Part VI-B:John DuPont case-A mind control victim  & was most likely driven to kill <Back to Index>
Author:  Alan Yu 
Editor:  John Yu 

According to inside information, invisibility technology in Philadelphia experiment has been developed successfully by US Navy in WWII.  In 1950s, this technology was transferred to Taiwan.   According to inside information from Taiwan, after using the invisibility technology the personnel and equipment become tiny, invisible and have the characteristic of levitation (floating in the air). Thus, by using propulsion equipment, every invisible operative can move as a single-seated "plane" (with carried equipments such as weapons & mind machine). Since the invisible personnel and equipment have the characteristic of levitation (in the secret dimension) and every invisible operative can use the propulsion device to move as small "plane", it enable these operatives to lightly fly onto people's head to control people's brain functions without targets' knowledge. Also, they can lightly land on a target's body (on any organ) to induce illness/death without most victims' knowledge after they secretly enter people's homes/workplaces. Since 1960s, Taiwan's invisible operatives have been used in surveillance system and secretly entered political persons' homes/workplaces, vehicles ,etc. for surveillance and control.  Also, the invisible operatives have induced illness/death or mind control on some targets who Chiang Chng-Kuo disliked.  (see details on Part II-A).  Therefore, the current surveillance system of US must be same as taiwan.

To further prove the inside information about invisible operatives  is correct, I would re-examine the case of John DuPont with the insider information about the invisible operatives.   That's because John DuPont was most likely driven to kill.   Did the involved LEO & operatives use the invisibility technology & mind control tactics on John DuPont then drive him (John DuPont) to kill?

Normal citizens who suddenly become mentally-ill murderer must be mind control victims and became mentally-ill murderer because the mind control equipments was used on them by involved LEO's invisible operatives of surveillance system.

The following information also proves that "the principal aim of these (mind control) programs (e.g. MKULTRA, BLUEBIRD, etc.) was the development of a reliable programmable assassin.   Secondary aims were the development of a method of citizen control" (see details on following attachment).

(attachment 1)-"Some Aspects of Anti-Personnel Electromagnetic Weapons"
It was not until the middle or late 1970's that the American public became aware of a series of hitherto secret programs that had been conducted over the preceding two decades by the military and intelligence community. (3) Primarily focusing on narco-hypnosis, these extensive covert programs bore the project titles MKULTRA, MKDELTA, MKNAOMI, MKSEARCH (MK being understood to stand for Mind control), BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE and CHATTER. The principal aim of these and associated programs was the development of a reliable "programmable" assassin. Secondary aims were the development of a method of citizen control (Walter Bowart's Operation Mind Control -Fontana Books, London 1979).

The above facts prove that the involved LEO's first goal of mind control programs was that development of their own assassins/murderers or mind control other to become an assassin/murderer then kill their targets/citizens.

Since 1970s, the mind-control technologies (including EM mind machine, microwave voice equipment, etc.) have been used in surveillance system.   It was to build a "more controlled and directed society".   This society would be dominated by an elite group which impresses voters by allegedly superior scientific know-how (see detail on my web-page Part I).

In 1996, Mr. John DuPont had been charged as mentally ill person after he committed murder.

However, Mr. DuPont originally was a normal person for sixty years. Why did he become mentally ill and could the murder case was created by life controllers?

From news report, I strongly suspect that DuPont case was created by his life controllers (local LEO & invisible operators of surveillance station/system).


Based on the information of NIJ report, 4/94 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN magazine, MICROWAVE NEWS Nov/Dec 1993, and NEXUS magazine, it prove that state & local law enforcement have used the mind control equipment (microwave voice equipment, voice synthesis) and life control weapons (microwave radio-frequency, electromagnetic pulse weapon) on civilians. Therefore, state and local law enforcement have become mind control basic units. Police officers control local people's lives from current surveillance system.

General speaking, a murder case involves several factors such as money, love, or hate (revenge).

In this case, Mr. DuPont is a much richer than the wrestling coach he killed, so it could not be for the money. The wrestler's wife called the police to report that her husband was shot by Mr. DuPont, so there should not be an affair between her and DuPont.   Then why did DuPont hate Dave Schultz so much that DuPont would want to kill him.   Mr. DuPont might be crazy, so he kill the wrestler.   However, Mr. DuPont originally had been a normal citizen for 60 years.   What is the real reason which made him suddenly to become crazy.

Since only involved LEO use mind machine, mind control equipment in current society, it has shown that John DuPont was most likely driven to kill by involved LEO & operatives of surveillance station/system.

