
Why I Think Raymond A. Perkins Was Framed

Daniel A. Montgomery

November 4, 2004

On April 6, 2002, fourteen year old Ray Perkins clubbed Dr. Elman to death on a beach near Bandon, Oregon. He did not know why he did it. He did not know he was going to kill her.

Every crime has a motive, but Perkins could not think of a genuine motive. There may have been a motive by a third party to kill or incapacitate Dr. Elman. She was a gifted psychologist who studied dream interpretation. Some dreams are not really dreams. She could have stumbled onto evidence of repressed memories that are created by subliminal psychological coercion and not known the full significance.

Dr. Elman was well liked by all her neighbors. She was a gifted therapist. She moved to Bandon two years before her death because she had CFIDS, a complex form of chronic fatigue syndrome (Clark). She was more than fifty years old. She continued practicing clinical psychology. She had a fascination with dream interpretation. She was into alternative health. (Elman). She thought Bandon would be safer than other places she had lived such as Portland and California. She jogged and walked on the beach every day (Waiver Memorandum). She could have been influenced by subliminal coercion to make the move to Bandon. Most people do not know how to recognize the signs of subliminal activation.

Two years before the murder, Perkins started hearing command voices. They deceived him into committing a series of offenses. It made him look like he had a budding conduct disorder. The timing may not be coincidence.

The spree started on August 4, 2000. Raymond and a younger friend vandalized two school buildings, two school buses, and stole a bike and a large kichen knife. He was charged and the court placed him on probation. He was required to pay restitution of $1,221.00. He told the authorities at that time that he did it "out of stupidity." When he talked to a psychiatrist about it two years later, he said that voices told him to break into the school. The voices also told him to "egg houses, steal and wreck cars," but there is no report that he did all those things. A year after the school vandalism, the voices told Perkins to "break into someone's house, an insurance guy that my mom knew. I stole two knives." He told his mother, "The voices told me to do it." (Sack, pp. 2-3).

The hidden perpetrators had cunningly portrayed Ray Perkins as a conduct disorder case. If one looked only at the criminal record, no one would suspect that Perkins was framed.

During the year before the crime, Perkins became aware of stress words. For example, the boys at school would call him "stinky" and later say they were not being mean. Subliminal training uses stress words as a reinforcement similar to a hypnotic suggestion. The training is generally at night. The stress words may be spoken in the day time by people who may not know the significance of why they say them, but in most instances they probably do know that they will hurt the victim. The stressfulness of these words is easier to see than the association with surrepticious subliminal training. Perkins did not know he was being programmed.

Another reason for this tactic is social isolation. When this is combined with the obsessions that are reinforced by subliminal psychological coercion, the victim doesn't know who his friends are.

When Perkins was resting in his room, he was aware of subliminal training words being directed at him. He slept in a curled up position that improved his awareness of subliminal words, but could not stop the training influence when he was asleep. Some people have a lower threshold of perception than others. They can perceive words which were intended to be subliminally delivered. There are characteristics of such communications which reveal the intent to create a subliminal effect. Perkins has not been tested for his perceptual ability. He probably has a low threshold of perception.

On April 6, 2002, something made Ray Perkins upset so he went to the beach on his bike. It was probably a posthypnotic trigger which started the sequence of decisions that led to the death of Dr. Elman on the beach.

Joseph Hines, his stepfather, was at home that day. When questioned by police later, Hines could not think of anything he said that could have triggered Ray to go to the beach and kill somebody. Hines did mention that about two weeks before the crime he told Ray to quit seeing Ben Schnyder because Ben was "bad news" (North Bend Police Department Supplemental Report, p. 22).

When questioned later, Perkins thought he remembered Hines accusing him of taking soda pop (Lange, R. Kristina, Notes, State's Exhibit 13, pp. 6-7), but the only recorded innuendo on the day of the killing, came from Mary Jenkins, the landlady. She came to visit at about 4:30 pm. She asked Ray if he knew where her shovel was and said something about his having worked for her. She seemed to feel that because Ray used to work for her, he might know where it was. About fifteen minutes later, Ray left on his bike. He "just disappeared." Mrs. Jenkins left shortly after (Coos Bay Police Department Detail, p. 7).

At the beach, the Ogle family was in the vicinity. They were apart like they did not know each other. They said later that Perkins moved away from them, but Perkins said they left the beach. They later told police that they saw a person matching the description of Perkins on the beach at the time of the crime.

Perkins was wearing shoes that may have contained an electronic control device. Keryn Ogle, the mother, described Ray Perkins as wearing a pair of athletic shoes that she believed to be New Balance brand. Geoff Ogle, the father, said the shoes were gray, well worn, and rounded at the toes. New Balance shoes are rounded at the toes. I had a bad experience with a pair of gray New Balance shoes. They had an electronic device that used a subliminal training system and a communication voice. They told me nothing but lies. I wrapped them in layers of aluminum foil to shut off the electronic control system so I could get some sleep. If those shoes were like my shoes they could at times be completely controlling.

Perkins passed by the Ogle family. Their dog was a black Labrador mix. The father, Geoff, noticed that their dog really did not like Perkins. It growled at him which was unusual for their dog. Keryn, the mother, said their dog became quite aggressive and this was out of character for it (Narrative). She had to physically restrain the dog. When a police officer later went to the Ogle's house, the dog wagged its tail and was very friendly as it normally was. Later, when Ray came home and had not been apprehended, yet, his own dog would not have anything to do with him. He thought it was because his dog sensed that he did something wrong (Contested Remand Hearing, pp. 109-110).

It would seem superstitious to assume that those dogs had a special power to know right from wrong. Perkins treated his dogs well, they were special to him (Ibid. p. 151). There are electronic control systems which can control emotions from a distance. They can do this to people. They could probably control an animal's emotions, too.

