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Virtual Field Trips

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Educational resources by subject area


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World History

Science and Weather


Languages (bi-lingual )

Political Science

Social Science: General

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Reference Books


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Newspapers/news services


Education resources by subject areas
These resources are primarily targeting 6-12 grade students, as per the California State subject area frameworks. They were selected to support research, resources and inquiry for teachers, students & parents. They represent a reference work in progress.

Social Science: General

WebMuseum: Bienvenue! (Welcome from the curator)
Let art be your student's window into the past. Here is the opening page of the WebMuseum, with links to the nearest mirror sites, listings of new exhibitions and the links to its full index. Imagine a virtual museum that not only contains the artist's work, but info about the period and its ideas.
National Women's History Project
"History looks different when the contributions of woman are included." The National Women's History Project shares their resources to support your classroom for all subjects.
Cybrary of the Holocaust
Educational projects and reources for teaching qbout the Holocaust. This site includes an extensive range of resources and links.
Medieval studies virtual library
A primary source of links to Medieval Studies. Includes links to other primary link sources.
What Do Maps Show
Another excellent USGS learning web program, this grade 5-8 activity gives thumbnail sketches of the different types of maps, with a simple teacher's guide to introduce them and connect them to learning about their relationship to humans and environment.
The History Channel®
An excellent resource for classroom support, particularly by using the TV listings search feature by topic. Its only limit is that you can only search for the current month, making long term planning difficult.
Retanet Home Page
This Latin American data base, from the University of New Mexico, for secondary educators includes lessons plans and curricular materials about Latin America, the Spanish Caribbean and the U.S. Southwest.
Hispanic pages in the US
Extremely diverse and fruitful list of resources. These include Spanish language magazines, famous Hispanics in History and more
La Revista Cultural en espanol publicada mensualmente en Baltimore, Maryland. The Governor of Maryland's 1993 Award winner, it is a Hispanic Cultural magazine published monthly in the Spanish language. It is meant for the community & teachers of Spanish
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Info regarding. the Fed Reserve & economy, the entire Beige Book; economic education materials, selected national & regional data; text of publications; connection to its research dept. & info about bank supervision & regulation. [courtesy of Kristeen Bullwinkle]
The Historical Text Archive
Don Mabry presents a massive archive supported by Mississippi State University exploring every imaginable historical text online. Very extensive and easy to use.
The Index of Resources for Historians
The University of Kansas has assembled a massive Social Science Internet index of linkages, listed alphabetically. Although not annotated, the titles seem self explanatory. There is no search or query tool.
The WWW Virtual Library
The VL is the oldest catalog of the web, started by Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the web itself. Unlike commercial catalogs, it is run by a loose confederation of volunteers, who compile pages of key links for particular areas in which they are expert; even though it isn't the biggest index of the web, the VL pages are widely recognised as being amongst the highest-quality guides to particular sections of the web.

Political Science


Oyez, Oyez Oyez: The Supreme Court
Info about about major constitutional cases heard by the Supreme Court, with details about the questions and opinions. Includes digital recordings of the proceedings [requires real audio]. There are hundreds of cases here. This page allows you to search by case or issue.
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Info regarding. the Fed Reserve andeconomy, the entire Beige Book; economic education materials, selected national & regional data; text of publications; connection to its research department and info about bank supervision and regulation. [courtesy of Kristeen Bullwinkle]
White House Home Page
As THOMAS is to the Legislative Branch, this home page is to the Executive Branch. In addition, it links to Fed World and to other branches of government. Be sure to visit the Acrobat reader linked map of Washington DC.
Library of Congress
Yes-this is the place: major exhibits, as well as access to the major publications and online materials and abstracts.
THOMAS: Congressional Info
Legislative Information on the Internet, particularly focusing on the 104th and 105th Congress; includes email addresses of the members of Congress
Legislative Research with Thomas
Clark University provides a step by step guide of how to do legislative research with THOMAS. It walks you through the process of finding & identifying the bill's title, sponsors, intent, status, voters, id numbers, etc. Excellent research/analysis tool.
US National Archives Document Service
CLIO is an information system that combines vast collections of information available from the National Archives & Records Administration. Email support for queries and searches; genealogy records. In particular, visit the On-Line Exhibition.
FedWorld Information Network Home Page
The national technical information service's [FedWorld] goal is to provide a one-stop location for the public to locate, order and have delivered, US government information
CIA Publications and World Fact Book
Includes the 1998 World and intelligence fact book, maps, cia publications, key members of government globally, plus an extensive keyword search feature. Terrific for current demographics.

