Quantum Age.
A Brief History of Algebra and Computing
Oxford university brings us a brief, entertaining and well linked history of algebra and Computing, from the ancients to analytical engines to recent developments.
Past Notable Women of Computing
This is one portion of the Yale ADA collection of resources for women in computing. In particular for the K-12 classroom, be sure to visit both the notable women of the past and of the present sections.
A pleasant and informative journey into the approximations of Pi.
The History links to Mathematics
From Trinity College, Dublin, excellent resource for links to the history of mathematics
AIMS Education Foundation
AIMS is the acronym for "Activities Integrating Mathematics and Science," the AIMS magazine home page is both educational, promotional and commercial. Fun activities to go along with their Historical Connections column (under what's new link).

Languages (Bilingual pages)

Universal Translator
This Altavista site will provide translations into English and frrom English to a dozen other languages. Although it translates literally, rather than in context, it is a wonderful tool. It can also translate an entire web page just by entering the URL.
Welcome to Coqui!
Great links for educators, especially for Spanish teachers, Spanish students or Spanish speakers. The Spanish links includes links to magazines, newspapers, countries and regions, education, food/recipes, music/art & personal pages.
Le Monde Diplomatique (french)
Le Monde Diplomatique's archives (in French, English, German) is a text archive for contemporary political, economic & social events world wide; the archives extend back two years. You can search by month or by keyword (thesaurus)
Latin World - Latin America on the Net (Spanish)
Primary link for all things connected to latinos and Chicanos. Excellent search mechanism for Latino themes for North, Central and South American related information.
Nuevo (University of Guadalajara (Spanish)
Art, culture, pre-Columbian artifacts and more. Superb graphics. English and Spanish versions.
La Revista Cultural en espanol publicada mensualmente en Baltimore, Maryland. The Governor of Maryland's 1993 Award winner, it is a Hispanic Cultural magazine published monthly in the Spanish language. It is meant for the community & teachers of Spanish
World of Vikings (Danish)
Coordinated by the Nat'l Museum of Denmark and the N.Y. Archeological Trust; home page links to Viking History, with a particular focus on the years 800Ð1100 CE; includes brief text histories, rune FTP's, photos and Viking MUD's.
NativeWeb Home Page
Welcome to NativeWeb, a project of many people. Our vision touches ancient teachings and modern technology. Our purpose: to provide a cyber-place for Earth's indigenous peoples. Wide range of site organization tools.


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