I would mentions an inside information before I express my own opinions to the DuPont case based on news report.

Based on the insider information, the invisibility technology of Philadelphia Experiment (invisibility and travel in another dimension- teleportation) has been developed successfully & transferred to  surveillance system of Taiwan in 1950s.  Since 1960s, Taiwan's invisible operatives have secretly entered important political persons' homes/offices, cars, etc. to keep them under close surveillance and induce illness/death on some victims whom Chiang Ching-Kuo disliked.

According to the information of Some Aspects of Anti-Personnel
Electromagnetic Weapons" by David G. Guyatt, US Navy learned mind
control technology from Nazi and conducted conducted US first
classified mind control research Chatter.

(attachment) "Some Aspects of Anti-Personnel Electromagnetic
Weapons" by David G. Guyatt
...... However, experiments in behavior modification and mind manipulation have a much more grisly past. Nazi
doctors at the Dachau concentration camp conducted involuntary
experiments with hypnosis and narco-hypnosis, using the drug mescaline
on inmates. Additional research was conducted at Aushwitz, using a
range of chemicals including various barbiturates and morphine
derivatives. Many of these experiments proved fatal.

Following the conclusion of the war, the U.S. Naval Technical Mission
was tasked with obtaining pertinent industrial and scientific material that
had been produced by the Third Reich and which may be of benefit to
U.S. interests. Following a lengthy report, the Navy instigated Project
CHATTER in 1947. Many of the Nazi scientists and medical doctors who
conducted hideous experiments were later recruited by the U.S. Army
and worked out of Heidelberg prior to being secretly relocated to the
United States under the Project PAPERCLIP program....
By 1953 the CIA, U.S. Navy and the U.S. Army Chemical Corps were
conducting their own narco-hypnosis programs on unwilling victims that
included prisoners, mental patients, foreigners, ethic minorities and those
classified as sexual deviants. (2)

Primarily focusing on narco-hypnosis, these extensive covert programs bore the project titles MKULTRA, MKDELTA, MKNAOMI, MKSEARCH (MK being understood to stand for Mind control), BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE and CHATTER. The principal aim of these and associated programs was the development of a reliable "programmable" assassin. Secondary aims were the development
of a method of citizen control (Walter Bowart's Operation Mind Control
-Fontana Books, London 1979).
According to above information, "the principle aim of
mindcontrol-research programs (e.g., MKULTRA, ARTICHOKE and
CHATTER) and associated programs was the development of a reliable
programmable assassin." The secondary aim was the development of a
method of citizen control.

Why would US Navy learn the mind control technology from Nazi and
conducted US first mind control research Chatter if the first goal of mind
control research is to develop the reliable assassins?
It only because the invisibility technology has been developed
successfully to use on personnel in WWII by Navy in Philadelphia

Thus, US Navy was arranged to learn mind control technology from Nazi
and conducted mind control research operation Chatter.   The goal is to
train the invisible operatives to use the mind control technology in
surveillance station/system to eliminate (either drive mad or kill) their
targets.  How can I make the above statement!?
If the invisibility technology didn't develop successfully or could not be
used on personnel, there were no invisible personnel.  Thus, why would
Navy need to learn the mind control technology from Nazi and
conducted US first classified mind control research Operation Chatter in
1947 to develop their reliable assassins?

Only because the invisibility technology of Philadelphia Experiment must
has been developed successfully and used on personnel by Navy in
Thus, Navy could use the mind control technology to develop these
invisible personnel to become reliable assassins in surveillance system.
The above facts also support the inside information from Taiwan.

According to above information, the secondary aim of mind control
research was the development of a method of citizen control.   This
secondary goal has also been proven by history that CIA has developed
the remote electric bodily control method which can be used by invisible
operatives to control citizens.   Thus, comparing with the above two mind
control research goals with mind control research history and facts, it
does prove that Navy must has developed invisibility technology
successfully to use on personnel.   Thus, they can use mind control
technology to train these invisible personnel to become reliable assassins
to achieve  the first goal of mind control research.   Also, after they
successfully developed the bodily function control method with remote
electric method, the invisible operatives of surveillance system have used
it to control citizens.

How can I prove this statement?
That's because one of original goals in CIA mind control research was to
find a method to remotely control the activation mechanism of the
human organism.    The researchers had successfully found that the
activation mechanism of man can be manipulated by using remote
electrical methods.  After that, they wanted to adapt this electrical remote
control method on the activation mechanism of human organism and the
BIOELECTRIC sensing method for use in surveillance and interrogation
(see details on my webpage Part I-B).

