n2mail: lesson 1

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Opening an n2mail Email Account


  1. Open Netscape, go to the FILE pull down menu to OPEN LOCATION.
  2. Enter the address: http://www.n2mail.com
  3. When the n2mail homepage comes up, click on SIGN UP HERE
  4. Read the agreement and click on I accept, then complete the n2mail registration.
  5. Suggestion: Make your Login name the first initial of your name and then your last name, such as bsovel [if this login name is already taken, keep trying other easy combinations]
  6. Keep the password simple, such as the last four digits of your telephone number



  7. complete the rest of registration form
  8. Complete registration confirmation page
  9. you will be asked to make a frames or no frames choice. Say yes to FRAMES if you are using a Mac PPC or Pentium PC.
  10. click OK
  11. Although you may sign up for any of the services offered, for today, just scroll to bottom of the page and click CONTINUE.
  12. You are now at your n2mail Email Page Inbox. [CLICK HERE] for a quick overview of the opening page]


n2mail's opening page

This is the page that will come up, from now on, whenever you open up [enter] your n2mail.com email account.

  • stay on this page, READ MAIL, to read your messages

  • go to WRITE MAIL to send an email message

  • to send an ATTACHMENT with an email, click HERE

Remember this simple EMAIL ETIQUETTE:

  • you must enter a complete email address in the To: box;
    unless you are entering a name from your address book

  • it is best to always enter a topic in the subject box;
    this is a courtesy for the recipient of your email

  • scroll down to the body [the big box] to put in your message

  • when you have finished and signed your message, click SEND in the upper left portion of the window

  • remember: check your spelling and sign your name [in the body of the message];

  • you can send to multiple recipients by putting in an email address, then a comma, then the next email address and so on

  • go to READ MAIL if you want to see if you have any new mail:
    n2mail automatically checks for new messages

  • Your mail is shown under Subject as a highlighted or hotlinked title.
    Click on the highlighted word(s) and it opens that message.
    To return to check other mail, click READ MAIL again.

NOW, send an email to two other people in the room, with a cc. to yourself. It may take a few minutes for it to arrive.

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this page was updated on April 17, 1999

Barry Sovel © 1999