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Quick Write [QW] Rubric







Clear Opening

  • Introduces the general subject or theme
  • provides definition and/or understanding of the material to be discussed

The Example

  • Strong introductory sentence [tell me what you are going to do]
  • The example is clearly connected to the QW topic, as well as the assigned reading and class discussion
  • The example is real and specific

The Explanation [closing statement]

  • Explains how your example connects to the QW topic
  • Clear evidence, facts and dates support the chosen example
  • Clearly written, correct spelling
  • Shows some of the consequences of the example

You have posed the question; You have given me evidence. Be sure to answer the question: '…so what is the big deal!' What are the consequences? How does this support the opening/thesis/theme?



Same as above, except the opening, example or explanation contains some of the following conditions:

  1. Writer provides additional information or examples w/out supporting evidence
  2. Evidence is too general or vague references
  3. Awkward sentences, poor spelling or grammar
  4. Explanation does not clearly connect example to the original question or demonstrate the consequences of the example
  1. Very general example, with limited evidence OR
  2. Explanation is too vague or simply restates the opening or the example
  1. Example has limited evidence which is not well connected
  2. Explanation does not connect example to the QW topic
  1. Only contains a general example, without clear evidence
  2. Does not contain related evidence to support example
  3. No explanation

Example and explanation do not clearly connect to the assignment’s targeted QW topic or reading