The Ogle's saw a female and an older man hunting agates at the north end of the beach not long before they left. When the Ogles turned to leave, Perkins and Elman were going to the south end of the beach (Narrative: Findings from Interview, States Exhibit 11).

Perkins greeted Dr. Elman while he was tying his shoe (Lange, p. 6). She passed by and did not answer. Perkins followed and clubbed her. She fell after her skull was fractured. He did not know why he did it. Perkins did not notice that Dr. Elman was the lady in two incidents of disturbed driving where it looked like she could have run over him, so this was not why he killed her. He later said, "I guess I just flipped out and hit her on the back of the head." (State's Exhibits, p. 866).

When he was talking to a youth in detention, he said he was only trying to knock out Dr. Elman so he could take her car (Contested Remand Hearing, pp. 196-197). He did not think he was going to kill anybody.

He felt her pulse. He did not think she was dead. He thought she was unconscious. He blacked out. After this missing part of memory, he left the beach with Dr. Elman's keys. "He left the area crying because he was scared of what happened." (State's Exhibit, p. 866).

Ray dragged the body to the surf. He thought it was because he wanted to dispose of it. Then he went to look for help. He climbed the bluff to a house that overlooks that portion of the beach. It is a very large house. He pounded on the door. No one answered. He thought his intention was to call the police and get medical help. This house was a vacation house. It was seldom used. There was a low probability that anyone would be home.

He went down the bluff to the beach. He went directly to the parking lot and did not check on the body again. He was questioned later by Officer Zanni about why he did not go directly to his mother's house only a short distance from the beach if he really wanted to get help. He became very quiet and dropped his head and said nothing (Contested Remand Hearing, pp. 106-108).

He was probably programmed to go to the house. He was unconsciously following a script. The good motivation that he naturally had was deflected by going to the empty house. It is typical of mental enslavement programming that the mental slave is trained to avoid people who would have offered social support. That is may also be part of the reason why he did not go home right away.

After Dr. Elman fell, her sweater opened and Perkins saw that she was carrying a gun. Her muscles were much larger than his. He thought that she could easily have killed him (State's Exhibits, p. 866).

When the police came later, they did not find the gun on Dr. Elman's body. Someone had to have removed it. One could deduce that after Perkins left the beach the hidden perpetrator of the crime removed the gun. The surf quickly washed out the foot prints from the perpetrator reaching the body through the surf. This is why it was important that the body be dragged to the surf.

The gun gives a clue to how Dr. Elman was set up. Dr. Elman's brother testified that she was never known to carry or possess a gun. He did find that she kept pepper spray by her bedside (Contested Remand Hearing, pp. 548-549). Nobody keeps pepper spray and carries an unlicensed concealed hand gun on a tourist beach unless she thinks someone is insidiously harassing her. The perpetrators probably used subliminal training words at night and harassment incidents around town to get her into a hysterical state. Like most victims, she was apparently not aware of the subliminal training. Had she stayed in California near friends and relatives, this unfortunate incident would not have happened. She could not have suspected that she was being influenced to move to Bandon.

Ray loaded his bike into Dr. Elman's car and left the beach. He thought it was because he wanted to take possession of her car. He was crying when he left the beach because he was frightened. There is an implied association between the supposed motive of revenge, the driving incident, and Perkins' compulsion to take the car. It sounds like a set of thought patterns that was fabricated by hidden perpetrators. Each step had to seem logical at the time.

Perkins drove the car to a logging road. He drove around in the logging area until he got the car stuck. There was no one around, but he was scared the whole time. After he got the car stuck, Ray went home on his bike and told his mom he found an abandoned car. She reported it to the police. He did not sleep well that night. That was a Saturday. When he was back in school, he kept falling asleep and waking up (Lange, Notes, pp. 7-8). The episodes of drowsiness at school sound familiar. They are an effect of a mind control system that works like a post-hypnotic suggestion. During the period of drowsiness, the victim is being programmed with thought patterns that will stay locked in his subconscious. In only a few minutes a person can be programmed and not be aware of the programming content. There is a way to detect this..

The body was discovered in the surf on Sunday, April 7, 2002 by Mr. R.G. Bushman. He called the sheriff. As part of the investigation, the police questioned about the car. Perkins maintained that the car was abandoned and he had not been in it. His fingerprint was found inside the car. The Ogle family identified Perkins as being on the beach at the time of the crime. Perkins was arrested. He admitted to the police that he killed Dr. Elman. He thought the reason that he did not like Dr. Elman was because she tried to run over his friend, Ben Schnyder, but Schnyder denied such an event. The key to Dr. Elman's car was found in Perkins' room hidden in ladies underwear (Waiver Memorandum, pp. 4-12).

After he was taken to juvenile detention, Ray seemed happy as he talked about what he had done. One said Perkins seemed proud to tell how he killed the lady (State's Exhibits, p. 1094).

Another inmate said Perkins seemed like he was bragging about the murder and talked about pretending he was mentally ill (State's Exhibits, p. 1095). Still another said Perkins was laughing about the murder (State's Exhibits, p. 1096).

The authorities concluded Ray Perkins had no remorse. I would suspect he was in an emotional rebound. When a person is coerced with thought control into doing something that they know is wrong, it is frightening. His elation later in detention was natural, unavoidable, and had nothing to do with remorse or the lack thereof.

Perkins had nightmares in detention about Dr. Elman shooting him with the gun (Lange, Notes, p. 7). These could have been painful memories of subliminal instruction sets. If she had tried it, he probably was supposed to stand there and get shot. Sometimes the subliminal instructions which were secretly programmed become remembered. Even people who perceive words that are intended to be subliminally delivered may not know about subliminal pictures. They go directly to the visual center of the brain. They look like dreams.

