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Millimeter Waves and Mind Control

Alan Yu 3-97 News Post

From: AlanYu    AlanYu@prodigy.net
Newsgroups:  alt.mindcontrol
Subject: Freedom of privacy & thoughts
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 1997 

Dear Readers, 

I have stated that there is nothing can hide in the mind control surveillance system because these operators are using the state of art remote watching technology. Now, I found more information to prove what I have stated is correct. I would show readers such kind of information below:

(attachment)--"New Scientist", Nov. 5, 1995 supplement (London, UK)

No Where to Hide

If you want to see the future of surveillance, take a trip into the world of millimetre waves and the video cameras that are sensitive to them. People are stripped of their clothes and become featureless, luminous humanoids. Silhouetted against their bodies and suspended as if by magic, hang coins, buckles, pens and keys. Cars are dark and sinister, although their hot radiator grills are bright. Only the steel in reinforced concrete shows up, so buildings look more like cages of copper pipes and electricity cables than homes and offices. There is little privacy in the world revealed by the millimetre-wave camera. Sitting rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms and lavatories all merge into one open space. People sit in their cages watching warm boxes, others sleep while suspended a few centimetres above the floor.

The images make an apt metaphor for the brave new digital world of electronic surveillance. It is a world where there will be nowhere to hide, nor anywhere to hide anything. There are already devices under development that will see through walls and strip-search suspects from a distance, looking under their clothes and inside their bodies. Individuals may be identified by their unique smells and tracked down, or "recognised" electronically, even before they have had time to complete a crime. And thanks to cheap digital video cameras and powerful new search algorithms, individuals will be tracked by computers. There will be no anonymity even in the once welcoming crowds. Millimetre waves sit in the electromagnetic spectrum between the infrared and microwaves. They are emitted by anything that contains water, especially if it is warm. The human body is an excellent source, and it stands out like a beacon at these frequencies.

"Millimetre waves are incredibly useful," says Steve Bohrer, an electrical engineer at Millitech, a company in Massachusetts that has spent 10 years developing cameras that can spot them. They pass straight through any nonconducting material-this includes almost all clothing and most types of building material, he says. Metals are poor emitters, while dielectric materials such as plastics, ceramics, plastic explosives and powdered drugs lie somewhere in between. The amount of millimetre wave radiation that any of these materials emits also depends on their temperature.

Like visible and infrared light, millimetre waves can be focused to form an image. "It's not difficult. All you need is a plastic lens," explains Bohrer. What is more difficult is detecting this image once it has been formed.

In a conventional video camera, light is turned into an electrical signal by sensors known as charge coupled devices (CCDs). An array of CCDs at the camera's focal plane generates the electronic signal that creates a picture on a monitor. The more sensors in the array, the finer the camera's resolution, so an important factor is the size of each CCD and hence the number that can be crammed into the array. Most home video cameras have thousands. But CCDs cannot be used to pick up millimetre waves. Instead radio antennas are needed detect the radiation, and the tiny currents induced in the antennas must be amplified into a clear electronic signal. Such devices tend to be relatively bulky.

The trick that Millitech has pulled off is to develop a way of making antennas only two or three millimetres across and then assembling 256 of them into a two- dimensional array. At a distance of a metre or so the camera can resolve objects a few millimetres across. Like a conventional video camera, the array takes 30 pictures per second. The result is a real-time, moving image of the world in millimetre waves.

Millitech's two prototype cameras can easily spot concealed metal knives and guns against the bright background of the bearer's body if the temperature of an object is known, it is also possible to identify the material it is made from, by assessing the brightness of the image. Since most concealed objects and packages are kept close to the body, their temperature can be estimated fairly accurately losing this technique, crystalline substances such as sugar or powdered drugs can be identified clearly, although it is not possible to distinguish between the two.

By 1997, Millitech expects to have a millimetre-wave camera on sale for around $10 000, and a rugged portable version for $80 000.

To complement its camera, Millitech is developing computer software that will scan images produced by the camera and alert a human operator if it spots something suspicious. Fooling the computer will not be easy. "I suppose you could hide a gun inside a hot water bottle filled with water at body temperature." suggests Bohrer. "But the system would still pick up the rubber bottle." The only way to beat it will be to hide objects inside the body. The Millitech camera could be a voyeur's delight. At close range, males and females can be easily distinguished, says Bohrer. The intensity of the millimetre waves that human flesh emits depends on its temperature. A man's genitals are slightly cooler than the rest of the body so they appear darker. Bohrer says that the computerized scanning system will safeguard people's privacy by doing away with the need for routine human surveillance.