Thus, these invisible personnel must have been used to secretly enter
important persons' homes/offices, cars, etc. for surveillance after WWII.
However, to further use these invisible personnel to murder some targets
whom the involved LEO of surveillance system disliked, they not only
used the mind control technology, but also further developed the
illness/death inducing techniques to train these invisible personnel to
become professional murderer.

Furthermore, the classified research Operation Pandora was conducted by Defense Advanced Research Project Agency [DARPA]) in 1965-70.  It must be the extending research to develop illness/death inducing techniques for invisible operatives.  The goal is to continuously train the invisible personnel to become professional murderer beside using them for surveillance purpose.
(attachment) "Some Aspects of Anti-Personnel Electromagnetic Weapons"
From 1965 through to 1970, Defense Advanced Projects Research Agency (DARPA), with up to 70-80% funding provided by the military, set in motion operation PANDORA to study the health and psychological effects of low intensity microwaves with regard to the so-called "Moscow signal." This project appears to have been quite extensive and included (under U.S. Navy funding) studies demonstrating how to induce heart seizures, create leaks in the blood/brain barrier and production of auditory hallucinations.

According to information, CIA and Defense department have conducted
classified research to learn the illness/death inducing techniques (since
Why would they develop the illness/death inducing techniques? That's
because invisibility technology has been developed successfully to use on
personnel by US Navy in WWII (before 1945). Beside using these
invisible personnel for surveillance or mind control, the involved LEO of
surveillance system would further use them to secretly murder their
targets (whom the involved LEO of surveillance system dislike) when
keeping them under surveillance.  After 1960, CIA was mainly developing
the mind control technology and EM mind machine.  Thus, Defense
Advanced Research Project Agency [DARPA]) of Defense Department
continuously conducted the classified illness/death inducing techniques
research Operation Pandora for these invisible operatives.

Based on inside information from Taiwan, these invisible operatives'
original codename was little spirits in 1965-70.  However, they have
changed their codename to "bees" to prevent security leak.  That's
because most westerners know that little spirits in Pandora box are tiny,
invisible and will spread illness/death on man."

The classified research Operation Pandora is a reference to a Greek
myth in which the little spirits released from Pandora's Box brought
illness/death upon Man. This hidden meaning ("little spirits") of
Operation Pandora supports the inside information that these invisible
operatives become tiny when they enter the secret dimension and the
invisible operatives' codename was little spirits.   This classified research
included to learn that how to create leaks on brain/blood barrier.  This
classified research not only proves that brain hemorrhage is a created
illness/death ( see details on my webpage Part V-B2, Part IX-A, B), it
also prove that these invisible operatives must be tiny.  Thus, the tiny invisible operatives can lightly fly onto a target's head to induce brain hemorrhage without being blocked by the target's hairs.  Otherwise, they cannot watch clearly to a target's head (beside bald, human head is covered with hairs)  to induce brain hemorrhage on any target.

The above facts become  histories and fully support the inside information from Taiwan life control surveillance system.

According to inside information, these invisible operatives have the characteristic of levitation (floating in the air as weightless condition). Thus, by using propulsion equipment, every invisible operative can move as a single-seated "plane" (with carried electric generator to keep them staying in the fixed electromagnetic field for invisibility).  Also these invisible operative's size become as tiny as a flea when they stay in the secret magnetic dimension.   That's why these invisible operatives' activities are very inhumane and will kill anyone who know their secret.   That's' because these invisible operatives are afraid being injured by their targets when they attack their targets.    Furthermore, these tiny invisible operatives can fly onto an unaware target's head to completely control their target's emotion, consciousness, speech , & behaviors, etc. This most effective mind control method of these invisible operatives can insure a mind controlled target to achieve the following goals:

1. To create assassin/murderer: driving a target to kill. 2. To create metal ill person: making a target to speak improper words when the target is in public in order to make the target appear to be mentally ill to others. 3. To affect the target's decision: affecting the judgment of decision maker:

Now, let's read the news report about John DuPont.

(attachment 8)
According 1/29/96 "World Journal" (Chinese newspaper published in the United States) reported:

Millionaire John DuPont used his (.38) gun to kill the Olympic wrestler on 1/26/96 and was captured on 1/28/96. The friends and relatives of DuPont said that: Recently, the actions of Mr. DuPont appears strange. He had driven his Lincoln Town car into the lake in his estate twice. He also ordered the wrestlers who practice in his home to chase the ghosts of his house.

