Table of Contents

Instructions on how to navigate this document
Teacher/Classroom resources for connecting technology to curriculum

General Resources

Ask an Expert...

Learning to do research

Virtual Field Trips

Teacher Projects

School page examples


Educational resources by subject area


Mathematics and Pi

Math and History

Language arts/Literature

World History

Science and Weather


Languages (bi-lingual )

Political Science

Social Science: General

Physical Education

Return to Home page

Search Tools

College Preparation

Sonoma County Resources

Reference Books


General Resources

Software support

Newspapers/news services


Teacher/classroom resources

General Resources
These are primarily resources to aid teachers in the tools and possibilities of the Internet for educators, with examples of possible Web activities and tools for the classroom.

Bernie Dodge's WebQuests
The technology educator extraordinaire's own home page; his professional focus is on the design, implementation and evaluation of computer-based learning environments. His page links us to his courses and some of his creations, in particular, about WebQuests, as well as some examples from Kathy Schrock's Guide.
ICONnect: Home Page
Librarians, teachers and students will find the tools to navigate the Web here: courses, curriculum connections, mini-grants, KidsConnect and Kids FAQ
Global Connections
This site contains examples and resources for teachers of simple ways to utilize the Internet, a wide range of tools and resources for the classroom, sample lessons, an example of a on-line homework hotline and the beginnings of "hold your hand" instruction sheets to introduce new users to the Internet.
Classroom Connect on the Net
If their site is even only half as good as their magazine, you may not want to start anyplace else on the web. Links to classroom pages, teacher contacts, special search engines, on-line materials, live-talks and more.
Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators
That this site is recommended by Classroom Connect comes as no surprise. It has a clear and comprehensive table of contents that goes beyond just listings of links by categories. It has articles,slide shows lessons and info on how to conduct a search. Over 3,000 links.
Scavenger Hunts
A wide range of Internet scavenger hunts. A great way to teach your students how to searches on the Internet. Many different levels and subject areas.
Discovery Channel School
Designed to assist you in getting the most out of the Discovery Channel and the learning Channel, focus's on on line info and support for many forms of technology, including video, TV and on-line materials. Be sure to go to 'Puzzlemaker' and tryout the crossword puzzles section.
The History Channel
An excellent resource for classroom support, particularly by using the TV listings search feature by topic. Its only limit is that you can only search for the current month, making long term planning difficult.
HiPMag Online
HiP Magazine is an award-winning non-profit publication for today's deaf & hard of-hearing kids (and their pals), ages 8 to 14 years old.
Deaf World
Established in 1995, this page provides a central net point for information for and about the deaf world. It contains three core tracks: youth, culture and references. I found this page for my friend, Jill Kantor.
The Franklin Institute's Educational Hotlists
The envy of all teacher hotlists. Extensive range of listings, both by subject area and special interest. This is truly a one-stop shopping list.
Kid Crosswords and Other Puzzles
From AOL, this magazine is designed for teachers and kids. It provides puzzles in History, Science, English, Geography, Literature, Math and Foreign Languages.
Teachers helping teachers
This free, non-profit service is designed to provide teaching tips, lessons and a forum for teachers. Includes a chat line. Includes: math, science, social studies, arts, special education. & language arts. Also includes links to other educational pages.
Resource Starter List for Sonoma County Educational Community
The Sonoma County Office of Education's suggested Internet links for educators. Nice starter list.
The School page
In their own words,"The teacher's resource page: help for teachers and administrators. A place where we meet your needs and no concern is ignored." In addition to a listing of their services, some great education links.
The Cyberspace Middle School
CYBERSPACE MIDDLE SCHOOL is designed for students in the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th grades who are using the World Wide Web to help get an education. Tremendous resources and links.
Web 66
The Web66 project is designed to facilitate the introduction and integration of the Internet into K-12 school curriculum.. This includes helping educators to set up their servers, link schools and students to each other & find net resources. [link courtesy of Rick Massell]