Perkins was visited in detention by R. Kristina Lange. Kristina was the Juvenile Court Counselor. She did his earlier probation (Contested, p. 610). When she asked him why he killed Dr. Elman, he said the word, "revenge." Perkins remembered two previous incidents with Dr. Elman. The first was in the company of his brother. The second was with Ben Schnyder. They were walking along Seven Devils Road. They were collecting cans. She drove past and was two feet from hitting Ben. She came back and got out of her car. She complained that they were too far into the road. On April 23, 2002, Ben denied this story. They were collecting cans. She drove too fast around a corner and seemed to narrowly miss hitting them. Then she got out of the car and told them to stay off the road. This was about one month before Dr. Elman's death and two weeks before Ben moved away (Lange, Notes, pp. 4-5, 7).

The revenge idea is not consistent with the fact that he did not recognize her until after he killed her. It is more probable that he was programmed to have this idea as if it were his own.

Ben Schnyder testified in court that he was Perkins' best friend. He said the story about being almost run over by Dr. Elman never happened. He said he quit hanging out with Ray Perkins because he "started his lying" and got mad when Ben challenged him about it.

Ben was new in Bandon. He only befriended Ray for about two months. They drove cars and rode bikes together. Ben offered him deodorant. He stayed over at Ben's house and Ben's mom washed his clothes. Ben moved to Laytonville, California about two weeks before the murder (Contested Remand Hearing, pp. 126-136).

Ben doesn't sound like a best friend. The way he tells it, lying was something that Ray did not do before. This could be the result of subliminal training. It would make Ray look like a case of conduct disorder. The psychological testing that was done for the court showed that Ray was an honest kind of person. Instead of continuous deterioration, Perkins' behavior changed temporarily. He was the victim of a hoax. Whenever there is a discrepancy between what Ray Perkins said and what some one else said, I have assumed that Perkins was correct. The assumption is justified by the psychological test results. Some will think that inconsistencies within Ray's own testimony shows that he is either lying or unreliable. The unreliability arises from confusion created by the hidden perpetrators. They have tried to plant a series of motivations and tactical, half-believed delusions.

Ray told Kristina Lange that he wanted to keep Dr. Elman's car, but he told Officer Zanni that he didn't know why he drove the car from the beach (Contested, pp. 107-108, 182). This kind of inconsistency of purpose is typical of mind control behavior. The mind programmers sometimes neglect to think of every possibility. He was telling Kristina Lange the script. He was telling officer Zanni an inner conviction of what was the truth. One could surmise that Perkins was programmed to make a confession to R. Kirstina Lange, but no one could have predicted which police officer he would be talking to.

The defendant-victim doesn't really want to do all those bad things and doesn't really believe all of the reasons in his mind. He is forced into playing a role. Like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, he acts as if he had two competing personalities. This is not a true split personality. The role playing is an adaptation to mental enslavement. One would like to escape, but one cannot.

Perkins heard how other inmates at juvenile detention could speak through toilet pipes. He started talking about hearing "voices" and making a mental illness defense (Contested Remand Hearing, pp. 282-281). Some of Perkins' statements about making an insanity defense were probably part of the plan of the hidden perpetrators. They presumed he would be accused of malingering. Dr. Sack, his defense psychiatrist, interpreted this event as a willingness to talk about voices after it became acceptable. It became permissible to talk about them (Contested, p. 438).

Perkins started telling the staff in detention about voices when he learned that another teen was sent to a mental health facility because he heard voices (Sack, p. 4). Dr. Sack probed Perkins about the voices.

Perkins started hearing voices when he was 10 or 11. "He states that they told him to do bad things, 'breaking into houses and stealing.' The voices often gave him orders and also put him down. 'They call me names.' He occasionally hears a conversation between two people. The voices are more prominent at night. He feels that the voices come from 'somewhere outside my room.'" (Sack, p. 4).

Dr. Sack was certain that if the voices had not been there, Perkins would have not committed a crime. Perkins agonized over having smoked marijuana two before the murder. Dr. Sack recounts, "Raymond recalls on the day of the homicide that it was a 'bad day; I just wanted to get away. Everybody was telling me to do things; I was trying to get good grades and stuff.' I asked 'if the voices had not been there, would you have hit her?' He said 'there were two to three voices, different, saying 'Ray do this, hit her!' 'The voices were calling me names, rapist, stupid, moron." Raymond blames the fact that he smoked marijuana two days before as leading to this event. He did not mention the story of the victim almost running him off the road." (Sack, p. 5-6).

The kind of system that was used to deceive Ray Perkins used oppositional voices. Dr. Sack wrote, "At other times the voice would comment on what he was doing. There were usually two voices." (Sack, p. 4). They were making it look like there was more than one source of the command voices when there was probably only one organization behind it. They were watching everything he did. Electronic devices used by intelligence organizations could send word streams to the hearing center of the brain. It sounds like "voices."

Perkins' background was investigated for his defense. The principal at Harbor Lights Middle School said Perkins was not a mean spirited type (Naffziger, p. 7). Ray likes to please everyone, said Kathy Newton, a teacher who saw him often when she was on playground duty (Naffziger, p. 8). Another teacher said Perkins never complained and never questioned his authority (Naffziger, p. 11). Another teacher said that Perkins did not do negative things to get attention. "He was a kind, helpful, loving person in the classroom who appreciated any help you could give him." (Naffziger, p. 11). Ray Perkins had an IQ of 84 and was a year behind in school. He had to work hard to get average grades.

No one suspected an impending disaster, but there were signs that all was not well. Perkins associated depression with the voices. Dr. Sack wrote, "The voices are much more prominent when he is depressed." (Sack, p. 4). The depression could be a side effect of the trauma of persistent electronic mind control. Electrical sensitivity can cause depression.