On 1/29/96, Local Philadelphia TV News report that an acquaintance of Mr. DuPont said that he saw "Mr. DuPont talking with the wall in his home." In addition, Mr. DuPont had said that there are animals hidden in his bedroom and under the sheets of his bed (indicated by the wrinkles). It was supposedly the indication of something hidden under the sheet.

According to news report, John DuPont's two lawyers have refused to represent DuPont in the court room after John DuPont falsely accuse them as Nazi's co-conspirators (who are plotting against John DuPont) in jail.

According to the above news report, DuPont obviously encounter some strange circumstances which might result of him talking to the walls at his home.

Why did he believe that there were ghosts in his home? Why would an acquaintance of Mr. DuPont said that he saw Mr. DuPont talking with the wall in his home?  Why did John DuPont think there's animals under his bed or something under the sheet of bed? Why did he drive his car into the lake twice? Could anyone answer the above questions?!

A theory which can answer and logically explain the whole situations should be considered as the real factors (truth) behind the murder.

If John DuPont was being targeted with mind control technologies, then could we explain his case logically based on our knowledge about mind control technology (to analyze how could he was manipulated)?

I would explain it based on the mind control technology with above inside information.

First question- How could John DuPont believe that there were ghosts in his home?

According to news report (on 1/29/96 "World Journal), DuPont ordered the wrestlers who practice in his home to chase the ghosts of his house. How could John DuPont believe that there were ghosts in his home?

I believe that this is created by invisible operatives of surveillance station/system.

If the invisible operatives entered into DuPont's house and played mind game with him in order to mislead John Dupont, it would make DuPont to mistakenly believe that there were ghosts in his home then asked the wrestlers to chase these ghosts.
How could the invisible operatives of surveillance system create ghostlike apparition?

By using ELF and mind machine , the invisible operatives of surveillance system can create illusion in a target's brain along with microwave voice delivering.   Thus, the unaware victim would be misled that he met ghost.

There is another information proves that the involved LEO & operatives of surveillance station/system do can use a new nonlethal weapon to create an image as illusion and appears as a real thing or ghostlike apparition to mislead the unaware people.

(attachment)-"Holography"_Earth Rising-The Revolution_by Dr. Nick Begich & James Roderick in 2000

Holography has been referenced, to a very limited degree, and is only vaguely mentioned in discussions of nonlethal weapons. The concept is that an image can be holographically projected so that it appears as a real thing or ghostlike apparition. The image can be endowed with speech which seems to emanate from the image itself. This type of technology could be used for creating panic and fear in unsophisticated combatants who are unaware of the technology. The following references point to the viability of this technology:

"HyperSonic Sound is a new technology in sound production that employs ultrasonic tones in a new patented and patents-pending process to produce sounds directly in the air. The laser-like HSS ultrasonic beam can project audible sound to virtually any listening environment creating many new sound applications previously impossible with existing speaker technology" (American Technology Corporation. Chairman's Message. May 17, 1999.

Second question- Why would an acquaintance of Mr. DuPont said that he saw Mr. DuPont talking with the wall in his home?

According to the inside information from Taiwan, after using invisibility technology from surveillance station/system, the personnel and equipment will become invisible, tiny and have the characteristic of levitation (floating in the air as weightless condition). Thus, by using the propulsion equipment, every invisible operative can move as a single-seated "plane"(see details on my webpage Part II-A).  Also, the invisible operatives can enter people's home from power (system) lines with the technology of inter dimensional travel.   It means these invisible operatives will enter people's home from the upper section of wall which is near the electric meter of outdoor (because it near the power llines-see details on Part II-A). How could the invisible operatives secretly communicate with an unaware victim at his home?

After secretly enter a target's home, the invisible operatives mostly will use their characteristic of levitation (floating in the air as weightless condition) to stay around the upper section of wall. From the wall, some of invisible operatives will use microwave voice device to deliver their questions or instruction to the victim. Also, an operative will secretly fly onto a target's head and also use mind machine (or advanced mind reading technique) to know the target's mind (then know the target's answer). At the same time, the invisible operative (who fly onto the victim's head) will then loudly read the target's mind (answer) with microwave voice to notify other invisible operatives. Thus, the invisible operatives can use microwave voice device to communicate with an unaware target (see details on Part I-A2). However, these invisible operatives can also set up the unaware victim without victim's knowledge (e.g. pretend to be demons to mislead the victim).