NETLEARNING: Online Resource Guide
Melissa Koch's book, NetLearning, has its own set of bookmarks (the same as Appendix B.) The section on Online Projects will give you many leads to other schools, for interesting ideas and for shared projects. [link courtesy of Rick Massell]
ARTSEDGE: The National Arts and Education Information Network
From the Kennedy Center, ARTSEDGE seeks to link the Arts and Education through technology. Primarily a resource for teachers, it includes K-12 curriculum materials, arts education database, arts links and interactive opportunities for teachers.
Scholastic Place
An introduction to both free and subscription materials from Scholastic Books
ILC Glossary of Internet Terms
From Internet Literacy Consultants, a very comprehensive Internet glossary, with alphabetical links
Lycos Roadmaps
Here you can find those hard to find [and easy to find] locations you always wanted to visit.
Learning to do Research on the Internet
Library of Congress/American Memory Learning Page
This is the Learning Page for the National Digital Library Program "American Memory' historical collections. Includes info on primary sources, lesson plans, finding historical info, plus many links to education sites. You can also email their reference librarian. Be sure to click on the orientation link for simple instructions on how to best use the site.
The Spider's Apprentice--Tips on Searching the Web
This page is designed to help you search the Web more efficiently. How to get the most from *search engines like AltaVista, Infoseek, Excite, Webcrawler, Lycos, HotBot, Open Text and the Yahoo Directory. This is a section well worth printing out.
From Now On - The Education Technology Journal
Produced by Jamie McKenzie, Birmingham Schools Ed Tech coordinator, the prolific author's articles on Internet student research strategies, use policies, libraries of the future and more are a must for reading and planning long range visions for technology and and classroom education. His articles have appeared in leading publications, such as Educational Leadership.
Virtual Field Trips
Here a few places to start looking at some of the virtual field trips available. One of the nicest and simplest to navigate has been put together by Dr. Thomas Ott of the University of Mannheim the Seaborg Center's collection. Some others include the New Mexico MESA begins with a nice listing,.
Yosemite National Park
Doing a report on Yosemite [or taking a vacation]? In particular, for that report, check the section labeled Park wildlife. Very detailed info regarding the park's mammals and birds and their locations within the park [listings, not narrative].
Monterey Bay-Long Marine Lab Virtual Field Trip
An excellent example of how students can develop a project that allows visitors from afar to gain knowledge of a local environment. While you are here, be sure to visit the Monterey Bay Aquarium's E-Quarium. In addition, you may also want to view this simple elementary school lesson to introduce watersheds into your curriculum.
Mayan Adventure
The Science Museum of Minnesota presents Maya Adventure, a World-Wide Web site that highlights science activities and information related to ancient and modern Maya culture. Maya Adventure includes images from the Science Museum's anthropological collections and activities developed by the Science Museum's education division. Featured in the project is information from two exhibits about the Maya developed by the Science Museum of Minnesota, Cenote of Sacrifice and Flowers, Saints and Toads.
Henrietta Leavitt Flat Screen Space Theater
The World Wide Web's First Online Virtual Planetarium Facility. Be sure to scroll to the very bottom of the page to "Space Theater Offerings: the adventure begins here" for the text, pictures and Hubble telescope photos
The Nine Planets
This is a multimedia tour of the Solar System; an overview of the history, mythology and current scientific knowledge of each of the planes and moons in our solar system. Each page has text & images, some with movies & sound; additional linked references.
Ask an Expert
Ask Dr. Math
Students from Swarthmore College have a revived a 1994 program where K-12 students could send in questions to "experts" and get personal answers. Today the Web and email maintain that immediate and long term contact by Swarthmore's SWAT team.
Ask Mr. Solar
Interesting series of articles (although not linked; you must scroll. Best feature is at the very end. His pages are also available in both Spanish and French. There are commercial aspects to this site, but still well worth the visit. You can email Mr. Solar with questions and concerns at< >.
The Electronic Emissary
Looking for an expert to collaborate with your students? Have an expertise that you can offer? This site links experts and classrooms for email investigations and correspondence. [courtesy of Classroom Connect]
Projects for teachers

