Welcome to Windsor Senior Computer User's Group

We have the following activities in the computer arena at the Windsor Senior Center in Windsor - Please call the Windsor Senior Center at 838-1250 to register for workshops. Note some workshops are Hands-On and others are not. See the Town of Windsor Recreation Program Bulletin for details of workshops. The Computer Users Group is a very informal group of computer enthusiasts and anyone who is interested in computers is welcome. There is a wide variety of experience. Come and share experiences and network and learn about resources.
This web site was updated 9/1/11
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Activities for Senior Center Computing Group

Activities for September,  2011 - October,  2011 
September 12, 2011, Monday Computer User's Group 
1:00 - 2:00 PM Questions/Answers
2:00 - 4:00 PM Program - Ms Mary Rotman, Publicist, O'Reilly Media, Sebastopol, CA will discuss/demonstrate "Social Networking: The Nuts and Bolts of Facebook, Twitter and Google+". She will also discuss Internet privacy/security as it applies to Social Networking.        Come, enjoy, learn and network. Bring your questions. We are very fortunate to have such a knowledgeable speaker.
September 26, 2011, Monday
2:00 - 4:00 PM
Computer Help - Drop in - at the Senior Center, first come/ first serve basis. Receive a one-on-one opportunity to get help on problems, questions, projects. 
October 10, 2011, Monday Computer User's Group 
1:00 - 2:00 PM Questions/Answers
2:00 - 4:00 PM Program and Speaker to be announced.
October 17, 2011, Monday
1:00 - 4:00 PM
Hands-on Computer Workshop - Introduction to Computers.
Instructor: Donna Crawford
Pre-registration is required by the Thursday preceding class.
October 24, 2011, Monday
2:00 - 4:00 PM
Computer Help - Drop in - at the Senior Center, first come/ first serve basis. Receive a one-on-one opportunity to get help on problems, questions, projects. 
Past Newsletters - August, 2011 backwards to September, 2010
August 8, 2011 Computer User's Group 
Program - Dana Hom, Co-Owner and Computer Specialist, Computer Solutions USA, Windsor discussed/demonstrated "Computer Security - Staying Safe" Thanks to Dana for a great presentation.       .
The agenda can be seen by clicking
July 11, 2011 Computer User's Group 
Program - Ross Guistino, Computer Consultant and System Administrator, Healdsburg, discussed/demonstrated "Your files - where did they go - and how to organize them." He also talked a little about what he does as a "Computer Guy" on his day job. Thanks to Ross for a great presentation.       .
The agenda can be seen by clicking
June 13, 2011 Computer User's Group 
Program - Program - Seth Maybee, Computer Technical Specialist at Best Buy, Santa Rosa, and Agent Link discussed/demonstrated "The Connected World". They also discussed mobile devices such as Tablets, Cell phones and mobile broadband (internet) cards. Thanks to Seth and Agent LInk for a great presentation.
The agenda can be seen by clicking
May 9, 2011 Computer User's Group 
Program - Mr. Dick Weston, member of Santa Rosa Photographic Society, and accomplished photo editor using several different software programs, discussed/demonstrated "Overview of Digital Photo-Editing".   He also reviewed the basics and gave us some new techniques. Thanks to Dick for a great presentation.
The agenda can be seen by clicking
April 11, 2011 Computer User's Group 
Program - Program - Program - Mr. Al Loebel, Computer Specialist Healdsburg Senior Center, discussed/demonstrated "Windows 7 Overview". Thanks to Al for a great presentation.
The agenda can be seen by clicking
March 14, 2011 Computer User's Group 
Program - Program - Mr. Wayne Till, Retired Brd of Dir. NCMUG, Long-time Apple User and Sig leader, discussed/demonstrated "Why I am a Big Mac Fan " Thanks to Wayne for a great presentation.
The agenda can be seen by clicking
February 14, 2011 Computer User's Group 
Program - Program - Mr. Jesse McMinn and Mr. David Brown, Internet Specialists from Sonic.net, ISP, Santa Rosa, discussed/demonstrated "An Update on the Future of Internet Technology, Including Sonic.net's plans." Thanks to Jesse and David for a great presentation.
The agenda can be seen by clicking
January 10, 2011 Computer User's Group 
Program - Program - Craig Woodworth, Acting Chief Investigator, Lake County District Attorney's Office, discussed/demonstrated "Update on Computer Crime and Identity Theft, Including How to Keep your Computer Safe". Thanks to Craig for a very interesting presentation.
The agenda can be seen by clicking
December 13, 2010 Computer User's Group 
Program - Because of last minute cancelation by speakers, we had a program of "Our Own Show & Tell and Online Shopping - How, Where and Why". Thanks to all who participated.
The agenda can be seen by clicking
November 8, 2010 Computer User's Group 
Program - Mr. Tony Hoskins, Head Librarian Genealogy Santa Rosa Library, discussed/demonstrated "Online Genealogy Methods." Thanks to Tony.
The agenda can be seen by clicking
October 11, 2010 Computer User's Group 
Program - Our speakers were not available for today. We discussed several questions sent in by members regarding computer crime. Then we overviewed OpenOffice.
The agenda can be seen by clicking
September 13, 2010 Computer User's Group 
Program - Mr. Tim McAllister, Computer Specialist Red Condor, Inc. - St. Bernard, discussed/demonstrated “Social Networking and Email Security". Thanks to Tim.       .
The agenda can be seen by clicking
August 9, 2010 Computer User's Group 
Program - Mrs. Donna Crawford, Retired Computer Specialist and Computer Educator, discussed/ demonstrated "Introduction to Photoshop Elements - Photo Editing Software". Thanks to Donna.       .

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You can send email via donna@sonic.net

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