As the above inside information, these invisible operatives can be sent to DuPont's house through power lines and stay on the upper section of wall (however, they still remain invisible).If these invisible operatives secretly entered John Depot's home and used their microwave voice equipment to deliver their microwave voice messages to DuPont (from the upper section of wall), it would cause DuPont to answer them.   Thus, it would make an conservator who was an acquaintance of DuPont to see that Mr. DuPont talking with the wall in his home.

Thus, the second question's answer is that the invisible operatives of surveillance station/system had delivered microwave voices to communicate with John DuPont.

Third question:  Why had Mr. DuPont said to his friends & relatives that there are animals hidden in his bedroom and under the sheets of his bed (indicated by the wrinkles).   It was supposedly the indication of something hidden under the sheet.

According to inside information, these invisible operative's size become as tiny as a flea or small mosquito when they are staying in the secret magnetic dimension (see details on Part II-A, C).
If these tiny invisible operatives entered DuPont's bed room (from magnetic dimension) and played under the sheet of the bed in order to mislead DuPont, it could cause the wrinkles and made the John DuPont to mistakenly think that there was something under the bed sheets (it also shows that the invisible operative's size seems really tiny then could enter the bed sheet) or some animals hidden in his bedroom.

Fourth question:  Why would DuPont drive his town car into lake twice in his estate?

Since remote electric method & inducing illnesses/deaths techniques have been used in surveillance stations/system from 1970s, the involved LEO & operatives of surveillance station/system become life controllers (see details on my web-page Part I-B).

We know that current surveillance system is "wire" every home, car, boat, plane, etc.  Thus, after the invisible operatives of surveillance stations/system secretly enter a target's car, they can either use power beaming system technology (e.g. carry a similar technology device of psychotronic generator) to send a powerful electromagnetic emanation (microwave radiation) on driver through the concealed emitter in axis of steering wheel (see details on my webpage Part I-E1, E2).  This will cause the driver falling into asleep while driving on streets, highways, etc. and cause a car accident.

(attachment)-US Army War College Quarterly, Spring 1998, Vol. XXVIII, No 1
"The Mind Has No Firewall" by Timothy L. Thomas Parameters

Russian army Major I. Chernishev, writing in the military journal Orienteer in February 1997, asserted that "psy" weapons are under development all over the globe.
Specific types of weapons noted by Chernishev (not all of which have prototypes) were:

* A psychotronic generator, which produces a powerful electromagnetic emanation capable of being sent through telephone lines, TV, radio networks, supply pipes, and incandescent lamps. .....

For example, By using the psychotronic generator to emit enough microwave radiation through the axis of steering wheel on driver or the invisible operatives use mind machine to send special ELF on diver, it can force driver falling into dizzy or asleep on high way to create car accident. I have reported that a hidden microwave emitter in the axis of steering wheel. Based on power beaming system technology (using a psychotronic generator) , this emitter can be remotely powered by a nearby invisible operative of surveillance system to beam enough microwave radiation (or ELF) to driver.  This will force driver falling asleep or become dizzy on high way and cause car accident.

I would use a reported case to further clarify it.
(attachment 9) "Microwave Harassment & Mind Control Experimentation" by Julianne McKinney December 1992.
Staged accident:

It should be noted that, in some of these cases. "accidental" deaths do occur. One individual in contact with us reported that his mother drove off a cliff to her death, during a period when he was researching evidence that a still-respected, high-level State Department official had passed A-bomb secrets to the Soviet Government during World War II. The accident occurred shortly after her car had undergone routine maintenance. She was returning from a dental appointment when he accident occurred. Witnesses state that it appeared that she had suddenly stepped on the accelerator before running off the road.  The accident served to terminate this person's research project.

The victim was actually forced to fall asleep with microwave radiation by a nearby invisible operative from hidden emitter (in the axis of steering wheel) then drove off a cliff to die (see detail on my web-page Part I- E2).

The above case further proves that a victim can be remotely emitted with microwave radiation by a nearby invisible operatives in car (using a psychotronic generator). Therefore, these invisible operatives could also enter DuPont's car through DuPont's home when DuPont tried to drive his car.   When DuPont drove his Lincoln town car near the lake, the invisible operatives (who followed John DuPont into car) could use a psychotronic generator to emit strong microwave radiation to cause DuPont falling asleep in car.  This tactic must be used twice by invisible operatives in different times and cause DuPont to drive into the lake twice in his estate.

Fifth Question:  Why would DuPont kill the wrestling coach?