Project Vote Smart
Exceptionally up to date, this non-partisian page links us to most state and federal elections info, as well as tracking the performance of over 13,000 political leaders.
The National Journal's "Cloakroom"
A service of the National Journal and the American Political Network, it is a leading web site for political news, resources & involvement. It includes a political almanac, daily voting booth on national issues, campaign news & much more. In-depth articles. Membership is free.
CNN Interactive
All you would expect and more from the premier news networkÐand it is becoming more net friendly, including daily news updates, CNN specials, especially for education and well linked features section
Doonesbury Electronic Town Hall
Playful, informative; choose from choices of current political news and commentary to reminiscences and old comic strips to polls and commercial items.
Republican Main Street!
Republican National Committee -- this well constructed home page has excellent politically related links, with all the bells and whistles
The Democratic National Committee Online
The official Democratic Party web site is your source for information on America's oldest and greatest political party. Content is updated daily.


Mother Jones magazine
All that you would expect, from activist issues and news groups to current and past issues of the Mother Jones Magazine
AFL-CIO Home Page
The home page of the AFL-CIO with information on labor issues, press releases, policy statements, don't buy lists, News On-line and links to other related union & government organizations.
Greenpeace International (Amsterdam)
The Greenpeace operations center: links to all their international campaigns, as well as to other environmental home pages.
The Peace Corps Home Page
Information regarding the Peace Corps' background, history, and programs, as well as how to become a volunteer.
American Civil Liberties Union [ACLU]
The ACLU is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, 275,000-member public interest organization devoted exclusively to protecting the basic civil liberties of all Americans, and extending them to groups that have traditionally been denied them.
ACLU Student pages
The ACLU focuses on both college and high school youth and issues here.

World History

Europe/Mediterranean/North Africa
World War I
The Americas
Asia (China and Japan)

WWI Webquest:
What was it like to be a participant in WWI
Check the Medieval art section for glimpses of life of the times. This is just a place to start for a truly fabulous on-line collection of art work.
African-American Index
The African Studies Program at the University of Pennsylvania. It includes a direct feeds from Africa, KÐ12 Africa Guides, country specific pages, Black African net resources and a keyword search feature.
Archeology - Arch Net
Archnet provides access to Archeological resources available on the Internet. Information is categorized by geographic region and subject.
Welcome to Coqui!
Great links for educators, especially Spanish teachers, Spanish students or Spanish speakers. The Spanish links includes links to magazines, newspapers, countries and regions, education, food/recipes, music/art & personal pages.
The Encyclopedia Mythica
This is an encyclopedia on mythology, folklore, magic and more. The more includes bibliographies, its own local search engine and a place to submit your own articles for submission
Flags of the World
Using both internal search engines and an alphabetical index, this contains every flag of the world's country and states, plus many imaginary ones. Most of the sites come with image, some text and related links. Very speedy site.
Internet Archive of Text and Documents:
The Internet Archive of Texts and Documents is a creation of faculty and students in the History Department of Hanover College [Indiana]. The principal goal of the Archive is to make primary texts and secondary sources on the internet available to students and faculty for use in history and humanity classes.
Italian Renaissance:
Protestant Reformation:
Catholic Reformation:

World War I

World War I: 1914 - 1918
From Oxford University, this section gives some very basic information about World War I with emphasis on the perspectives shared throughout British society.
The First World War
From The Spartacus Internet Encyclopedia, With a clear index, this site provides a great deal of information regarding Great Britain and WWI.
World War I Document Archive
From Brigham Young University's site, this archive of primary documents from World War I is international in scope, easy to use and includes lots of images.
American's Speak: Recordings from World War I and the 1920's
From the Library of Congress American Memory exhibit, the Nation's Forum Collection consists of fifty-nine sound recordings of speeches by American leaders at the turn of the century. The speeches focus on issues and events surrounding the First World War and the subsequent presidential election of 1920.
The Great War
From PBS Online, this interactive gallery will allow you to follow the changing face of eastern Europe during many of the critical events of the Great War. Excellent maps.
World War I - Trenches on the Web
A member of the Affiliate Program , this site presents an internet history of the Great War.
Links to the Great War
Assembled in Holland, this page provides links and information for many aspects of WWI, including Internment camps, the war from many different nations view, many personal pages, magazines and more.
Using Primary Sources in the Classroom - World War I
From the The Alabama Department of Archives and History is an excellent set of 5 lessons, each with 8 to 12 primary source documents to assist in telling the story. Topics cover the power of the press, the formation of the selective service, Black Alabamians, the homefront preparation and support of the action. Particularly good info on the range of views prevalent in Alabama, at the time.
WWI Pictures and Artwork: Three sites that contain wonderful images are from the:
SUNET Index of Swedish WWW Resources
The Provincial Museum of Alberta: Poster War: Allied Propaganda Art of WWI
Adopted by UN General Assembly Resolution 217A (III) of 10 December 1948
Amnesty International
The on-line human rights website
Human Rights Watch

Europe/Mediterranean/North Africa
Ancient Greece
French Revolution

Industrial Revolution

European Imperialism

1491 Internet scavenger hunt questions
provides a quick look and background build-up of the status of several of the cultures of Europe and the Americas before 1491.
[click here to download the scavenger hunt as a MS Word file]
Why Europe?
outline and table discussing a number of the considerations that led certain regions towards colonization and imperialism.
The Renaissance Art Scavenger Hunt
A question sheet combines a search of the textbook [pages 40-44] and the Internet to begin an understanding of how Renaissance values became reflected in the art it produced.
What inspired the Renaissance
The Library of Congress Vatican Exhibits Main Hall
This Library of Congress exhibit has it all: manuscripts, art, history, from Rome to China and back. From the collections and journals of pilgrims, priest and scholars through the ages.
A World Wide Web Server for Medieval Studies, sponsored by Georgetown University. An extensive and very organized set of links and resources for everything about the European Medieval period. Includes bibliographies and research sites.
Plague and Public Health in Renaissance Europe
Focus is the Italian Plague of 1348 ("Black Death")
The Age of Enlightenment
From the French Ministry of Culture we have the Age of Enlightenment shown through paintings from the national museums. The sight includes a historical background, short genealogy and paintings.
Descendants of Charlemagne
A simple listing of Charlemagne's ancestors and progeny, from Clovis (420 CE) to Charles Martel (676 CE) to Charles the Great (742 CE) and on
World of Vikings
Coordinated by the Nat'l Museum of Denmark and the N.Y. Archeological Trust; home page links to Viking History, with a particular focus on the years 800Ð1100 CE; includes brief text histories, rune FTP's, photos and Viking MUD's.
The Viking Network Web
A nice introduction to the Vikings, with maps and brief capsules about many parts of their history, invasions and everyday life. These pages are primarily aimed at pupils, teachers and librarians in primary & secondary schools who want to more about The Vikings or interested in taking part in Viking projects.
Sistine Chapel
Contains 325 images from the Sistine Chapel, 250+ from Vatican City. Well organized. Also includes links to the Vatican and Pope and Catholic churches around the world. Art is an excellent way to provide a snapshot into lifetimes of the past.
The Galileo Project
The Galileo Project is a hypertext source of info on the life and work of Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) and the science of his time. This not only includes timelines, maps, his patrons, an extensive bibliography, but also student activities, work and lessons