Anyone familiar with intelligence operations should have see this as an artfully planned crime by a hidden perpetrator. The methods of mind control that they use every day are just like the ones Ray Perkins encountered. The way they created a series of incidents that cast him in a false light is the way intelligence operations are normally done. The command voices are used to make the victim think he is responsible for making decisions pertinent to the criminal act. He was acting out a series of decisions that were planted in his mind. As a victim of mental enslavement, he is innocent of any criminal intent.

After Raymond Perkins was arrested, he heard how other youths at juvenile detention could speak through toilet pipes. This got him to talking about hearing "voices." It seemed that he was making a mental illness defense (Contested Remand Hearing, pp. 281-282). Perkins said that he was going to pretend he was insane so he could get less time in prison. He mentioned the voices when he was talking about it (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 172). He told one inmate that he was always hearing voices (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 217).

Perkins started telling the staff in detention about voices when he learned that another teen was sent to a mental health facility because he heard voices (Sack, p. 4).

There were people in detention who were telling Perkins to talk about the voices as an insanity defense, but Perkins insisted the voices were real. He did not think the voices were grounds for an insanity defense (Contested Remand Hearing, pp. 202-203). He was not talking about them to get a plea bargain (State's Exhibits, p. 1096).

A mental condition defense is not exactly the same as a defense of mental disease or defect. A mental condition could be duress by reason of electronic psychological coercion. A person under duress may be lacking the element of volition. It was not his idea to commit the crime. Perkins' lack of verbal expressivity leaves us wondering whether this is what he was trying to say. The legal reasoning would not be clear to most people if the attorney was presuming that the only allowable defense was mental disease or defect.

One inmate reported that Perkins' conversation seemed jumbled. The way he talked was definitely not normal, (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 217). This lack of speech coherency is a sign of a psychotic mental state.

When Ray was talking to other youths about what he did, "he seemed kind of excited about it, like anxious to tell everyone about it." (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 211). A question to be decided later was whether the psychosis was developing inexorably or whether it was temporary.

The prosecution took the position that Perkins had a conduct disorder and was malingering in his stories about voices. The defense took the position that the voices were evidence of a developing mental illness.

Detective Phillips was questioned by the prosecutor (Contested Remand Hearing, pp. 72-73).

Q. During the course of your -- well, during the course of your career, have you dealt with people who have been delusional, or hearing hallucinations, things along that line?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. And did you see anything that caused you to believe that Mr. Perkins was suffering from delusions or auditory hallucinations?
A. No, sir.
Q. If you had seen those type of things, or any type of mental difficulties, what would you have done?
A. My usual routine when I run into a situation like that, I would end the interview.
Q. All right. Would you notify the District Attorney or someone, and make arrangement, or at least suggest that arrangements ought to be made to bring a mental health professional in to evaluate the individual?
A. Depending on the situation. Sometimes we take people into temporary custody for their won safety or the safety of others, and take them up to the hospital. If it's not that type of situation, then we speak with the investigators and make arrangements for the person to be examined by a doctor.
Q. And you saw no reason to do it in this case?
A. No.
Q. Now, during the course of your interview, did you ask Mr. Perkins about why he had comomitted this crime? Why he had attacked Dr. Elman?
A. Yes.
Q. Did he ever mention to you that he was hearing voices, and the voices told him to do it?
A. No.

Officer Rakosi was questioned by the prosecutor (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 61).

Q. Now, Officer Rakosi, during your career, did you have the opportunity to deal with delusional or mentally ill people?
A. Yes.
Q. Have you seen people who were suffering from auditory hallucinations?
A. Yes.
Q. And during your -- I realize your contact was brief, but during your contact with the youth on Sunday, April 7th, did you see anything that caused you to believe that he was delusional, or suffering from hallucinations, or was in any way mentally ill?
A. No.

Officer Mauer was questioned by the prosecutor (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 66).

Q. During the course of your -- well, during the course of your career, have you dealt with people who have been delusional, or hearing hallucinations, things along that line?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. And did you see anything that caused you to believe that Mr. Perkins was suffering from delusions or auditory hallucinations?
A. No, sir.

If Perkins was not really hearing voices, then he could be talking about them for an excuse. A person who is known to lie about many things could be seen as a malingerer. Ben Schnyder portrayed Perkins as a liar, but his testimony shows that this was something new (Contested Remand Hearing, pp. 135-136).

Q. When -- before you left Bandon, were you hanging out with Ray this much? A. No.
Q. Why not?
A. Because he started his lying.
Q. Okay. And what kind of stuff would he lie about?
A. Like he'd say stuff like -- he'd say he'd done stuff, but he really hasn't. Q. Okay. Did that include him saying that he had done stuff when you were there, so you really did know that he didn't ...
A. Yeah.
Q. Did you ever talk to him about that?
A. Well, I only said it in front of him like once, and he kind of got mad about it.
Q. Okay. But he still would say the same story?
A. Yeah.
Q. Okay. And how did that make you feel?
A. I just kind of like ignored him, and didn't hang out with him.

I suggest that these episodes of differences of opinion were fabricated by hidden perpetrators with thought control. An allegation of malingering does not match the psychological evaluation that was done by Dr. True. Tests showed that Perkins was very honest and did not exaggerate (True, August 26, 2002).

Dr. True testified that Perkins was not malingering. The MMPI-A and the SIRS tests can detect whether someone is exaggerating or faking their symptoms. These validity scores showed that the tests were very valid and he was not exaggerating. He had a psychotic-like level of disturbance. "This profile is produced by an adolescent who wants to tell you about himself, who is not trying to fake good and show he's better than he is. He's not trying to fake bad or trying to exaggerate the symptoms." (Contested Remand Hearing, pp. 470-471).