Some people might be misled by involved LEO & operatives of surveillance system and believe that John DuPont became mentally-ill naturally.

I would further clarify it below. Mr. John DuPont was a very rich man and had been a normal citizen in our society for sixty years. How could he suddenly become mentally ill after he has had been normal citizen for sixty years?

General speaking, people who can lives normally in the society for twenty years and graduated from college, these people must be normal people.  Therefore, once this kinds of people suddenly become or have been accused as mentally ill, it must be created by others with mind control equipment. To claim anyone can suddenly become mentally ill is only the tactics of involved LEO & operatives of surveillance system to avoid exposing their crimes in creating mind control victims with mind control equipment.

Since the factor behind John DuPont killing the wrestling coach was not for "money, hate, or love", the illogical murder must be caused with mind control technologies. Therefore, John DuPont became mentally ill person which must be also created by involved LEO & operatives of surveillance system with mind control equipment.

Obviously, John DuPont should have no enough knowledge about mind control technologies although he has lived in the society for sixty years. Since most people live in this life control surveillance system without knowing any mind control technology, It has become a danger thing to themselves. That's why John DuPont could be easily set up in the mind control game. Therefore, he could not enjoy his wealth in his rest of life. That's because involved LEO & operatives of surveillance system obviously dislike him and then drove him to kill the wrestling coach.

I would deduct that DuPont must be set up by someone who should be a relative of DuPont and involved with life control surveillance system.
What is the motive?

This person should try to obtain DuPont's money after DuPont die or become mentally ill because DuPont had divorced and has no child.

How could I make above deduction?

First reason:  Based on the news report, DuPont had driven his town car into the lake twice in his home before his commit murder (it is obvious a illogical thing to anyone that to drive his car into a same lake twice in his home).  Therefore, the original goal of the hidden conspirators was to kill DuPont as a car accident although it didn't success.

Second reason: After they found that they have failed to created car accident on DuPont, the involved LEO & operatives of surveillance system set up DuPont with mind control equipment (microwave voice equipment & mind machine). It caused DuPont to be driven to kill a wrestling coach and successfully falsely accuse John DuPont as mentally ill person.

If these invisible operatives tried to drive John DuPont to kill, they would continue to set him up.   The invisible operatives/little spirits/bees also might send false subliminal message to John DuPont in his artificial dreams with ELF and manipulate DuPont's emotion to be angry at the Wrestling coach.   John DuPont would also heard microwave voices from invisible operatives' microwave device.   Their goal is either to encourage John DuPont to kill the wrestler, or intentionally show others that John DuPont were mental illness. That's why an acquaintance of Mr. DuPont said that he saw Mr. DuPont talking with the wall in his home (According to local Philadelphia TV News report on 1/29/96).   Furthermore, according to inside information from Taiwan life control surveillance system, the invisible operatives can secretly enter people's home/office, car, boat, etc. to keep people under close surveillance.  These invisible operatives/little spirits/bees usually use their equipment to fly and stay on the high section of wall to deliver their microwave voices to a target (this method will be especially used when they secretly interrogate a citizen at home).  The above statement of an acquaintance of Mr. DuPont shows that the invisible operatives used the microwave voice device to talk with John DuPont.  They might intentionally set up John DuPont and show the talking sense to his acquaintance.   The goal is to make the acquaintance of John DuPont to mistakenly believe that John DuPont had become a mentally ill person.
Nevertheless, the inside information from Taiwan support that invisible operatives could talk with John DuPont on wall with microwave voice device.

How could these invisible operatives ultimately drive John DuPont (who was normal person in past sixty years) to kill the wrestling coach?

According to inside information, these tiny invisible operatives can use the most effective mind control method to completely control their target's emotion, consciousness, speech , & behaviors, etc. after they fly onto the target's head to control a target.

Therefore, these tiny invisible operatives can easily drive a unaware target to kill without victim's knowledge.  Unfortunately, John DuPont was a such kind of unaware person to mind control tactics & life control surveillance system.
How could John DuPont be driven to kill?

After John DuPont has been selected as a future murderer by the involved LEO & operatives of surveillance station/system, the invisible operatives will often use EM mind machine, mind control equipment & tactics on the target in order to influence his emotions & behaviors (e.g., cause John DuPont become easily angry to the wrestling coach and develop his violent tendencies, etc.).

