A San Diego Landlord - Captain Henry Delano Fitch


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Josefa and the Grants -- Josefa Fitch (seated at right) with her daughter Anita (center) and J.D. Grant family. Josefa is said to have resembled her daughter Anita in her younger days. -- albumen photo, Healdsburg Museum

The names of the people are noted on the back of the photo by Alma Grant: 

The boy standing - Ben Grant. Child in Grandpa Grant's leg - John Grant. Girl standing at right - Effa Grant.

In the back row, left to right: Boy at left - Charles Grant. Girl, name unknown, she was visiting the family. Young man standing in center is Ward's father.   Boy at right - Fred Grant.

Anita Fitch Grant, center, is mother of all the children and step mother (and half aunt) to Ward's father.

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