While millimetre-wave cameras ruffle through pockets and clothes, microwave imaging devices will look inside the human body for contraband hidden in even more intimate places (see "The Pocket Radar Revolution, "New Scientist", 12 August). Developed at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, these devices comprise two tiny radars that broadcast microwave impulses and listen for the reflections. Each radar controls its range by briefly opening its "ears" a short time after each pulse is broadcast, ignoring echoes from nearer or more distant objects. This effectively creates a shell around the radar, which typically has a radius of a few metros. By using two radars with shells that overlap, and varying the size of each shell, it is possible to map an entire volume of space.

Such devices have enormous potential for surveillance. They could make strip-searches a thing of the past, for example. To a trained operator, foreign objects inside the body will show up as easily as those outside. And because microwaves pass easily through walls and doors, similar systems could be used to mount a discreet surveillance operation. The radar set should cost only a few dollars to assemble. It is already little bigger than a bar of soap, and could be made much smaller. Only the computing power to assemble the image will be expensive and bulky.

Further down the electromagnetic spectrum, the military electronics manufacturer Raytheon has come up with a way of detecting metal objects using radio waves with wavelengths of a few metros. idea is that the radiation will excite electrons in a metal object which will radiate energy as they settle back into a lower energy state. The intensity and duration of this secondary radiation will depend on the size and shape of the object. Raytheon hopes to build a detector that bathes people with radio waves, and matches the secondary signal that this produces against a library of radio signatures from objects such as handguns and knives. For the moment, however, it is not clear how accurately this can be done.

Artificial sniffers that will identify us by our smell are another technology that is appearing on the horizon. One day such scent sensors could be as common as the video cameras that have sprouted over the past few years in city, streets, over road junctions, and inside shopping centers, airports and railway stations. "If you build new shopping mall, you could have sniffers all over the place," predicts George Dodd, a researcher with the Highlands Scientific Research Group at the Craig Dunain Hospital in Inverness, and the acknowledged father of the electronic nose. The sniffers could monitor how often an individual visits a store, identify known shoplifters as they enter and alert security staff if necessary. "You could detect intruders in an office, even identify them," Dodd claims.

Police forces in Holland, Germany and Hungary have extensive databanks of human smells taken with swabs from crime scenes, which they use to set sniffer dogs on the track of the culprit.

With electronic noses, however, everybody's smell could be stored on computer, says Dodd. In future, smell could be used as evidence of a person's identity much as fingerprints and DNA tests are today.

Now let's see the important information below if we use the millimetre waves cameras:
"People are stripped of their clothes and become featureless, luminous humanoids. Silhouetted against their bodies and suspended as if by magic, hang coins, buckles, pens and keys. Cars are dark and sinister, although their hot radiator grills are bright. Only the steel in reinforced concrete shows up, so buildings look more like cages of copper pipes and electricity cables than homes and offices. There is little privacy in the world revealed by the millimetre-wave camera. Sitting rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms and lavatories all merge into one open space. People sit in their cages watching warm boxes, others sleep while suspended a few centimetres above the floor.........

It is a world where there will be nowhere to hide, nor anywhere to hide anything. There are already devices under development that will see through walls and strip-search suspects from a distance, looking under their clothes and inside their bodies.

Millimetre waves sit in the electromagnetic spectrum between the infrared and microwaves. They are emitted by anything that contains water, especially if it is warm. The human body is an excellent source, and it stands out like a beacon at these frequencies."

The above information has proven that in 1997, civilians scientist already can use the millimeter waves camera to spy on people from a distance when people are at home or building.

That's because the millimeter wave will be emitted from human body and it can pass through all materials of building (such as metal, wood, etc.). Therefore, by using the millimeter wave camera, the operators can spy on the targets through wall, metal, etc.

How can this kind of camera be used to spy or search people?

According the report, it state that the millimeter wave can be used to find the target (even distinguishing male or female) and everything outside the human body (in pockets). This camera even can locate a man's genital. The only limitation is that it cannot to check the inside (such as organs) of human body. Therefore, the microwave imaging device will be used to look inside the body.

