----------------------------Original message----------------------------
July 14, 1997

From: 	Jacqueline Hamilton, 202-289-2362=3B jhamilton@nrdc.org
	Peter Lehner, 212-727-4425=3B plehner@nrdc.org
	Sarah Chasis, 212-727-4423=3B schasis@nrdc.org
	Natural Resources Defense Council

Re:	Action Alert, Contaminated Sediment Cleanups in Jeopardy

Citizen silence may lead to another industry give-away, dooming our
waters and other resources now contaminated with toxic wastes.

From the PCB's in the Hudson River to mercury in the Great Lakes, to the
DDT in Los Angeles Bay, contaminated bottom sediments constitute one of
the most important pollution sources.  These toxics, which result from
years of poisons dumped in our waters, continue to ensure that these
waters are not fully fishable or swimmable.

While the Clean Water Act itself does not, for the most part, address
contaminated sediments, the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA, commonly known as Superfund)
does require their clean-up.  CERCLA requires the polluter not only to
clean-up the contamination at its own site, but to restore the "natural
resource damages" caused by the movement of its toxic chemicals from the
site to the surrounding water body.  Superfund is the primary federal
law mandating the clean-up of the contaminated sediments which threaten
water quality around the country.

Superfund also requires the polluter to make the public and the
environment whole for losses incurred between the time of the pollution
and the final restoration.  The polluter must compensate for this lost
"interim use" either in monetary payments or in provision of additional
natural resources (such as preserved wetlands, beach access, or enhanced
wildlife protections).

The provision of Superfund requiring restoration and compensation is
called the "natural resource damages" or NRD title of Superfund.  Not
surprisingly, it is facing a full scale assault by industry. Led by
companies such as GE, Arco and Asarco, industry lobbyists are trying to
convince Congress to do away with all but the most minimal natural
resource damage mandates.  Lobbyists argue there is no need to
compensate the public for past interim losses or to restore the
ecological value of the damaged resource.  They prefer to trust "natural
recovery" to clean up their mess and to provide only minimal
alternatives for human uses of the resource in the  interim, such as
busing fishermen to unpolluted streams elsewhere or providing extra life
guards at other, unpolluted beaches.  Unfortunately, some of these
resources are so devastated that they may never recover without active
restoration work on the part of the industries that caused or
contributed to their contamination.

Superfund is a top priority for Congress this year.  Active negotiations
are now underway among Senate and House staffers and between both houses
of Congress and the Clinton administration.  Thus it is critical to
voice your support for strong natural resource damage recovery
provisions in Superfund now.  Please contact your Senator, especially if
he or she is on the Environment and Public Works Committee. Your Senator
must know that you support the clean-up of contaminated sediments and
restoration of contaminated rivers, estuaries and coastal waters.

Since the same discussions are taking place among staff in the House of
Representatives, this message must also reach your Representative,
especially if she or he is on either the House Commerce or
Transportation committee.

Demand that the Superfund NRD provision not be weakened.  Call the White
House, too, and help them stiffen their spine.  Write an editorial=21

Without the clean-up of contaminated sediments, water will never be

For more information contact Jacqueline Hamilton, Peter Lehner, or Sarah
Chasis at the numbers/email above.  A sample letter follows.

Dear Senator:        or   Representative:

	I care deeply about my swimming and fishing waters.  Yet these waters
are at risk because of contaminated sediments resulting from years of
toxic pollution.

	I write to urge you NOT to weaken the natural resource damages
provision of Superfund.  This is virtually the only law that will
achieve the clean-up of the toxic sediments which underlie many of our
waters and the restoration of natural resources damaged by this

	Superfund, officially the Comprehensive Environmental Response
Compensation and Liability Act or CERCLA, is being  debated again this
year in Congress.  Many industry lobbyists are trying to convince you to
forget and forgive past pollution and to largely let nature take its
course with these toxic sites.

	Don't be convinced. These toxic sediments are the result of years of
pollution.  The damage at these sites is severe, and many may never
recover without active restoration efforts.  We cannot simply stand
aside and assume they will be restored naturally.  After suffering years
of pollution, the public and the environment deserve more help from the

Do not let the natural resource damages provision of Superfund be
gutted    .  Without a strong law, our waters will never be fully
fishable and swimmable.


Senators on the Environment and Public Work Committee are:

Cong. Dist.	P	Senator	Room/Bldg..	Phone #
RI	R	John Chafee	505 Dirksen	202-224-2921
VA	R	John Warner	225 Russell	202-224-2023
NH	R	Robert C. Smith	303 Dirksen	202-224-2841
ID	R	Dirk Kempthorne	304 Russell	202-224-6142
OK	R	James M. Inhofe	453 Russell	202-224-4721
WY	R	Craig Thomas	109 Hart	202-224-6441
MO	R	Christopher S. Bond	267 Russell	202-224-5721
AR	R	Tim Hutchinson	233 Dirksen	202-224-2353
CO	R	Wayne Allard	513 Hart	202-224-5941
AL	R	Jeff Sessions	499 Russell	202-224-4124
MT	D	Max Baucus	511 Hart	202-224-2651
NY	D	Daniel Patrick Moynihan	464 Russell	202-224-4451
NJ	D	Frank Lautenberg	506 Hart	202-224-4744
NV	D	Harry Reid	528 Hart	202-224-3542
FL	D	Bob Graham	524 Hart	202-224-3041
CT	D	Joseph Lieberman	706 Hart	202-224-4041
CA	D	Barbara Boxer	112 Hart	202-224-3553
OR	D	Ron Wyden	717 Hart	202-224-5244

Representatives on the House Transportation and Infrastructure
Committee are:

Cong. Dist.	P	Representative	Room/Building	Phone #
AL	D	Spencer Bachus 	442   Cannon	225-4921
MI	D	James A. Barcia	2419  Rayburn	225-8171
VA	R	Herbert H. Bateman	2350  Rayburn	225-4261
NY	R	Sherwood L. Boehlert 	2246  Rayburn	225-3665
PA	R	obert A. Borski	2267  Rayburn	225-8251
FL	D	Corrine Brown	1610  Longworth	225-0123
TN	D	Bob Clement	2229  Rayburn	225-4311
SC	D	James E. Clyburn	319 Cannon	225-3315
NC	R	Howard Coble 	2239  Rayburn	225-3065
IL	D	Jerry F. Costello 	2454  Rayburn 	225-5661
AL	D	Robert E. Cramer Jr. 	2416  Rayburn	225-4801
MO	D	Pat Danner	1207  Longworth	225-7041
PR	D	Peter A. DeFazio	2134  Rayburn	225-6416
TN	R	John J. Duncan, Jr. 	2400  Rayburn	225-5435
MI	R	Vernon J. Ehlers 	1717  Longworth	225-3831
IL	R	Thomas W. Ewing 	2417  Rayburn	225-2371
CA	D	Bob Filner	330   Cannon	225-8045
FL	R	Tillie K. Fowler 	109   Cannon	225-2501
NJ	R	Bob Franks 	225   Cannon	225-5361
MD	R	Wayne T. Gilchrest	332   Cannon	225-5311
CA	R	Stephen Horn	438   Cannon	225-6676
TX	D	Eddie Bernice Johnson 	1123  Longworth	225-8885
NY	R	Sue W. Kelly 	1222  Longworth	225-5441
CA	R	Jay Kim 	227   Cannon	225-3201
IL	R	Ray LaHood 	329   Cannon	225-6201
IA	R	Tom Latham 	516   Cannon	225-5476
OH	R	Steve C. LaTourette 	1239  Longworth 	 225-5731
IL	D	William O. Lipinski 	1501  Longworth 	 225-5701
NJ	D	Robert Menendez 	405   Cannon	225-7919
FL	R	John L. Mica 	106   Cannon	 225-4035
NY	R	Susan Molinari	2411  Rayburn	225-3371
NY	D	Jerrold Nadler	2448  Rayburn 	225-5635
DC	D	Eleanor Holmes Norton 	1424  Longworth	225-8050
MN	D	James L. Oberstar 	2366  Rayburn 	225-6211
MS	R	Mike Parker 	2445  Rayburn 	225-5865
WI	R	Thomas E. Petri 	2262  Rayburn 	225-2476
IL	D	Glenn Poshard 	2334  Rayburn 	225-5201
NY	R	Jack Quinn 	331   Cannon	225-3306
WV	D	Nick Joe Rahall, II	2307  Rayburn 	225-3452
PA	R	Bud Shuster 	2188  Rayburn	225-2431
OH	D	James A. Traficant, Jr. 	2446  Rayburn	225-5261
TN	R	Zach Wamp 	423   Cannon	225-3271
IL	R	Jerry Weller 	130   Cannon	225-3635
WV	D	Robert E. Wise, Jr.	2367  Rayburn	225-2711
AK	R	Don Young 	2111  Rayburn	225-5765

Representatives on Commerce Committee are:

Cong. Dist.	P	Representative	Room/Building	Phone #
CA	R 	Brian P. Bilbray	1530  Longworth	225-2040
VA	R 	Thomas J. Bliley, Jr.	2409  Rayburn	225-2815
VA	D 	Rick Boucher 	2329  Rayburn	225-3861
OH	D 	Sherrod Brown	328   Cannon	225-3401
ID	R 	Michael D. Crapo	437   Cannon	225-5531
FL	D 	Peter Deutsch	204   Cannon	225-7931
MI	D 	John D. Dingell 	2328  Rayburn	225-4071
OR	D 	Elizabeth Furse 	316   Cannon	225-0855
IA	R 	Greg Ganske	1108  Longworth	225-4426
OH	R 	Paul E. Gillmor	1203  Longworth	225-6405
PA	R 	James C. Greenwood	2436  Rayburn	225-4276
NY	D 	Thomas J. Manton 	2235  Rayburn	225-3965
MA	D 	Edward J. Markey 	2133  Rayburn	225-2836
OH	R 	Michael G. Oxley 	2233  Rayburn	225-2676
MI	D 	Bart Stupak 	1410  Longworth	225-4735
LA	R 	W. J. Tauzin 	2183  Rayburn	225-4031
MI	R 	Fred Upton 	2333  Rayburn	225-3761
WA	R 	Rick White 	116   Cannon	225-6311
KY	R 	Ed Whitfield 	236   Cannon	225-3115

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