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A few more links for Hyperstudio enthusiasts and support for both classroom presentations and stack resources:


Roger Wagner Publishing

The homepage of Hyperstudio's creator


HyperStudio Updates File Download page

Update your versions 3.0X up to v. 3.3 here


Hyperstudio Plug-in for the Internet Download page

Remember that you must also have the Export Webpage Extra installed


HyperStudio & Tessellations in Color

[lesson by Suzanne Alejandre] HyperStudio is a program that is good to use with students because it is so open-ended. With a few preliminary reminders, it will be quite easy to complete the directions given on the HyperStudio & Tessellation pages. Everything you need is here, in 10 easy steps, as well as info about the math and the some great HS tips.

Online examples of Hyperstudio on the Internet

Pythagorean Theory [http://www.sonic.net/bantam1/pythag.stk.html]
Andy's Poem [http://k-12.pisd.edu/Students/ANDYPOEM.STK]

Hyperstudio Journal Stack Library

Download animations and NBA's just for Hyperstudio. Well Worth exploring for the serious user of Hyperstudio in the classroom.


Hyperstudio Lessons and Ideas

Download useful hyperstudio stacks and clip art. Includes student examples and how to activities, as well as lessons for grades 3 - 9.



PhotoShare is a photographic image library for teachers and students to use in their multimedia projects. The PhotoShare images have been collected from a variety of sources and continues to change daily. The image quality varies depending on the source material.



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this page was last updated 2 September 2000

Barry Sovel