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Please send inquiries and suggestions to Barry Sovel
[January 18, 2000]
I. Watersheds: [You will need a pencil and paper for this activity.]
To prepare for this activity, you must read all of the instruction before moving ahead.
1. Your group is going to propose a watershed activity or project idea to your class.
In order to do this, you must be able to describe what a Watershed is. Click on Watershed and write down a description, then click on BACK until you have returned to this page; then go to
instruction 2.
2. Are there any Watershed Projects going on at a school in your County?
Click on school or here and see. If there is, write down the name, address and phone number of one of the schools. You may be able to find some interesting ideas by contacting them.Then click on BACK until you have returned to this page; then go to instruction 3.If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area or Northern California, you can find a school that is already involved in some projects. If you live near San Francisco, you can find some information about activities here.
3. What kind of projects do you think that they may be involved in?
What kind of questions do you think you might ask them? Perhaps we need to keep expanding our idea of what a watershed is. Click on expanding and write down some more elements of how a watershed might affect us, who and what it affects, and some simple projects that you might be able to be involved with. Then click on BACK until you have returned to this page; then go to instruction 4.
II. Population [You will need a pencil and paper for this activity.] |
To prepare for this activity, you must read all of the instruction before moving ahead.
1. What is the world's population right now?
Click on now, write down the time and population count, then click on BACK until you have returned to this page; then go to instruction 2.
2. Does the death rate offset the birth rate?
In any given country, how does international migration affect this balance? Is there a gain or loss? Click rate and write down the answers as it regards the United States. Then click on BACK until you have returned to this page; then go to instruction 3.
3. What is the world's population right now?
Click on now, write down the time and population count, then click on BACK until you have returned to this page; then go to instruction 4.
4. Go to the AltaVista search engine and enter the words population +immigration.
Find three sites and write a one paragraph description about something you find interesting, in each of them, about population. Be sure to write down the sites address [URL]. Then click on BACK until you have returned to this page; then go to instruction 5.
5. What is the world's population right now?
Click on now, write down the time and population count, then click on BACK until you have returned to this page; then go to instruction 6.
III. AIDS [You will need a pencil and paper for this activity.]
To prepare for this activity, you must read all of the instruction before moving ahead to its link.
1. You are going to help me investigate Teens and AIDS.
Do you think this is really a problem for straight young people? Click on people and go to the Lenape High School Student Newspaper and write in the word AIDS in their search box. Find an article which may answer the question. Write down your response, then click on BACK until you have returned to this page; then go to instruction 2.
2. ...but is this really about teens like you and your friends?
Click on friends and summarize the key facts and ideas in this article. Write down your response, then click on BACK until you have returned to this page; then go to instruction 3.
3. It seems hard to know what to believe about AIDS and how we get it.
Click on believe and write your point of view about what they have to say about becoming infected. Then click on BACK until you have returned to this page; then go to instruction 4.
4. The student newspaper of Los Altos [CA] had this to say about testing for AIDS.
Click on testing, then click on BACK until you have returned to this page; then go to instruction 5.
Simple Navigational Technique
When using Netscape as your browser, you or your students may want to set up your HOME command to work as follows. In this way, clicking HOME will always return your students to the lesson at hand.
Please send your suggestions, ideas or problems to Barry Sovel