Dr. Sasser was the psychiatrist for the prosecution. Dr. Sasser did not believe the "voices" were genuine hallucinations. Perkins had difficulty describing the voices. He said one was a male's voice inside his head that was not familiar (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 281). Dr. Sasser did not have experience to know that there is more than one kind of electronic message that is used in mind control. When a command voice is intended to be heard, it can sound like there is enough voice quality to be recognizable by age and gender. Dr. Sasser's question was not about subliminal perception. It was could have been relevant to intraperception electronically delivered messages if Dr. Sasser had understood the matter. It is no wonder Perkins had trouble answering it.

Dr. Sasser thought the form and content of the messages were not genuine. For example, a "voice" told Perkins, "Go ahead and break into the house. You won't get caught." Complex sentences like these are not the content of real hallucinations (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 282). This is definitely not a hallucination. It shows that Perkins was being systematically guided with an electronic communication and coercion system. He believed that he would not be found at fault. I know from experience this is exactly how it is done.

Perkins had been listening to voices for at least 2 years. He said he didn't tell his mother or any close confident. Dr. Sasser found this difficult to believe if these voices were really so frightening (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 282). I suggest that the coercion system was persistently training Perkins to think that no one would believe him. This training is done subliminally. He was being discouraged and isolated. He did not know that he could have done more.

Perkins' description of the "voices" sounded like something that was learned instead of experienced. They did not sound like the kind of hallucinations people have been reporting for hundreds of years. Therefore, Dr. Sasser concluded they were phony (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 353). Indeed, they were not hallucinations. They were effects of a mind control system.

Perkins told Dr. Sasser about the timing of the subliminal messages. "This reported auditory hallucination occurred when he was feeling 'down.' The frequency was given as no more than a 'couple days per week.' It was suggested that perhaps it occurred in the afternoons to early evenings but he was not able to specifically clarify when this experience occurred." (Sasser, p. 4). It is typical that subliminal coercion systems operate when the victim is resting or sleeping. When he goes to the place and time where he normally sleeps, the subliminal messages will be there. Perkins was experiencing subliminal training sessions. His conscious experience of subliminal messages was like the tip of the iceberg. He could not have known how much trouble he was in.

Perkins may have had some insight into how he was being trained with subliminal coercion. "He thought this experience occurred because of his being down or because of stress from school. He stated the stress from school included getting called names like 'jackass, asshole, or stinky.'" He stated he was called these names by friends and he implied that this was not meant as an actual put down but more of a joke. However, it could not be clarified why friends would call him such names. He suggested, however, these negative words were said in a joking way." (Sasser, p. 4). These coercive training systems create a suggestion subliminally. The victim does not know this. Later, When certain words are spoken, it reinforces the suggestion. Particular words elicit a psychological response. If one is attentive, one can learn to recognize these associations between the words and trained thought patterns by the stress of the reinforcement. Dr. Sasser completely missed this. Perkins' feeling of being "down" refers to depression. This can be a side effect of the electronic training sytem.

Perkins discovered how to detect these subliminal words. He curled up in a particular position when he rested. "Mr. Perkins acknowledged auditory hallucinations that occurred 'every now and then.' He suggested it perhaps occurred at night and that he controlled it by curling up, although it was not clear what that meant." (Sasser, p. 4) It is possible to change the threshold of subliminal perception by using hand positions. Perkins apparently stumbled on to such a technique, but did not realize what he had discovered.

Perkins was aware of incidents being instigated by subliminal messages, but did not understand how controlling they were. When he was questioned by Dr. Sasser, he mentioned a few instances of delinquent activity, but did not tell everything. Dr. Sasser wrote, "When talking, however, about alleged auditory hallucinations, later, he stated he broke into his mother's insurance agent's home and stole a piggy bank and some knives. This was reportedly instigated by the reported auditory hallucinations." (Sasser, p.3).

The command voice was deceiving Perkins into a make believe world of thinking that he would not be caught. Each misadventure led him deeper into the preparation for being used as an assassin and portrayed him as a budding case of conduct disorder. The possibility that Perkins thought by hindsight that he was under duress by some external cause seems not to have been considered by Dr. Sasser.

Dr. Sasser continued, "He claimed it told him what to do, such as vandalizing his room in juvenile hall. He knew he would get into trouble by vandalizing the room." "He alleged this voice told him to commit crimes or to kill himself. Asked to explain what crimes it told him to commit, he gave an example of breaking into houses. He suggested that the voice might say 'Go ahead and break into the house. You won't get caught.' He stated this would occur when he would walk by a house. When asked if he had ever broken into a house at the urging of this reported voice, he acknowledged he had and described a situation with the insurance agent and stated he took a piggy bank and some knives. He stated this voice also said to kill himself and said 'Go hang yourself.' This experience reportedly had occurred since he was arrested." (Sasser, p. 4). The complete set of Perkins' voices experiences fits the pattern of hidden perpetration by a third party better than the pattern of a person who is subconsciously looking for an excuse to deny culpability.

Perkins was aware of electronic command voices for about two years, but may have been screened by a hidden perpetrator before that. Dr. Sasser reported, "He described one male voice that was unfamiliar. It was stated to be heard in his head, not out of his head. When asked how long he had this experience, he initially stated 'quite a while.' Clarification led to the response that it occurred since he was 'little.' However, further clarification suggested he thought he had this experience for about two years. He stated this voice was 'pretty weird' and it 'scares the crap out of me.' Asked what it was that scared him, he stated just hearing it scared him." (Sasser, p. 4). This was an electronic command voice. It was intended to be heard. It does not go through the normal hearing mechanism. It penetrates a part of the brain that processes hearing. The command voices come long after the subliminal messages have been programmed. The defendant thinks that he is responding to the current messages that he consciously perceives. He could fear it was probable he would get into trouble, but he could not refuse. He did not know he had already been trained to think he was going along with the messages.

Dr. Sasser was disbelieving because of Perkins's reticence to tell him about the voices (Contested, p. 281). Perkins merely followed his lawyer's advice. He was only fourteen years old.

