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last revised 31 January 2001

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Sovel Classroom Rules and Routines

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Class Rules and Procedures

Be here and Be here on time

Much of what we will do each is set up and discussed in the first 5 minutes of class. Discussions and other class experiences, such as simulations, cannot be made up.

Come to class prepared:

Bring your class materials with you everyday. Come to class having completed your homework and be prepared to participate.

Treat everyone with respect; expect to be treated with respect

This means everything from raising your hands before you speak, to how you address others. It is NEVER okay to be rude, to ridicule, make fun of or disrespect anyone in anyway. No physical horseplay will be accepted in the classroom, even with friends.

Follow instructions:

Just do it.

Other technicalities:

  • No Candy
  • Homework and projects are due at the beginning of class
  • No sunglasses or headsets or hood's in class
  • I really, really, really dislike tardiness and classroom disruptions; please do not…


Mr. Sovel’s email:


Materials you will need
  •  Spiral notebooks
  • Plenty of college-ruled paper
  • 3 X 5 index cards
  • yellow felt marker
  • #2 pencils for scantron tests
  • Blue or black pens [no red]
Types of Assignments
  • Class work
    notes, activity handouts, etc.
  • Homework
    chapter reviews, reading notes, returned assignments, etc.
  • Expect homework everyday
  • Notebook Journal entries
Extra Help
Grade Ranges

A = 90 - 100% B = 80 - 89.9%

C = 70 - 79.9% D = 60 - 69.9%

F = less than 60%

Late work
  • Work is late if not turned in at the beginning of class on the due date
  • Minus 20% of the possible score if tuned in by the beginning of the next class meeting after due date
  • Minus 50% after this time


Grade Determination

 The most important factors in being a successful student are consistent effort, the willingness to work hard and the commitment to improve.

Your grades will be based on the total points. The categories and approximate percentages are:

Class work 20%
This includes daily responses and other in-class activities.
Homework & quizzes 35%
Exhibitions/Projects 40%
This includes exams, essays, presentations and projects.
Participation 5%
Extra credit Ø%
I rarely offer any extra credit. You do not ever want to count it for any part of your grade.
Make-up for Absences

It is very difficult to do well in this class if you are absent.

Work due the day of an absence is due the day that you return.

On the day you return from an absence, it is your responsibility to come to the classroom computer, go to the class computer homework page on the Internet and copy down both the class activities and homework from the day(s) you were absent.

Make-up for unverified or unexcused absences are at the teachers discretion.

All major assignments must be turned in on the date due, even if you are out that day with an excused absence.