Let's review the important information below:

"While millimetre-wave cameras ruffle through pockets and clothes, microwave imaging devices will look inside the human body for contraband hidden in even more intimate places (see "The Pocket Radar Revolution, "New Scientist", 12 August). Developed at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, these devices comprise two tiny radars that broadcast microwave impulses and listen for the reflections. Each radar controls its range by briefly opening its "ears" a short time after each pulse is broadcast, ignoring echoes from nearer or more distant objects. This effectively creates a shell around the radar, which typically has a radius of a few metros. By using two radars with shells that overlap, and varying the size of each shell, it is possible to map an entire volume of space. Such devices have enormous potential for surveillance. They could make strip-searches a thing of the past, for example. To a trained operator, foreign objects inside the body will show up as easily as those outside. And because microwaves pass easily through walls and doors, similar systems could be used to mount a discreet surveillance operation. The radar set should cost only a few dollars to assemble. It is already little bigger than a bar of soap, and could be made much smaller. Only the computing power to assemble the image will be expensive and bulky."
Now let's compare with current mind control surveillance system with this technology.

I would remind you the cases which was reported in "Microwave Harassment & Mind Control Experimentation" by Julienne McKinney to explain it.


One individual (driven to extremes of stress by ongoing electronic harassment focusing on her children) killed one child in an effort to protect her from further pain.

Another individual, during a telephone conversation, was told by an employee of a local power company that , if she value the lives of her children, she would drop the her opposition to the company's installation of high power lines. Since receiving that threat, the individual 11-year-old daughter has been reduced to extremes of pain, resulting in her recurrent hospitalization for treatment of illness which cannot be diagnosed. It's now also apparent to this individual that her three-year-old son is on the receiving end of externally induced auditory input.

I would like to emphasize some important point for those readers who think that the above examples are unusual cases and other people would not be subjected to similar harassment.

The two families in this example are average law abiding citizens and living in their own home. Even under such kind circumstances, these members of these two families cannot avoid of being spied on. So, the children of these two families cannot avoid being attacked and harm by remotely controlled invisible wave weapons (even in the security of their own home or staying at hospitals).

It proves the invisible wave weapon has been used in conjunction with the surveillance system. Also, both systems can track or attack any of the member of these two families with incredible accuracy. From these cases, we know that anyone of us can be also injured or examined in our own home or public building (including car, boat, plane etc.-- That's because the original surveillance program in 1971 was designed to "wire" every home, car, boat, etc.--see detail on _UNCLOAKING THE CIA_ published by Free Press 1978).

The above information (two cases) also proves that no place is safe for anyone when you live under the mind control surveillance system (Include the invisible wave weapon & mind control surveillance system).

Some female victims had reported that they were attack in the urethra region at home. According to above information, I deduce that they are telling truth. These information prove that the state of art of technologies of mind control should have involved the corrupted officers. That's how they have access to such incredible technologies (targeting). Also that's why the local law enforcement unit can be the basic unit of mind control.

Comparing with the above civilian scientist' device millimeter waves camera, I deduce that mind control surveillance system has used the technology of millimeter wave and microwave imaging device to surveillance people for a long time. Furthermore, the corrupted operators can use the microwave to check human inside organs in order to manipulate people's lives. That's because the secret research of mind control is far beyond the civilians scientific research. The millimeter wave and microwave imaging device should be the technology of so called "remote viewing (watching)"

According to Dr. Becker's book, there is some type of radar which can find a fly one kilometer away or track a human being within the radius of twenty-five miles (see page 319 on "The Body Electric" 1985 by Robert Becker). I believe "remote watching" technology would use such type of advance radar emitting radiation at the frequency which can penetrate concrete wall, but still find and locate a subject's position with surgical precision.

This "remote watching" equipment is a secret technology of the intelligence agency. A company known as PSI-TECH specializes in this type or similar technology. It is discussed in an article written by Armen Victorian (The article appeared in Great Britain's magazine, "LOBSTER", in June of 1993. This magazine specializes in the reporting matters dealing with intelligence agencies and conspiracies).

The PSI-TECH had used the "remote viewing" to locate Saddam's scud missiles sites for US government during the Gulf War and assisted FBI to locate a kidnapped Exxon executive. They even can find a object from other country or locate kidnapped people in the hidden place. This proves that this kind technology of "remote watching" to locate a subject in a building, is not a problem to them.

Last year, some news reported that CIA were using psychics to make the remote viewing. I disagree with this kinds of reports. That's because the PSI company employee are the former intelligence scientists of CIA and the expert of microwaves scientists (according to the original author Ms. Armen Victorian report). Ms. Armen Victorian didn't mentioned the psychics. So even such kind psychic are also part of employees, the real scientists such as the expert of microwaves scientist should be the real researchers of "Remote Viewing".

Comparing with above information, the millimeter wave and microwave imaging device should be the real technology of "remote viewing". That's because it really can be used to search a person from a building or hidden place.

And this microwave device suit the information of that the PSI company hired the microwave scientist as employee because it does make sense. However, I would use the name of "remote watching" instead of the "remote viewing" because CIA has the rights to change the name of his scientific technology. Therefore, "remote Viewing" can be used in psychics and the "remoote watching" will be the name and used for search target in building.

Base on this "remote watching" technology--millimeter wave & microwave imaging device, the corrupted operators not only can spy on people in there home, car, boat, etc., but also can use the invisible wave to manipulate people's lives with incredible accuracy.

That's why the corrupted operators can use the invisible wave weapon attack their target on acupuncture point so accurately. And that's why the corrupted operators can use the chronal gun to remote control the activation of human organism such as remote control people's urine (for check physical condtion and for life control) or cause their victim ejaculation in artificial sex dreams.

Also that's why the corrupted undercover career operators can murder anyone as if by natural death (such as induce heart attack, heart failure, or kidney failure etc.) with the invisible wave weapon.

These undercover career operators have been trained professionally in manipulating people's lives and health with their invisible wave weapon. Some recruited young undercover operators will be trained with the murder skill from the senior undercover operators.

These kinds of training will use the lives of people as their experimentation. This is the most important training to them and every operator will kill the mind control target to avoid their security leak (if the target is being aware of the mind control or operator).

After above training, not only the career undercover operators can manipulate people's lives (health & activities), but they are also the professionally assassins or murders. That's why the mind (machine) control system have been used in our society for a long time but the mind control surveillance system can still be kept as highest secret by the corrupted operators. Therefore, these undercover operators can induce serious disease on victims over a long period (this is done slowly, so the victims would not be suspicious). Furthermore, they can kill people immediately to avoid security leak such as cause the car accident (beam the large amount microwaves from the axis of steer wheel to cause the driver fall into asleep), use the infrasound or chronal gun to cause "heart-attack", or damage victims brain, etc.

Thus, these career undercover operators' routine job is to manipulate the lives of those people who know the operators' crimes, or infringe the operators' interests, or whom the operators dislike (including the opponents). When the undercover operators find any target is out of life control, they will cooperate together to drive the particular target mad or work together to kill the award person to avoid their crimes and lives control security leak.

To those mind control victims, these career operators will continue to injure them until these victims die or being driven mad because these operators are afraid that their crimes and inhumane actions will be exposed by these victims. If some people have been accused as insane by the operators, these career operators will be responsible to set up these victims continuously. Therefore, these victims will be treated as real insane by others (including their relatives). To those unawared people whom they dislike or who are their opponents, the career operators will manipulate these unknowing people' lives in order to eliminate them secretly.

Sometime, these career operators will also get special mission to kill their former cooperators or partners secretly to avoid the mind control surveillance system security leak.

For example, in 1995, a former head of Taiwan's National Security Institute died of a "heart-attack" in a public bath pool in Taipei. This death occurred two days after he announced that he would write a memoir. His widow claimed that "her husband has never had any heart problems in his life" (supported by his health record history) and requested an autopsy to be performed in order to determine the true cause of his death.

We believe that he was killed by these kinds of undercover career operators to avoid the mind control security system security leak.

Alan Yu

The first objective of mind control organization is to manipulate people's lives in order to secretly eliminate those people who know the operators' crimes or whom the operators dislike (they make it looks as if the victim died of natural causes).

The mind (machine) control system is the national security system of Taiwan from the late 1970s and should be the same in US or lots free countries (In Taiwan, the mind machine is translated as "Psychological Language Machine." In Mandarin it sounds as "Sin_Lee_Yue_Yan_Gi," and its words means the machine can be used to read the human mind).

Accusing others as insane without evidence is the "trademark" of mind control organization. (If any law enforcement officer declare anyone as "insane" and the social security department do not put these individuals in the welfare program as disable persons, then it only represent a kind of political suppression or false accusation to discredit someone.

That' because the local law enforcement is the basic unit of mind control)

The shorter the lie is, the better it is. So, the liar can avoid inconsistencies and mistakes that other people can catch.

Even in the most dangerous battlefield, there are always soldiers who survive.

Only the truth will triumph over deception and last forever.