Dr. Sasser found no mental illness, but did not interview right after the crime. He relied on case history such as police reports and concluded Perkins had a conduct disorder (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 343). The conduct disorder, according to Dr. Sasser, was not an explanation of all of Perkin's behavior, but sufficient for just the part that got him into trouble. It was a careless disregard for the the rights of others and this became apparent when he was not being supervised by his teachers (Contested Remand Hearing, pp. 334-335).

Strangely, though, Dr. Sasser thought Perkins had a personality disorder with multiple behaviors (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 335). Perkins' experience sounds to me like role playing as a defense against the psychotic influence of persistent mental abuse by mind control. It has a superficial similarity to multiple personality disorder.

Dr. Sack was the psychiatrist for the defense. He was convinced that Perkins was not in control when he got into trouble, but he couldn't discover the cause. He was certain Perkins did not have a conduct disorder. Dr. Sack wrote, "He has an emerging psychotic illness that is difficult to categorize," (Sack, p. 7). He found that Perkins was legally insane as defined by ORS 161.295. "That is, he was unable because of his psychotic behavior to conform his behavior to the requirements of the law (Sack, p. 1).

Perkins had good reason not to talk about the voices. Perkins told Dr. Sack that when he got into trouble two years before the murder and was put on probation, he told his mother, "The voices made me do it." She said, "Stop that nonsense or you're going to be punished." (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 410). "When asked why he didn't tell people he was hearing voices, he said, 'I was afraid they would lock me up.'" (Sack, p. 5).

Perkins' insecurity was confirmed by a private investigator. He was "hearing voices which no one else could hear and not feeling safe to tell anyone about them. When he tried to tell his mom about them several years ago, she accused him of lying and punished him. His mother verifies this." (Naffziger, p. 16).

In court, Dr. Sack clarified the diagnosis as major depressive disorder and the working diagnosis as major depressive disorder with psychotic features (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 439). The psychotic features were the "hallucinations". They were related to the depression (Contested remand Hearing, p. 452). The "hallucinations" were the command voices.

The voices suggested Perkins was ugly and stupid. He felt slowed down by the experience (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 434-435). It is all to easy to presume that the voices were the result of endogenous depression.

Dr. Sack's explanation for the deepening depression in the weeks before the crime was the loss of two people. His older brother had left for the Army. His "best friend," Ben Schnyder, moved out of town (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 405).

This explanation would seem reasonable to any psychiatrist. No one was looking for evidence of organic dysfunction or hidden psychological abuse. The depression leading up to the crime can be caused by mind control. It can be a side effect of the electronic system. It can be created by the hidden perpetrators to make the defendant-victim more compliant. Perkins was perceiving intentional communications and could not get away from them. They were not genuine hallucinations.

The police thought Perkins had no remorse or empathy for the victim because of his lack of affect. He seemed emotionally detached. Dr. Sack found that this detachment arises from his illness (Sack, p. 7). Dr. Sack thought that the coldness and aloofness of depression that was seen in Perkins was mistaken a for lack of remorse (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 418). Without accepting the reality of Perkins' intraperception of "voices," no one could guess that he was suffering from the most serious kind of mental abuse.

Perkins knew what he did, but seemed not to know the significance of it (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 444). "He couldn't discuss it in the way we would like him to discuss it." (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 444). "Most violent offenders are cut off from their feelings." (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 445). Perkins did not really understand how he had been controlled and abused with an electronic mind altering system. It is apparent that he knew that he was being unfairly held to to have acted on his own volition.

Perkins kept a journal in detention. On June 5, 2002, he wrote,

I'm sorry because I heart someone and
their family and I'm sorry because
I heart my family and now I'm in here
I feel real bad about it and if I wasn't
I would steal feel bad. I'm sorry
for what I did and if no one
belives me then I'm sorry.

Nevertheless, Dr. Sack thought that Perkins had not sufficiently developed a consciousness of guilt. His illustration was from Perkins' dreams. "Secondly, during the interview I saw the same lack of expressivity all through the interview. But, I did find when I asked Raymond about his dreams, I did find a lot going on. He said he's dreaming of the victim. He's re-experiencing that. Sometimes the victim kills him. Sometimes he kills the victim. These are dreams -- they're repetitive dreams. So, although he doesn't show a lot on the surface, this experience, he's trying to come to grips with it. And, it's not very conscious yet. But, I think in time he will come to a more mature understanding of the horror he's caused not only his victim, but the victim's family." (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 419).

These repetitive dreams were probably the memories of subliminal instruction sets. The tragic experience was so traumatic that it evoked these memories. These memories can easily be mistaken for dreams. This kind of dream is not a sign of how one feels about guilt. Society expects remorse as a sign of acceptance of guilt. The mental slave has already been abused and now is expected to manufacture a guilt complex. The real significance of these "dreams" is that they reveal something of the plans of the perpetrators. They hedged their bets. They didn't know whether he was going to kill her or she was going to kill him.

Dr. Sack was certain that the voices were hallucinations. "Raymond didn't tell me about the voices until I asked him specifically. And Dr. Sasser's report is consistent there. He says the same thing. And, he said it with the same kind of dead pan expression that's been concerning to all of us about Raymond's lack of expressivity. And, the content of the hallucinations were so specific for what we look for. These were not vague. He was receiving things you look for in hallucinations. Are they getting command hallucinations? Is this voice telling him what to do? Is this voice putting him down, making fun of them? And, Raymond -- are there conversastions between two voices? These are things you look for in somebody that's hallucinating. And, Raymond endorsed all of those symptoms in a very matter of fact way. He wasn't trying to convince me that he was faking. If he was, he really fooled me. But, how could a youngster with an IQ in the 80's with this marginal development, share this kind of specificity and richness of content if he weren't telling me the truth? That's the question I asked myself." (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 412).