Ancient Greece


The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

Several of these wonders were built by the Greeks or in the cities created by Alexander. Nice articles and images.
Greek Mythology Gods - Olympians
A listing, with links and images, to the main gods of Greece.
The Ancient Olympics
From Tufts University, This site provides the history of the Olympics, a tour of Olympia and stories of ancient Olympic athletes.
Bulfinch's Mythology
Rachel Cerami and Cristie Stafford found a terrific site on myths and fables. Organized by chapters. Look at chapters 15 - 33, in particular, for items related to Greek myths.
Encylopedia Mythica
Rachel Cerami and Cristie Stafford another found a terrific site on myths and fables. It is an encyclopedia on mythology, folklore and legend. Arranged alphabetically.
Exploring Ancient World Cultures
A wonderful set of links on Ancient Greece, set up in a timeline, including images; the focus is philosophy, architecture and art
The Ancient Greek World - Daily Life Index
From the University of Pennsylvania, this site has images and brief articles about Greek religion, the economy, the Olympics, and daily life in ancient Greece, with a short section Women's Life and Female Goddesses
Alexander the Great
Part of the University of Evansville ARGOS, this presents links to Alexander the Great's battles and life.
Alexander the Great Homepage
From Williams College, a series of short articles and images about Alexander's life and conquests.
Alexander the Great
From the History of Civilization class at Boise State University, comes a series of short articles on Alexander's life.
The Olympian Gods
This site, maintained by Laurel Bowman, puts you just two clicks away from images of each of the gods. Decide on the god or goddess you are seeking then click on their name, then on one of the image choices.
Gordian Knot
Encarta article
Map of the Conquests of Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great
Great links and pictures. Includes everything: Conquests and battles PLUS special sections on two of his cities [Egypt and Mesopotamia]. Also a section on the Hellenistic Era.
Alexander the Great History Project Home Page
Another great Alexander page: battles, timelines, PLUS special articles on the effects of Alexander [overall, in Egypt and in Syria].
The Ancient Greece Index
This site includes articles on Alexander the Great, the Acropolis, Aristotle, art, astronomy, Athens, Euclid, Gods, Homer [and the Illiad], Alexandria, mathematics, the olympics, plato, Pythagorius, science and more. A must see!
The Ancient Olympics
Short article on the origin or the games, the first events with a timeline of Olympic milestones, from 776BC to 394 AD.
Foundation of the Hellenistic World
Good information on the Ancient Greek world, that includes links to the Olypics, the Temple of Zeus, The Altar of Poseidon, and other wonderful 3D models of ancient Greek sites and stadiums.
History of the Olympic Games
A very good one-page article on the history of the ancient games.
Greek Pottery
Several very good images of greek ceramic art, but not too much explanation.
Greek Sculpture
Many excellent images of ancient greek sculpture, with brief explanations.
Possible Route of Odysseus
This site from the University of Oregon provides some wonderful graphics, including this map from Homer's time. Key to Places on Map
More on the Travel's of Odysseus
This thinkquest site has a nice series of pages regarding the travels of Homer's Odysseus
Perseus Project Homepage
From Tufts University, this is a digital library on Ancient Greece and Rome. An easy index includes art and archeology, texts and teaching tools. Includes mailing lists for teachers and beginning Greek.

The French Revolution

The French Revolution 1789-1792
Contains a superb linked timeline; each date goes to a clear site with at least one related image. In addition, there is a biography section that contains all the major players for 6 of the key events, with bios and pictures for person. McDougal Littell's
NetActivities: The French Revolution
Move your mouse over the picture and explore the different sights that are displayed, then clcik on 'start here' to test your knowledge.
McDougal Littell's NetActivities: links
Paris, March 1793 [The Vendee Insurrection]
This web site discusses the counter-revolution with excellent biographies, many of the decrees and press reports of the time, some maps, timelines, any pictures and a summary of activities in both Paris and the VENDEE REGION.
WEB MUSEUM: Paris: Revolution and restoration (1740-1860): France
View the art and images of the period.
The French Revolution timeline
A timeline of the Revolution from 1789 - 1799
The French Revolution home page
A collection of links and essays to the French Revolution. It includes bibliographies, essays of many of the leading figures, pictures and images, and the text ofmany of the French Revolution writings and pamphlets.
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen


The Declaration of the Rights of Woman and of the Citizen


Encyclopedia. com: Results for French Revolution
From gives excellent overview of the French Revoution, with links to all the key figures and events, as well as links to pictures and images of the Revolution.