Looking for a collaborator for a classroom project or some good examples by other classrooms. Begin your search here!
Project Learning Tree
Project Learning Tree is an award-winning environmental education program designed for teachers and other educators working with students in pre-K through grade 12. PLT uses the forest as a "window" into natural and built environments, helping people gain an awareness and knowledge of the world around them, as well as their place within it. PLT is a source of interdisciplinary activities and provides workshops and in-service programs for teachers, foresters, park and nature center staff, and youth group leaders. PLT is people! It is an international network of students, teachers, parents, community leaders, educational administrators, and representatives from the forest and paper industry, resource agencies, and conservation groups. PLT works in the city and the country, whether there is a forest or a single tree. PLT helps prepare students to make wise decisions about conservation practices and resource use.
Econet - Institute for Global Communications
Econet, one of five networks operated through the IGC Network, provides support for ecological sustainability and environmental justice Internet sites. The Econet site offers information resources and weblinks to numerous environmental related home pages and conferences. In particular, Their "Youth and Education" page lists many links to web sites in the areas of children's rights, environmental education and youth empowerment.
A collaboration between PBS and the NCTM designed to form "online learning communities" of groups of teachers, led by a trained facilitator. The Middle School Math Project begun in 1994 is now being followed by a similar Elementary School Project. Teacher
This national competition to encourage curriculum related student home pages has just posted its results and links. This site is well worth the visit, with its many examples of exemplary class telecommunications projects, as well as instructions on how to participate.
The Electronic Emissary
Looking for an expert to collaborate with your students? Have an expertise that you can offer? This site links experts and classrooms for email investigations and correspondence. [courtesy of Classroom Connect]
The Press Democrat Library
Sonoma County's finest. This site includes lead stories, classifieds, letters to the editor, and an excellent links page. Some materials are archived for long term access, such as the "Sonoma Outlook" series. In particular, this portion of their page provides an exceptional set of both reference materials and educational links.
Currency Convertor
Just as it says, currency conversions for 180 exchanges. Great for math practice or comparing shopping lists between international classrooms.

Examples of School Web Sites

This set of links provides access to many examples of projects and pages created by students and schools.
International WWW Schools Registry
Probably the largest source of school web sites. They will list any school that registers with them.[link courtesy of Rick Massell]
The Grand List of School Virtual Museums
An interesting concept: schools which have created on-line museums of all kinds, from tropical rain forests to coal mining to birds in the schoolyard to immigration. A stimulating place to visit for project ideas. [link courtesy of Rick Massell]
Global Connections
This site contains examples and resources for teachers of simple ways to utilize the Internet, a wide range of tools and resources for the classroom, sample lessons, an example of a on-line homework hotline and the beginnings of "hold your hand" instruction sheets to introduce new users to the Internet.
Student Projects (Pasco HS)
From Pasco High School in the Pacific North. this web site gives examples of richly detailed projects that students carried out related to history, such as "Great Aunt Myrtle", "Graffiti", "Coffee House...s", "Children of Migrant Workers", etc. [link courtesy of Rick Massell]

Education listservs

Liszt: Searchable Directory of e-Mail Discussion Groups
Looking for an e-mail discussion group? Enter any word or phrase to search the directory of mailing lists - 55,060 listserv, listproc, majordomo and independently managed lists from 1809 sites. Once your search produces a site or sites, Liszt will then assist you in evaluating it, often including samples from their archives. [courtesy of Classroom Connect]

There are many useful listservs that will constantly email you lists of educational links, projects, contests and resources on the net, for your perusal and selection.

InClass Digest
From Canada, If you would like to subscribe to inclass, it is now available on <> by typing in the body of the message
<subscribe inclass YOUR FULL NAME> ; you can receive information by using the same address and inserting this line in your message <info inclass>.
White House Summary
Will automatically send you a daily summary of the White House Press releases. mail to: <>; type <subscribe wh-summary> in the body of the message.
Global SchoolNet Foundation
Messages sent from this list will keep you informed of projects, events, and opportunities supported by the Global SchoolNet Foundation; it is available on <> by typing in the body of the message <subscribe global-watch>.

If you should have additions to these links, that you have used in your classrooms, please forward your contribution to Barry Sovel.

[last updated: 4 December, 2001 ]

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