The perpetrators followed the textbook. They created a false case of hallucinations. Raymond's description of them was honest. He could not have thought of it himself. Raymond was not the author of the hoax. The psychiatrist was fooled by the hidden perpetrators.

Dr. Sack has seen other youngsters who heard "voices" for two or three years and never told anyone because of fear of being declared insane (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 411). It is a serious matter to contemplate that there could be a lot more of these mind control cases and that no mental health professional knows how to diagnose them correctly.

Assuming that the voices were hallucinations, acting out the commands was not a true conduct disorder (Sack, p.7). The "voices" were intermittent, therefore it was a psychosis. It was a disease that was not fully developed, according to Dr. Sack (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 429).

A true conduct disorder personality accepts his criminal tendency. Perkins was not like this (True, July 22). While it is true that a psychopath likes to tell about his antisocial behavior, Perkins was just being immature when he laughed about it in detention (Contested Remand Hearing, pp. 419-420), thought Dr. Sack.

Dr. Sack testified, "If you take away the command hallucinations, it's pretty hard to reach a DSM-IV-TR diagnosis of conduct disorder." (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 406). Dr. Sack's review of Perkins' record was "What we saw is a youngster striving hard to pay off his probation and trying hard to improve himself." (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 408). Even without the hallucinations, Perkins' conduct was not the result of a conduct disorder (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 427).

Perkins' delusions were not fully formed. They were part of a paranoid ideation (Contested Remand Hearing pp. 432-433). I would suggest that the incompleteness of the delusions is a sign of their artificiality. They were constructed by the hidden perpetrators to deceive Perkins and others. Perkins did not offer an explanation for the voices (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 433). If his so-called delusions were the product of his own thinking, he would have had explanations for them.

The voices became less intrusive after Perkins was arrested. Dr. Sack thought the structure and continuity of the prison hospital accounted for the subsiding of voices (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 440). This is a well established observation, but the subsidence of voices could just as well be accounted for by the lack of any further use for Perkins in the designs of the perpetrators.

Dr. True administered psychological tests to Perkins. The WISC-III showed that he understands the world around him, but his low vocabulary score showed a lack of ability to express ideas. He had emotional detachment, but that is not conduct disorder. Rather, it was deficits in social and emotional relationships in general. The MMPI-A showed a psychotic-like disorder. It was extreme. There was no faking. Dr. True concurred with Dr. Sack in finding that the supposed antisocial personality disorder or conduct disorder, was not independent of the psychotic symptoms. The MMPI-A results showed that this was the mental state of an extremely disturbed person. It was associated with his illegal behavior, but this is because of feelings of social alienation and interpersonal difficulties rather than a criminal personality. The Rorschach showed he had "extremely poor reality testing." A psychotic person is like this.

Overall, the test results showed primarily a mental disturbance, but also a condition that looked like a conduct disorder brought on by inaccurate perceptions of people. The inaccurate perceptions cause a tendency to make erroneous conclusions, ill-advised actions, and poor judgments. Psychologically, the behavioral or conduct problems are most appropriately viewed from the mental framework of 'acting out,' as a defense or a reaction against the mental turmoil associated with his extreme mental condition." (True, July 22, 2002).

The extreme mental condition is the psychosis of mental enslavement. Dr. True did not guess that he was describing the effects of mental enslavement. A mind control system is more than electronically delivered subliminal training. The victim is guided into social isolation. The substitution of a manipulated psychotic state in place of natural social experiences leads to a lack of development of reality testing skills.

The psychosis seemed as if it might be wearing off. Dr. True wrote, "... he says now they only occur about once a week. He gave a recent example about how the voices were telling him to commit suicide, in connection to his being responsible for the fires that were occurring in Oregon recently." He thought it was because he had hit some wires with a stick a few months ago." (True, August 26). It is not clear whether this was the resurfacing of a lost memory or a fabricated delusion.

Dr. True reported that the Rorschach test showed he had a tendency toward reality misperception. The narcissism scale was not elevated. Narcissism is a measure of callousness or egocentricity. None of the tests showed any narcissim. He was not the kind of person who was growing into a psychopath or antisocial personality or hard core conduct disorder case (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 475). The impairment of reality perception is one of the effects of psychological coercion.

When Dr. True was questioned about whether he could specify the mental illness, he answered, "Not exactly. I'm with Dr. Sack on that in that it's unclear exactly what it is." "The major point for me is not the exact specification of the psychosis at this point per se, but the fact that he has that. That's so essential. That he is hallucinating and it's real. And, it's whether it's associated with depression, or developing schizophrenia, or a psychosis NOS, I guess I would have to give it a psychosis NOS as an official diagnosis(Contested Remand Hearing, p. 493).

Dr. True still thought the voices were hallucinations, but not schizophrenia. "In addition, I think most of the time when we're talking about hallucinations we were confusing those with hallucinations associated with schizophrenia. Nobody has said that Raymond is schizophrenic. Yet, when we talk about hallucinations, hallucinations were referenced to the very -- usually bizarre kind. And, these are -- even though that the hallucinations per se are strange and a bizarre symptom, his frequency, severity, the type of hallucinations as Dr. Sack reported of not finding thought disorders, are another way of saying that the hallucinations are not part of a schizophrenia." "Even though it's a psychotic symptom of a gross misperception, of a major mental disorder, that diagnosis of mental disorder is not schizophrenia. We're all saying that. Dr. Sasser is saying that. I'm saying that. Dr. Sack is saying that. We don't see schizophrenia. And, usually when we talk ... about hallucinations it's in the context of schizophrenia. Not always. In Raymond's case his hallucinations are not part of that." (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 485-486).

The "voices" were not accompanied by a schizophrenic thought disorder. They were the product of the strange psychosis that Dr. True could not easily classify. This is consistent with mind control psychosis.