The Industrial Revolution


Internet Modern History Sourcebook
This Fordham University project provides us with excellent links, text and essays in a simple outline format from very general to very specific
American Inventors and Inventions
The Smithsonian brings some of the American inventions since the patent office opened in 1790. Nice images and brief descriptions
I N N O V A T I O N: Revolutionary Changes in Industry
From W. Rodgers, Ph.D, of the Learning Associates, we have an excellent overview of the beginnings and developing applications of many of the inventions of the Industrial revolution, from the steam engine, to the gas engine, electricity, oil and steel technology to aviation and robotics. Their overview has an exceptional set of related links built in.
Short article on the Industrial Revolution with a few related links
Document Studies on The Industrial Revolution
from the History Department of the University of Hong Kong
Great info, lectures, tables and statistics
Industrial Revolutions homepage!
This page is a project of the University Scholars Industrial Revolutions class, fall 1998, at Washington and Lee University in Lexington, VA.
The works: pictures, essays, debates and definitions about and for the the Industrial Revolution
Industrial Revolution primary source documents
The History department of Hanover College provides several primary source document links
History of Economic Thought
The McMaster University Archive for the History of Economic includes both primary texts, studies of those texts and of their authors. For our immediate needs, it includes materials fro m Adam Smith, Toynbee, Marx and Malthus.
Child Labor
From Hartwick College, we have a quick article, graphic and link

European Imperialism


Women in Achebe's World
Discussions about contemporary women from Achebe's world
The Berlin Imperialist Conference, 1884-5
The European powers began showing a renewed interest in Africa. Their meetings resulted in the Berlin Act of 1885, which divided up the continent to suit their own interests.
Menelik II [1865-1896]
He successfully defended Ethiopia from the Italian aggression. This article gives some background to this period and event.
The Boer War [1899-1902]
"1999 marks the centenary of the Anglo-Boer War, which devastated the land for three years, pitting British troops against Boer commandos - with African fighters on both sides."
[Be sure to visit the here for images of the Anglo-Boer War.] 
The Americas
1492: An Ongoing Voyage
This exhibit focuses on the cultures of the Early Americas, the Mediterranean World of the 15th & 16th centuries, Christopher Columbus: man and myth, and the European claims in the western hemisphere.
The History of the Incas:
their achievements, geography and history
Join the team as they spend six weeks exploring Mesoamerica, searching for clues to the ancient Maya civilization and for secrets of the rainforest. Exquisite graphics and Maps of Mayan ruins, hieroglyphs, etc. plus newsletter, on-line interactive dialogue, CNN broadcast support.
1491 Internet scavenger hunt questions
provides a quick look and background build-up of the status of several of the cultures of Europe and the Americas before 1491.
[click here to download the scavenger hunt as a MS Word file]
Retanet Home Page
This Latin American data base, from the University of New Mexico, for secondary educators includes lessons plans and curricular materials about Latin America, the Spanish Caribbean and the U.. Southwest.

Asia (China and Japan)
100 Celebrated Chinese Women
As I have western schoolbooks on the history of China, I always wondered at the almost complete lack of mention of women. Well, not anymore. With exquisite art & articulate text, we have this site. It has completed 40 of the 100 stories to date. Must see!!
Female Heroes of Regions of the World
Created by author and historian, Lyn Reese, this site contains biographies of 10 Asian women who are considered central figures in an event or a period. They are "heroic" because of their abilities, achievements or qualities that helped define the age in which they lived.
Why Europe?
outline and table discussing a number of the considerations that led certain regions towards colonization and imperialism.
Two images of Zheng He's treasure ship that compare the sizes of China ['s ships to those of Columbus
Secret World of the Forbidden City

This Oakland Museum of CA exhibit, Secret World of the Forbidden City: Splendors from China's Imperial Palace allows a rare glimpse of the opulence and historical heritage of the Chinese imperial court under the Qing Dynasty (1644 - 1911).

The Abacus
History, how to use and one to practice with.
In Celebration of the Silk Road
An excellent and extensive 6th or 7th grade simulation unit and lessons on the Silk Road, complete with handouts, charts and an extensive linked bibliography. Created by Gail Desler, Pleasant Valley Middle School, Placerville, Ca
Kite Flier's Site
Kites: histories, events and detailed instructions-a very comprehensive set of kite related links.
Internet Archive of Text and Documents:
The Internet Archive of Texts and Documents is a creation of faculty and students in the History Department of Hanover College [Indiana]. The principal goal of the Archive is to make primary texts and secondary sources on the internet available to students and faculty for use in history and humanity classes.

If you should have additions to these links, that you have used in your classrooms, please forward your contribution to Barry Sovel.

[last updated: 4 December, 2001 ]

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