Once the invisible operatives need John DuPont to commit murder, these tiny invisible operatives would fly onto John DuPont's head to send microwave voices, or transfer the thoughts of invisible operative as subliminal murderous message (commanding/encouraging the assassin to kill) to John DuPont's head. This will encourage John DuPont to kill a wrestling coach as if his own will.    That's because these invisible operatives have used mind machine & mind control tactics to influence John DuPont to hate the wrestling coach frequently.  Thus, after they send ELF as subliminal murderous message to John DuPont's brain to kill the coach, John DuPont would consider it were his own will.

However, if John DuPont wasn't driven beyond the breaking-point (at which the target will kill), John DuPont might resist the invisible operative's microwave voice or subliminal message to kill.

To insure that the target will commit the murder, these tiny invisible operatives will fly onto the target's head and stay on the target's head to control his thoughts until the murder was committed.  This process can completely control the target's emotions, consciousness, speech, behaviors, etc.  How could they achieve it?
After these tiny invisible operatives are on the target's head, they will use illness inducing techniques to cause the target to become hazy. One method, the invisible operatives use the chronal gun to strike an acupuncture point at the lower left section of the back of the head to cause the target to become hazy. When the target becomes hazy, these tiny invisible operatives can completely suppress the target's consciousness. To drive this target to kill, these invisible operatives will even secretly inject the special drugs (narcotics) on the mind control target's body (usually on the buttock) and it would cause the target (John DuPont) to go on a rampage.

(attachment)-"Some Aspects of Anti-Personnel Electromagnetic Weapons"
Primarily focusing on narco-hypnosis, these extensive covert programs bore the project titles MKULTRA, ...., ARTICHOKE and CHATTER. The principal aim of these and associated programs was the development of a reliable "programmable" assassin.

At this moment, these invisible operatives would transfer the murderous thoughts from an invisible operative's mind to John DuPont as a murderous subliminal message.   Since John DuPont's consciousness had been completely suppressed, it guarantees that the murderous subliminal message would appear in the John DuPont's rampaging mind and would be easily acted upon to kill the wrestling coach as his own will.  After John DuPont killed the Wrestling coach, these tiny invisible operatives/little spirits would erase John Dupont's memories with electric shock techniques.   It is their usual way to prevent mind control victim to recall whole situation & become aware of being mind controlled by others after invisible operatives left.

(attachment)-"Some Aspects of Anti-Personnel Electromagnetic Weapons"
by David G. Guyatt
Special to ParaScope

Additional studies, conducted by Dr. Ewen Cameron and funded by the CIA, were directed towards erasing memory and imposing new personalities on unwilling patients. Cameron discovered that electroshock treatment caused amnesia. He set about a program that he called "de-patterning" which had the effect of erasing the memory of selected patients. Further work revealed that subjects could be transformed into a virtual blank machine (Tabula Rasa) and then be re-programmed with a technique which he termed "psychic driving."

Seventh, Why would John DuPont falsely accused his two lawyers as Nazi's co-conspirators when he was in jail?

These two lawyers originally represented  John DuPont and tried to help him.  How could John DuPont consider his two lawyers were Nazi & plotting against him?

The logical answer is that if these tiny invisible operatives flew onto the head of John DuPont, they could totally control John DuPont's emotions, consciousness, behaviors & speech, etc. to make  illogical claims (such as his lawyers were Nazi co-conspirators plotting against him-The hidden reason might be that I have sent some mind control information to these two lawyers and the information indicated that local law enforcement is the mind control basic unit).

How could these tiny invisible operatives make John DuPont to falsely accuse his two lawyers as Nazi's co-conspirators ?

These invisible operatives would make him becoming hazy by using chronal gun to strike the acupuncture point at low-section of back head at left-side.
After John Dupont became hazy, these invisible operatives could easily suppress DuPont's consciousness.   At this moment, an invisible operative would created the thoughts in mind (e.g. DuPont's lawyers were Nazi co-conspirators plotting against John DuPont) then removed it (with magnetic field) to John DuPont's head as subliminal message.

Since John DuPont's consciousness had been suppressed, it had guaranteed that the misleading subliminal message would ultimately appear in John DuPont's mind and reacted it as his own will.   Therefore, when his two lawyers to see John DuPont in jail, the under mind controlled John Dupont  falsely accused these two lawyers that they were Nazi co-conspirators plotting against him.   It caused these two lawyers refused to represent John DuPont in court room and claimed that John DuPont become a mentally ill person.   This will easily create the appearance that John DuPont were real insane to mislead the public.