After he went into detention, the "hallucinations" became less frequent (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 486). This change in reported "hallucinations" did not persuade Dr. True that Perkins was lying all along. Dr. True stood by the results of the SIRS inventory. Perkins was answering the questions honestly (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 466). Dr. True and Dr. Sack insisted the "hallucinations" reported by Perkins were not learned. They were experienced (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 487).

Dr. Sack found that Perkins was legally insane as defined by ORS 151.295. "That is, he was unable because of his psychotic behavior to conform his behvior to the requirements of the law (Sack, p. 1). If Ray had not heard the voices on the day of the killing, he would not have killed (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 430).

Perkins had depression often and trouble getting to sleep. He thought about suicide (Sack, p. 4). The diagnosis was major depressive disorder with suicidal intent (Sack, p. 4).

Perkins had flatness of affect and poor personal hygiene. These can be associated with schizophrenia, but he did not have the thought disorder of schizophrenia (Sack, p. 5). It is possible that someone was faking it by subliminally influencing Perkins to neglect cleanliness. The mind control harassment caused the depression as a side effect. This is typical of mind control cases.

Perkins reported that the messages from command voices were scary (Sasser, pp. 4-6) and loud. There is a possibility that chronic bombardment of the hearing center of the brain with subliminal word streams could have caused an inner ear disturbance. The harm that is caused by these training voices is noticed when the the command voices are heard. An inner ear disturbance was not assessed.

Sasser reports, "He stated he never told his mother bacause it was a secret and there were some things you don't talk about with others." (Sasser, p. ). The semantics of "never" is not always absolute. Perkins really had tried to talk about the "voices." When Perkins was caught in an incident two years before the murder, he told his mother "the voices made me do it." (Sack, p. 3). He told Dr. Sack he didn't talk about the voices because he was afraid he would be locked up (Sack, p. 5).

Perkins admitted having killed Dr. Elman. Because he was only fourteen at the time of the crime, there was an issue of whether he should be tried as an adult or a child. One of the arguments relevant to this issue is whether he was likely to recover from his mental condition.

When asked if Perkins was amenable to treatment, Dr. Sasser said that a disposition to murder is the central issue (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 335). Dr. Sasser called attention to the "identity annihilation" that Dr. True and Dr. Sack found in Perkins (Contested Remand Hearing, pp. 347-349). No one knew what was driving it or when it would erupt.

The identity annihilation was a chronic death wish that could cause Perkins to kill again (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 726). This was an effect of the programming, but no one could see that. The defense advised Perkins not to answer questions about what was going through his head (Contest Remand Hearing, p. 731).

R. Kristina Lange testified that Perkins "was able to deceive professionals ... about his mental health issues that have now surfaced," (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 650).

Lange pointed out that Dr. True found that Perkins had an "extreme mental disturbance." (Contested ... p. 630). This was part of the ground work for the prosecution's position that Perkins was too unpredictable to be set free. If he were tried as a juvenile, he could be free at age 25.

There is no treatment for conduct disorder. Because Perkins was deemed not to be amenable to treatment, he could be tried as an adult. The sentence would be harsher (Waiver, p. 16).

The prosecutor argued that the "hallucinations" were unpredictable and Perkins did not understand them (Contested Remand Hearing, p. 725).

In his closing remarks, the prosecutor said,

What's really interesting to me in this case is that perhaps some of the best evidence that could have been presented in this case was about what was going through this young man's head when he killed Dr. Elman. It would be -- okay. When the mental health professionals got to sit down with him and talk with him and look at him, "What was going through your mind when you did this?" we don't have.

And the reason we don't have, is the mental health professionals were told by the defense, "Don't ask him this question. Don't go into the facts."

Ray Perkins was tried as an adult. He will remain in youth prison until he is aged 25. He was sentenced to 30 years.



Contested Remand Hearing, State v. Perkins, transcript.

Clark, Diane Martha, Letter to Judge Barron, Coos County Circuit Court, June 6, 2002.

Contested Remand Hearing, transcript, Case no. JV 8244, Coos County Circuit Court, Oregon, copy in Court of Appeals, Salem.

Elman, Steven B., Letter to Judge Barron, Coos County Circuit Court, June 2, 2002.

Lange, R. Kristina, Notes, State's Exhibit 13, Case no. JV 8244, Coos County Circuit Court, Oregon Court of Appeals, Salem.

Lange, R. Kristina, "Remand Report," August 14, 2002.

Perkins, Raymond, A., Journal, State's Exhibit 5.

Naffziger, Joyce, Investigative Report, Naffziger Investigations, Eugene, Oregon.

Naffziger, Joyce, Memorandum, July 23, 2002, Defense Exhibit 101.

Narrative, Findings from Interview, States Exhibit 11.

Psychoeducational Evaluation, August 5, 2002, State's Exhibit 18.

Psychoeducational Evaluation, August 6, 2002, State's Exhibit 18.

True, Donald, Letter to Greg Hazarabedian, July 22, 2002.

True, Donald, Letter to Greg Hazarabedian, August 26, 2002.

Sack, William H., Letter to Gregory J. Hazarabedian, July 5, 2002.

Sasser, Michael S., Psychiatric Evaluation on Raymond Perkins, June 12, 2002, State's Exhibit 10.

State v. Perkins, Raymond A., Oregon Court of Appeals, Salem, Case no. A119589, transcripts and exhibits from Coos County Circuit Court, Case no. JV 8244.

State's Exhibit 18, Case no. JV 8244, Coos County Circuit Court, Oregon Court of Appeals, Salem.

True, Donald, Letter to Greg Hazarabedian, August 26, 2002.

Waiver Hearing Memorandum of the Coos County District Attorney.

Copyright © 2004 Daniel A. Montgomery