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Intro to MS Word:

Ruler and Tabs

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You will find the ruler under the pull down menu VIEW.

Once highlighted [checked], it will appear on your page both horizontally [on top of] and vertically [along the left-hand side].

The ruler contains several useful functions:

  • it shows the current page margins
  • it shows the indent and tab settings for each paragraph
  • it shows the margins for table cells and for columns
  • it contains the 'tools' for setting the indent and tab choices

Identifying the 'tools' of the ruler:

This upper indent marker determines where the first line of a paragraph begins.

The lower indent marker determines where all the subsequent lines, other than the first line, of a paragraph wrap [line-up].

The ruler is also the resting place for manually placing the different types of tabs. The tab marker choice icon is located in the upper left-hand corner of your page [where the two rulers meet].

You may select your tab choice by

  1. slowly clicking on the tab marker choice icon on the left-hand side of the ruler OR
  2. going to the pull down menu item FORMAT and highlighting TAB. A TAB window opens and you then can select from the alignment choices.

Right Justified
Left Justified
Center Justified
Decimal Justified
All text moves out to the right of the tab mark.
All text moves out to the left of the tab mark.
All text moves centered on the tab mark.
All text lines up on the decimal point. Best used on multiple lines.

Once you have selected the type of tab choice you want to use, you may select its position on your line by:

  1. placing your cursor on the point on the ruler you want it and clicking once OR
  2. opening the TAB window and putting in the 'tab stop position' number, such as 2.5 inches]. After choosing the setting, click OK [in the lower right-hand corner of the TAB window].

You may choose a tab leader by double clicking on the the tab mark on the ruler or by going to the pull down menu item FORMAT and highlighting TAB


Send questions or feedback to Barry Sovel

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last updated 11 February 2000