If the above deduction are all correct, the above techniques and mind control equipment of these invisible operatives can be used to logically explain whole situation. Then Mr. DuPont is obvious another mind control victim. Therefore, in this murder case, John DuPont should have been misled with mind control equipment to kill the wrestling coach by these involved LEO's invisible operatives of surveillance station/system. Thus, both of the wresting coach and John DuPont are all victims of life controllers (involved LEO & operators). Although Mr. DuPont was the direct murder in this case, those involved LEO & operatives (who use mind control equipment to set Mr. DuPont up to commit murder) should be the indirect murderers or manipulators.

However, John DuPont is not aware of life controllers' activities and their mind control technologies, so this might be why he was driven nearly crazy and kill  Coach Schultz. Obviously, if cause of John DuPont's murder case was as outline in my deduction, it is a very important example which shows life controllers' real corrupted powers to society.

That's because this mind control case shows that involved LEO & invisible operatives of surveillance station/ system become life controllers and real masters of everyone in current society.

Regardless whether the citizens are rich, have political power, or own properties; the  life controllers not only can control and manipulate every citizens' life, but they also can use mind control equipment on those citizens (whom life controllers dislike) to drive them crazy or commit murder if the targets unaware of mind control equipment/tactics and of these invisible operatives.  This case also shows current involved LEO & operators of surveillance station/system not only manipulate people's lives, but they also involve to steal or manipulate the wealth of citizens.

Since local polices become life controllers and use mind control equipment, it has proven that they have full abilities to create mind control victims in our society. Polices also can take many advantage to their mind control victims. Not only their invisible operatives can manipulate their victims' health, lives after they secretly enter people's home/office, car, etc., but they can also use mind control technology to drive unaware victim to kill (it will cause to commit murder as John DuPont murdered the coach's case).

Furthermore, local involved LEO (polices & their invisible operatives) have more chance to manipulate unaware victims' mind or even injure aware victims' brains after they arrest unknowing victims in jail. Therefore, a created mentally ill murderer in mind control case is absolutely under polices' control (from creating hate emotion on victims then drive to kill until victim being arrested in jail).

Furthermore, involved LEO & operatives of surveillance system have some collaborators in mental hospital and they can also help to confirm the accusation in such kind of case.

That's why local involved LEO (polices) of surveillance station/system become judge, jury, and executioner to local people since they become life controllers.  It also because their invisible operatives can freely use sound & radiation wave weapons on unaware civilians.

From following information, we know that the so-called nonlethal weapons is a misleading words.

There is a Col. John B. Alexander who is deeply involved in life control surveillance system.  Col. John Alexander is a scientist who has learned death science. In one of his articles on Military Reviewing on December 1980, he described the LETHAL nature of many of the so-called "non-lethal" weapons,.. When describing Soviet development of psychotronic weapons, Alexander stated: "The ability to ... CAUSE DEATH can be transmitted over distances, thus inducing illness or death for no apparent reason." These "weapons would be able to induce illness or death at little or no risk to the operator."

The above words have completely proven that the name of so-called nonlethal weapons are purely used to mislead publics.   Thus, the involved LEO can openly ask to transfer the advanced military technologies to surveillance system in order to use by involved LEO and invisible operatives to secretly control every citizen's life.

John Alexander has developed the mind control technology, sound & radiation wave weapons (so-called Nonlethal weapons) for involved LEO. That's because he know the the LETHAL nature of many of the so-called "non-lethal" weapons

(attachment)-New World Order & ELF Psychotronic Tyranny by C. B. Baker on December 1994
Alexander first became known to the public through his December, 1980 MILITARY REVIEW article titled, "THE NEW MENTAL BATTLEFIELD." That article clearly described the LETHAL nature of many of the so-called "non-lethal" weapons, Describing Soviet development of psychotronic weapons, Alexander stated: "The ability to ... CAUSE DEATH can be transmitted over distances, thus inducing illness or death for no apparent reason." These "weapons would be able to induce illness or death at little or no risk to the operator. .

MICROWAVE NEWS (on Nov/Dec 1993) report, In November, 1993, a three day top-secret non-lethal weapons conference took place in the Applied Physics Laboratory at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland. The main purposes of the meeting was to prepare leading law enforcement officials for the use of psychotronic mind-control weapons. Amongst the subjects covered at the conference were "RADIO-FREQUENCY WEAPONS, HIGH POWERED MICROWAVE TECHNOLOGY, ACOUSTIC TECHNOLOGY" (used to transmit subliminal voices into a victims head), VOICE SYNTHESIS, and APPLICATION OF EXTREME FREQUENCY ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS TO NON-LETHAL WEAPONS." