Week 2

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Well, I'm officially one week old today, and I'm finally getting comfortable in my new home:

I'm also branching out in my wardrobe choices.  Here, I'm modeling some sheep slippers all the way from New Zealand (or is it Australia?) (Thanks, Kay!)

And here, I'm wearing one of the latest Mommies in Sonoma County!

And here I am sleeping in one of my Spring Collection onesies.  Don't I look just too cute in yellow?  And the Wild Child pacifier portrays my inner child even when it doesn't look like it...

In case you haven't met them, here's my parents.  What are they so happy about anyway?  (I think it must be sleep deprivation kicking in.)

This is how I let people know that I'm hungry.  My motto is "Open and Lunge!"

Today I'm trying out my new bouncer for the first time.  I like all the animals keeping watch over me.

Now that I'm almost two (Ed. Note: 2 weeks old), I like to contemplate the meaning of life like grownups.

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