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last revised 9 November 2000

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Ancient China

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All work must be turned in by November 21, 2000

Required Assignment
Activity Menu Sheet
Internet Link Support

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[note: the Activity Menu may also be accessed in its portion of this web page]

You are responsible for doing the following assignments. This is a self-paced unit. A portion of each class will be available for these assignments. You will choose from the "other activities" menu, as well as the required assignments to add up the scores needed for the different grades. Spelling counts. You must pick at least one item from each of the groups I. - IV. on the Ancient China Activity Menu sheet.

All students will be required to complete the chapter review questions shown below and one of the map assignments, in order to qualify for at least a "C" grade.

The grading scale is, based on the total points you earn, as follows:

A to A- = 250 - 225

C+ to C- = 199 - 175

B+ to B- = 224 - 200

D+ to D- = 170 - 150


Required Assignments

Textbook and chapter review questions: read each of the following lessons and answer the listed review questions

Chapter 4, lesson 1: pages 69 - 72

Do review questions #3, 4

(10 points)

Chapter 4, lesson 2: pages 73 - 76

Do review questions #3, 4, 5

(15 points)

Chapter 4, lesson 3: pages 76 - 80

Do review questions #4, 5, 6

(15 points)

Chapter 4, lesson 4: pages 81 - 84

Do review questions #2, 3

(10 points)

Chapter 4, lesson 5: pages 84 - 87

Do review questions #2, 4

(10 points)

Chapter 12, lesson 1: pages 275 - 280

Do review questions #3, 5, 6

(15 points)

Chapter 12, lesson 2: pages 281 - 283

Do review questions #3, 4, 5

(15 points)

Map: complete one of the following maps ( you may use the map outline on the supply table):


  • Show the Mongol Empire as it existed under Genghis Khan, his four sons, and Kublai Khan. Be sure to show the four Khanates. Label the Caspian Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Aral Sea, Sea of Japan, Red Sea, Arabian Sea, Persian Gulf, Pacific Ocean, East China Sea, South China Sea and Yellow Sea (25 points)
  • Using the boundaries of present day China, show the regions ruled under each of the following dynasties: Shang, Zholi, Chin and Han. Be sure to list the years that each dynasty ruled. Show and label the Huang He and Chang Jiang Rivers, The Great Wall of China (when appropriate), the city of Luoyang and the path of the Silk Road (25 points)

Return the signed note form from your parents that they have received the assignment and individual activity score sheet, so they may help you track your assignment scores (5 points)


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You may choose activities from the following list. All activities are given in maximum point values, which means that you can earn up to that many points, based on the quality, depth and range of your work. You may not repeat an activity.

Remember that you must choose at least one item from each of the groups I., II., III. and IV.

I. Write:

  1. The Chinese invented/developed several items that not only changed the world are of the past, but also still affect us today. One of these was an inexpensive process to produce paper. Select 4 of these inventions and write at least two paragraphs on each. Include about when they were developed and why they were important.
    (20 points)
  2. Do a report on a woman who made a significant contribution during the historical periods reviewed. Illustrate it with a picture or other related image.
    (45 points)
  3. If you had an opportunity to go to live at one of the Chinese emperor's courts, would you? If yes, describe which one and what your life would have been like?
    (15 points)
  4. Think about the achievements of one of the people discussed in these chapters. Try to decide how history might have been changed had that person never lived. Explain in detail.
    (20 points)
  5. Pretend that you are a horse in one of the Mongol armies. Write from the horse's point of view. Tell me why you would be important and how you helped the Mongol's conquer so many lands.
    (15 points)
  6. Pretend that you are Marco Polo. Choose five ideas or observations that hemight have put into his travel diary. Share these diary pages with me. Thewriting style must be in keeping with the character and times.
    (30 points)
  7. Describe something in the Ancient China readings that made you change your mind about something. Tell why.
    (10 points)
  8. Describe a difficult situation one of the real life characters has experienced. How would you behave in such a situation?
    (15 points)
  9. Choose an issue that you think one of the characters in your readings would felt strongly about. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper as that person. Be sure define and describe the issue and the facts related to it. Keep in mind the time period and the thinking of the times.
    (20 points)
  10. Write a "Dear Abby" letter that one of the historical characters might have written.
    (10 points)
  11. The Mongol's of Genghis Khan did not have a written language. Therefore, all writing about these invaders was done by those that they attacked. Discuss how you think this may have influenced our present day viewpoints of Genghis Khan and the Mongol's.
    (20 points)
  12. When we look at maps that show the territories of the Han, Tang and Ming dynasties, why does the western portion always look like an arm or dumbbell, rather than just a widening out into the West?
    (15 points)

