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last revised 2 November 2000

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Unit Project for

The French Revolution:

Historical Scrapbook and Oral Presentation

en espanol

The Assignment
Sovel: November 16, 2000
Beebout: December 4
Internet Link Support

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  1. Historical Scrapbook [150 points]
    You will design and create a scrapbook that might have been kept by someone during the French Revolution [You may apply to Mr. Sovel, by October 26, to work with ONE partner.] This scrapbook will reflect historical and academic research that takes us through
    • YOUR participation in the various stages of the Revolution.
    • It will cover YOUR experiences from 1789 to the end of Napoleon's reign in 1815.
    • You will select an actual historical figure or create a 'composite' character [someone or something that would be able to tell the story covering the entire 26 year period] based on historical accounts of people who experienced the French Revolution.
  2. Your historical scrapbook will have the following components:
    • An appropriate title
    • An introductory page [preface, prologue, etc.]
    • Illustrations/photos/artifacts, etc. that are appropriate to the time period and in proper historical context. Each item should be accompanied by a short description of that item's relevance or significance.
    • Ten journal entries covering the period 1789&emdash;1815 which discuss and refer to major events and people of the French Revolution. The journal entries should be sure to include:
      (A) conditions before the revolution began
      (B) Estates General/National Assembly
      (C) Bastille/Women’s march on Versailles
      (D) French Republic/anarchy in the streets
      (E) War with Europe/Napoleon’s rise
      (F) Napoleon’s fall and the Congress of Vienna
    • A closing page [conclusion, epilogue, etc.]
    • A bibliography of at least 5 sources [but no more than 2 Internet sources].
    • The finished product should be at least 10 pages.
    • The physical size of the finished scrapbook is up to you.
  3. Oral Presentation [20 points]
  4. In addition to the historical scrapbook, you will plan and deliver an oral presentation that addresses one of the essential questions of the unit. You will deliver a persuasive speech, monologue or interpretative speech. You have the option of giving the speech as a character in your scrapbook or as yourself. Either way, the speech should be between 2&emdash;3 minutes in length. You will be given a rubric which will provide you with the elements required for your speaking presentation.

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The French Revolution 1789-1792
Contains a superb linked timeline; each date goes to a clear site with at least one related image. In addition, there is a biography section that contains all the major players for 6 of the key events, with bios and pictures for person. McDougal Littell's
Electric Passport: The French Revolution
Good information and pictures.
NetActivities: The French Revolution
Move your mouse over the picture and explore the different sights that are displayed, then clcik on 'start here' to test your knowledge.
McDougal Littell's NetActivities: links
Paris, March 1793 [The Vendee Insurrection]
This web site discusses the counter-revolution with excellent biographies, many of the decrees and press reports of the time, some maps, timelines, any pictures and a summary of activities in both Paris and the VENDEE REGION.
WEB MUSEUM: Paris: Revolution and restoration (1740-1860): France.
View the art and images of the period.
The French Revolution timeline
A timeline of the Revolution from 1789 - 1799
The French Revolution home page
A collection of links and essays to the French Revolution. It includes bibliographies, essays of many of the leading figures, pictures and images, and the text ofmany of the French Revolution writings and pamphlets.
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
The Declaration of the Rights of Woman and of the Citizen
Encyclopedia. com: Results for French Revolution
From gives excellent overview of the French Revoution, with links to all the key figures and events, as well as links to pictures and images of the Revolution.




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