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Saving and transferring Word files
between Mac and PC

  1. Because the Mac can both read and write to PC file formats, it can serve as a vehicle to move files back and forth. All you need is:
    1. a Mac
    2. a PC
    3. a PC formatted diskette
    4. a file title that can be read by a PC
  2. If you do not already have a PC formatted diskette, just follow the directions at Step 1 [below]. You must use a Mac to create a PC formatted disk.
  3. It is important to understand that this process is best for transferring files only. If you plan to work on or modify these files, do the editing on the actual computer that you are going to be working with; not while the file is on the disk.
    1. For example, you create a file at school on a PC. You SAVE it while it is on the PC. When you are finished, you COPY it onto a PC formatted diskette and take it home.
    2. At home, you have a Mac.
      You must COPY it onto your Mac BEFORE you begin to make any additions or other changes to the file.
    3. When you are done, you must SAVE it on the Mac before copying [transferring] it back onto the diskette.
    4. The same is true in moving from a Mac to PC. SAVE while on computer, COPY to PC formatted diskette, TRANSFER to the PC. Begin your work.
The key is to realize that the diskette is just a transfer device.

 Step 1: formatting a diskette to a PC format

Note: this step must be done on a Mac


  • Locate your disk icon on the Mac Desktop
  • Click on the once, so that it is highlighted
  • Go to the pull down menu item SPECIAL, click and hold
  • Highlight Erase Disk and let go of mouse


  • Place your cursor on the format arrows
  • Click, hold, highlight the phrase DOS 1.4 MB
  • Let go of the mouse

  • Click in the Erase box
  • Follow the instructions as they appear, until it has been 'formatted' as a PC disk
  • Your disk icon, on the desktop, will now have a PC on it

This is the disk you will now use to transfer your materials


Step 2: Saving the file so it may be read by a PC

  1.  Go to the pull down menu item FILE
  2. Highlight SAVE AS and the following window appears

With a MS Word file, make sure the tag that follows the one word title is followed by the tag .doc or .rtf

  • Click and hold on the Save File as Type: box
  • As a variety of choices appear
  • Highlight Rich Text Format, then release the mouse
  • Click on the Save command


You now have a file that can be read and saved by both a Mac and a PC.


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last updated 11 February 2000