>*** Forwarded message, originally written by Jennifer Ruby on 13-Aug-97 > >We are facing a huge new threat to our health freedoms. This one makes the >FDA's attempts to regulate us into submission look like a church picnic. >It's called CODEX, short for Codex Alimentarius, the United Nation's WHO >commission on regulation of health services and products. The German >delegation to the commission has put forward a proposal which requires the >following: > >1. No dietary supplement can be sold for prophylactic (therapeutic or >preventive) use. > >2. No dietary supplement sold as a food can exceed potency (dosage) levels >set by the commission. > >3. Codex regulations for dietary supplements would become BINDING ON ALL >SIGNATORIES TO THE GATT ( General Agreement on Trade and Tariff) >TREATY, and the U.S. is one of them. There is no escape clause that allows >a nation to set its own standards. > >4. All new dietary supplements would automatically be BANNED unless they >go through the Codex approval process, which would be very expensive and >only slightly less comprehensive than the current FDA approval process >(typically 10 years and $250 million dollars). > >Germany, the Scandinavian countries, and now Canada have rolled over and >submitted to Codex. In Germany, you cannot buy supplements except in a >drug store and at prices 3-20 times what they cost here in the U.S. In >Canada, possession of DHEA without a prescription is punishable by the same >penalties as the possession of crack cocaine. > >The weapon of choice is creeping regulation, redefinition of supplements as >OTC (over the counter) products, which will require licensing fees so >exorbitant that a small health food store may need over a million dollars >just to pay for the right to sell its products. This will put most stores >out of business. Businesses will have to be well-capitalized enough to >survive this regulatory onslaught. > >CODEX is being pushed through by the largest pharmaceutical companies in >the world, who are looking to mop up after the bloodbath and take over the >supplement industry. You will only be able to buy patented, regulated, >extremely costly products , and not in sufficient quantity to do you much >good. Many, many herbs and supplements now available will disappear, to be >found only on the black market while companies such as PharmaPrint Inc. of >Irvine, CA move ahead with their efforts to patent phytomolecules of >favorite herbal products such as saw palmetto, echinacaea, and many others. >These would become pharmaceuticals, available only by prescription. And, >no surprise, PharmaPrint is backed by the World Health Organization, of >which the Codex Commission is a part. PharmaPrint is currently licensing >its technologies to other pharmaceutical companies to sell its products. > >Now, here's the scary part. Large pharmaceuticals have been planning this >for years, and while we thought we were winning one for the Gipper by >passing DSHEA, embedded in that act were clauses that could spell doom for >the industry, primarily labeling and regulatory clauses. Large >pharmaceuticals are currently buying up American and Canadian health food >companies (Nature's Way), positioning themselves to move in as early as >September next year, when the Codex Commission meets for a final vote on >the German proposal. Large pharmaceuticals are licking their chops at the >prospect of taking over the multi-billion dollar supplement industry and >for the next century. > >Don't let them do it. This is an 11th hour stand, but we can turn them >back. Contact your legislators now and tell them they must defeat Codex. >The FDA's webpage already states its intention to "harmonize" with CODEX, >but with legislative help and public outcry, we can defeat these >bureaucrats. Your elected representatives voted for the GATT treaty but >they neglected to read the fine print that allows the pharmaceutical >companies this much power over you. If you work in the health food >industry, your job or your business is on the line. If you work in health >care, you will have to make some choices about who you stand with - health >freedom or smothering regulation and submission to the dictates of a >foreign and domestic consortium of big businesses that seek to control you. > >John Hammell, founder of International Advocates for Health Freedom (IAHF) >can be reached at (800)333-2553, fax (954) 929-0507. He and others >prevented the German delegation from vaulting from step 2 to step 6 in the >8-step approval process in June. By September next year, though, without >huge resistance from the world community, this proposal could become >binding on the US Govt and you personally. John is organizing this >resistance as we speak, and others like those on this email queue must help >too. John needs financial support very badly, as he is doing this >virtually alone and unfunded. Call him and ask how you can help. We are >in dire need of your assistance, whatever it is you can do or give at this >time. > >You MUST call your legislators and educate them. There is no time to lose. >At the moment, call Dr. Kenneth Fisher, Director of the Commission on >Dietary Supplement Labeling and tell him you demand that he extend the >period for public comment on the 77-page draft proposal through October. > >Call him at (202) 401-5811, fax (202) 205-0463, email cdsl@birchdavis.com. >Do it now! This commission is holding final hearings WITHOUT PUBLIC >COMMENT on Thursday of this week, August 14. The implications of this >draft proposal are mind-boggling, because they recommend ways for all >supplements to be redefined as OTC products, thus blurring the distinction >between drugs and foods and subjecting all products so defined to licensing >fees that will put just about everybody out of business so the >pharmaceutical companies can move in! This could destroy a huge industry, >putting tens of thousands of people out of work and co-opting your >freedoms. Contact me and I'll fax you a form letter you can send to Dr. >Fisher protesting his bureaucratic indiscretions. > >Don't be in denial. This is really happening. This is the greatest threat >to health freedom the world has ever known. Who will you stand with? What >will you stand for? How much do you care about your children's world >twenty years from now? > >If you need literature, call me at (541) 488-2711, email me at >susumago@mind.net or fax me a note at (541) 488-8685. Then, take that >literature and make copies. Hand it out to everyone. FORWARD THIS >MESSAGE TO EVERYBODY YOU CAN THINK OF. CALL JOHN HAMMELL AND CHAT TO GET >THE CLEAREST PICTURE OF WHAT IS HAPPENING. SEND JOHN HAMMEL DONATIONS TO >HIRE ASSISTANTS. > >Contact your newspaper, talk shows, television producers, magazines, >congresspeople, get email mailing lists and send this message on. Talk to >health practitioners and get them to speak up. The worst thing you can do >is to be silent while this is happening.