II. List:

  1. Make a timeline of the 10 major Chinese dynasties that existed before a revolution drove out the last emperor in 1911. Be sure to show the beginning and end.
    (15 points)
  2. Make a list of ten new words and definitions (no proper nouns)
    (10 points)
  3. Using a Venn diagram, compare and contrast the three major belief systems of China (Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism).
    (30 points)
  4. Make a pictorial timeline that covers events from two consecutive dynasties
    (20 points)
  5. Create a bibliography with at least 3 books, periodicals and/or websites that have poetry from the Tang or Song periods [cannot use the textbook or my Internet list as one]. Be sure to list the Author, Title, publisher, where published, year published, pages referred to. Include a copy of one of the poems you like best.
    (15 points)
  6. Make a timeline showing at least 9 Chinese inventions. Write one paragraph on each invention that includes information about when it was invented, why it was important and how much later it was invented in Europe.
    (25 points)
  7. Marco Polo left Venice when he was 17 and went to the Middle East and then China. After 20 years in China, he returned home to Venice. If you were Marco Polo, what gifts would you have brought back from China for your family? Explain.
    (10 points)

III. Presentation:

  1. With one or two other students, create a written script and 4 minute presentation to the class about the strength's and weaknesses of Kublai Khan's takeover of theSong Dynasty. Give teacher a finished draft of your script
    (40 points)
  2. Orally summarize one entire lesson [from the chapters] and present it to the class
    (15 points)
  3. Write a poem that might have been written during the Song or Tang dynasties
    (20 points)
  4. Copy your favorite passage of all that you read on this unit and comment on it.
    (10 points)
  5. Read a Chinese fable to the class (let Mr. Sovel review it first)
    (15 points)

IV. Picture:

  1. Design a bookmark that promotes something from Ancient China's past.
    (5 points)
  2. Create a movie poster and promotion for one of the dynasties or events in these chapters. Cast the major characters from that time with real actresses or actors from today. Write a promotion piece about the movie that would persuade me to want to see it. Paper is available from the teacher.
    (25 points)
  3. Using calligraphy, show at least 10 Chinese characters and what they mean. Then create 2 new characters, built from the regular characters, that create 2 new words or ideas. Explain them.(see pg. 76: Early Civilizations & teacher handouts for help) (20 points)
  4. Make a map that shows the Great Canal. Attach an explanation as to why it was important and what it took to build it.
    (20 points)
  5. Make a "wanted" poster for one of the historical characters. Include the following: (a) a drawing of the person (b) a physical description (c) the person's misdeeds (d) other info about the person that you think is important (e) the reward offered.
    (15 points)
  6. Design a poster that Emperor Wen might have wanted to use to help him in unifying the Chinese Empire. Be sure to include names, a catchy slogan and something visual. Be sure to keep it in character.
    (20 points)
  7. Draw a picture that shows some of the major cultural, political or economic achievements from one of the following dynasties: Sui, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming or Qing. Attach an explanation as to what you chose and explain why.
    (15 points)
  8. Design two or three greeting cards that might have come from the Tang or Song periods.
    (25 points)
  9. Color in one of the pictures Mr. Sovel has on supply table
    (5 points)

V. Activity:

  1. Make-up Jeopardy questions and answers for two categories (each with values from $100 to $500) related to the history events, religion, culture, inventions or dynasties of China (this may include the Mongols)
    (20 points)
  2. Create a crossword puzzle from vocabulary and events in these chapters
    (25 points)
  3. Choose a popular song, past or present, that could be considered one of the mainhistorical characters or periods theme song. Write down the lyrics and explainwhy they describe your choice.
    (40 points)

VI. Large Project:

  1. Create a newspaper that chronicles Genghis Khan, his four sons and his grandson, Kublai Khan, This should include a variety of news articles, lead story, advice column, ads and illustrations
    (75 points)
  2. Make a relief map that illustrates the route of the Silk Road. Be sure to include the geographic features of the regions involved. Label the empires, rivers, mountain ranges, etc. Color-code the elevations.
    (50 points)
  3. Make an actual Chinese kite. Make sure that it is illustrated appropriately.
    (60 points)
  4. Make a travel brochure about the Great Wall as a historic monument and tourist attraction. Be sure to discuss the different stages of construction, by whom, its length, the pros & cons of its construction and how effective it was [or wasn't].
    (35 points)
  5. Make a scale model of a Zheng Ho's sailing Junk or of the Forbidden City in Beijing
    (55 points)

VII. Other:

Design and propose a project/activity or your won. Write up and present your idea to Mr. Sovel. We will determine the point value together.


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Internet sites that support the activities menu

Electronic Passport to Ancient China
Wonderful, wonderful site. Lists all the dynasties, good info about each, covers the major believf systems, articles on Marco Polo, the Silk Road, The Mongols, Genghis Khan and the Mongols. it is as if they read our Activity Menu.
Chinese Culture
A wonderful overview of Ancient China, this site contains terrific links, with images and maps, about the Silk Road, Ancient religions and the Chinese Calendar [with what each of the animal; symbols stand for.
100 Celebrated Chinese Women
As I have western schoolbooks on the history of China, I always wondered at the almost complete lack of mention of women. Well, not anymore. With exquisite art & articulate text, we have this site. It has completed 40 of the 100 stories to date. Must see!!
Female Heroes of Regions of the World
Created by author and historian, Lyn Reese, this site contains biographies of 10 Asian women who are considered central figures in an event or a period. They are "heroic" because of their abilities, achievements or qualities that helped define the age in which they lived.
Why Europe?
outline and table discussing a number of the considerations that led certain regions towards colonization and imperialism.
Two images of Zheng He's treasure ship that compare the sizes of China ['s ships to those of Columbus]
The Great Chinese Mariner Zheng He [Cheng Ho]
All about Zheng He and his voyages, with wonderful pictures and images.

The Abacus

History, how to use and one to practice with.
A Short History of the Silk Road
Excellent range of information of its history, the caravans that used it and the fall of the Silk Road.
In Celebration of the Silk Road
An excellent site with clear maps and simple text, we have this site which provides the history of the Silk Road, linking the Mediterranean to China.
The Silk Road, in pictures
This Photo Journey of the Silk Road, put together by Oliver Wild of Cambridge University, this shows what the Silk Road actually looked like.
Genghis Khan Exhibit
Primarily promotes the Royal British Columbia Museum's exhibition of "Empires beyond the Wall: Genghis Khan." Includes some very nice graphics, as well as some brief introductory material regarding Genghis Khan
Peter's Kite Site [Kite Plans on the Internet]
This Dutch Kite Ring site owned by Peter Peters is the one. So many actual kite design plans and models, available free. Click on single line kites and have a ball.
Traditional Chinese Kites
Go to this commercial site by Pan Chinakie and click on OUR PRODUCTS. This will allow you close-up views of many excellent kite models.

Pictures of Chinese Kites

Wonderful pictures from 1999 kite tours of China. Great ideas for your projects. Be sure to click on the links of Lianyungang , Weifang and Beijing.
Kites from China
Although this site is for kites for sale, it contains wonderful pictures that can model for your projects.

Kite Flier's Site

Kites: histories, events and detailed instructions-a very comprehensive set of kite related links.
Splendors of Imperial China
From the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, this site provides beautiful images of sculpture, ceramics and art from Imperial China, plus more.
China Paintings Gallery
View exquisite Chinese paintings to get a better idea of both life and culture in Ancient China.
Portraits of Chinese Emperors
Historical paintings from the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties.
Stories and Parables from China
Short stories and tales.
Ancient Chinese Fables
Kayla found a great site for more fables.
China's Major Religions
A cear, brief history and explanation of China's three major religions: Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism.

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