Table of Contents

Instructions on how to navigate this document
Teacher/Classroom resources for connecting technology to curriculum

General Resources 

Ask an Expert... 

Learning to do research 

Virtual Field Trips 

Teacher Projects 

School page examples 


Educational resources by subject area


Mathematics and Pi 

Math and History 

Language arts/Literature 

World History 

Science and Weather 


Languages (bi-lingual ) 

Political Science 

Social Science: General 

Physical Education 

Return to Home page 


Search Tools 

College Preparation 

Sonoma County Resources 

Reference Books 


 General Resources

Software support 


Newspapers/news services 


Software and support
Getting started
Software Sources-all types
Helper applications

Getting started

Netscape Home Page
Need more be said. Your link for the latest version of Netscape and the growing list of plug-ins.
Netscape Archives
Not all of us have the most up to date computer or operator system. Therefore, Netscape's newest browsers will not always fit on our computers. Go to their archives for downloading versions 2.0x on up.
Apple Computer Home Page
All the system bells and whistle updates just waiting to be downloaded
Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft's home page, products, support, Internet products, issues and ideas, as well as links for developers, as well as a product help line.
NCSA--A Beginner's Guide to HTML
This is a primer for producing documents in HTML; clear outline format for quick reference and tag selection
Eudora - email package
Find the latest versions of Qualcomm's Eudora light freeware email packages here.
AOL's Instant Messenger
Instant Messenger lets anyone on the Internet exchange personal messages instantly and privately with others using the Instant Messenger service--no matter what country you are in or how you are connected to the Internet!
Before hypertext and Gopher, telnet was the Internet protocol used to allow you to log on to remote computers. The telnet sites did not disappear, although many were updated to html. You will find most libraries, public and university still use telnet files extensively [such as the OPAC sytems]. This site will take you the NCSA site for downloading both Mac and DOS versions.
Software Sources-all types
Welcome to (VSL)
The new VSL (virtual software library) location. The software source for all the major operating systems. Another excellent source of software and utilities is
MacUser Mac Software download site
MacUser's on-line site. Along with, this is one of the best sources of Mac freeware and shareware that I have found. Although MacUser has merged with MacWorld, its back issues and excellent software archives can still be found here.
WeatherNet: Software Library
From the Univ. of Michigan, you will find the largest up to date selection of weather software on the net . You can create high resolution radar maps, access weather services or even track hurricanes. Blue-Skies for the Mac is a must.

Helper applications
The Cookie Monster - Mac
Ever time that we visit a site, we leave a MagicCookie that leaves information about us and our browsing habits. This "MagicCookie" file is very useful in some cases, like storing some viewing configurations (i.e. with or without frames, etc...), but it can also help the server know WHO you are and what you do. Cookie Monster trashes the MagicCookie and cookies.txt files every time it is launched. Just drag it in your StartUp Items folder (inside the System Folder), and voila! This for Maci version
CookieMaster - Windows 95
Cookie Master for the PC. Compatible with both Netscape and Explore, it lets you monitor cookie and browser events as well as delete existing cookies
Adobe Systems Incorporated
Adobe's home page for downloading Acrobat Reader and Acrobat Amber, as well as updates to all their other software.
All the helpers required to make Newswatcher functional; Newswatcher understands all those newsgroup you may want to subscribe to.
Eudora - email package
Find the latest versions of Qualcomm's Eudora light freeware email packages here [be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page]. This is also the location to download the most current manuals available for Eudora Light, as well as related FAQ's and access to usenet discussions groups about using Eudora.
Netscape Plug-in's
Find out about what they are, FAQ's, educational users; then click on NEXT to find them and choose them ro downloading. Remember: just because they are available for free does not necessarily mean you want to or need to download them.
StuffIt Expander
If you want to download materials from the net, most of the time they will come as highly compressed files. Go to the Aladdin Systems site for downloading Stuffit Expander.
All you need for real time movies and motion, for all systems; includies movieplayer. While you are here, don't forget to check out QuickTime VR [virtual reality].
Download Real Audio/video player and decoder and get both live and recorded sound and video. Also, be sure to check out Timecast: The RealAudio Guide


Newspapers/news services

The Press Democrat
Sonoma County's finest. This site includes lead stories, classifieds, letters to the editor, and an excellent links page. Some materials are archived for long term access [at present, back to August 1994], such as the "Sonoma Outlook" series. Don't forget to check their award winning student research site at
New York Times
Downloads the daily New York Times Internet edition automatically into Adobe Acrobat for your reading pleasure.
The Gate (San Francisco Chronicle/Examiner)
The San Francisco Chronicle/Examiner; includes word search feature for issues of the Chronicle and the Examiner, back to Nov. 1994
AP/ News Page
The Associated Press home page, with direct links to newspapers around the world. In particular, the AP link lists breaking stories, with new screens every 5 minutes. Categories include State, National, Foreign, Sports, weather, finance & politics
San Jose Mercury Center Home Page
Daily updated news, in a real newspaper format, all sections, with photos, this is a great stop. For my 7thgraders, an excuse to use the Internet for current events
Current events on-line. Major newspapers on-line versions from across the US to Worldwide. This page also contains links to a variety of mainstream computer publications, as well as a search feature that will find a particular publication.
A WWW newspaper from Spain by students from the University of Madrid. It focus's on national, sports and cultural news.
note: of course, it is written in Spanish
The Magazine Search - Enews
Hundreds of online mainstream magazines; searchable database, by topic or alphabetically; very full range of titles

Mac Addict

This is my favorite monthly Mac publication. It also comes with a great CD [each month].

MacUser's on-line site. Along with, this is one of the best sources of Mac freeware and shareware that I have found. Although MacUser has merged with MacWorld, its backissues and software archives can still be found here.
Time Magazine
Opening with the Time magazine online, this is an entry into the Tme-Warner stble of magazines and news services.
Scientific American
Here, on the World Wide Web, they have created a new publication that pushes Scientific American into the frontiers of publishing in an electronic medium. Just as Scientific American has tracked key changes in technology for the past 150 years, they are now participating in the radical transformation driven by computer technology. Each month, they will bring you the best of the current issue, augmented by the technology of the Internet. Each week they will track the breaking new stories and provide readers with links to related sites. Called explorations, these features will guide online readers through the overwhelming wealth of information on the Internet. They will also be featuring interviews with scientists in the news and query experts in many disciplines to answer readers' questions about science and technology in a section called ask the experts.
National Geographic Society
Open up to the world of national Geographic. Articles, TV, special features.
HotWired - New Thinking for a New Medium
A Zine that is more than an imitation paper magazine on the net, much more.
The Magazine Search - Enews
Hundreds of online mainstream magazines; searchable database, by topic or alphabetically; very full range of titles

Sonoma County Resources
Global Connections
This site contains examples and resources for teachers of simple ways to utilize the Internet, a wide range of tools and resources for the classroom, sample lessons in mathematics, with a focus on the Cartesian Coordinate System, an example of a on-line homework hotline and the beginnings of "hold your hand" instruction sheets to introduce new users to the Internet.
Petaluma City Schools
Site specific interest; my school districts home page. For those interested in watching the evolution of both a home page's development and a School District's meeting with telecommunications, watch this site grow and change.
Petaluma Electronic Network
From Petaluma Net and Bill Hammer, here is the city's first home page, with info on government, business, community, health, libraries and education.
The Press Democrat
Sonoma County's finest. This site includes lead stories, classified, letters to the editor and an excellent links page, especially related to current elections. The lead stories are archived for long term success, such as the "Sonoma Outlook" series.
Sonoma State University
Most of what you need to know about SSU. Also, by entering the Ruben Salazar library you will link with the libraries at SRJC, UC and all Sonoma County public branches.
Santa Rosa Junior College
Catalogs, maps and schedules. Good index, although the Petaluma Center is not yet listed individually
Sonoma County Library System
You will need Telnet installed to fully utilize this resource.
Sonoma County Office of Education
The Sonoma County Office of Education's suggested Internet links for educators. Nice starter list. In particular, check out their resource link.
San Francisco Exploratorium Home Page
So what if it isn't in Sonoma County. It is too close not to visit. Located in San Francisco, his creative site provides excellent teacher resources in science, special exhibits, and serves as an Internet gateway to what is new in the world of Science. Also includes monthly links to the 10 best K-12 art and science pages
FAMSF-Welcome to the Thinker!
Everything you need to know about the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco is here, including special exhibits and hours, with a special focus on the De Young and Legion of Honor. With the goal of art access, the 60,000 works in their Imagebase is truly remarkable and accessible.
Vision Service Plan
For Californians only, here is the home page for Vision Care Service Plan. Now you can avoid the phone calls to find out when you can go to your doctor next. Link and click is all you need for a speedy response.

To navigate Global Connections

To navigate Global Connections, simply click on any of the items in the Table of Contents that interest you. You may return to the Table of Contents by clicking on the header of the section you are visiting.

If you click on an item and it does not appear, you should go to the menu bar and click on reload, then try again.

Looking for a particular piece of information or site? Be sure to go to the tool bar and pull down Find in order to search Global Connections by key word or phrase.

The last item in the Table of Contents provides simple instructions for printing this listing. The hard copy booklet may make it easier to peruse the contents, in order to focus on those that may immediately serve your classroom or project, as well as making copies available for your library and staff room.


If you should have additions to these links, that you have used in your classrooms, please forward your contribution to Barry Sovel.

[last updated: 4 December, 2001 ]

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