Roman & Digital + Seconds
Ever wanted a really weird clock? Take one of the oldest ways of counting, roman numerals, and make it digital. Better yet, make setting the time a "tilt" game. Tilt the clock far 60° counter clock wise (CCW) and the fast set is active. Tilt 30° CCW and the slow set is active. Tilt 60° CW and the seconds reset to zero for accurate setting. Best yet, the manufacturer, Harry Landis gives you his own private lifetime warranty as long as he lives send in the clock with $5 and he'll repair and return. For you techies, the electrical schematic is glued inside.
The case is mahogany.
Display: Long life, RED light emitting diodes.
Power: 120VAC, 60Hz
Dimensions: 18-1/4" Long, 4-3/8" High, 2-7/8" Deep.
Warranty: See above.
To order by phone or ask questions call Harry Landis at 508-285-7568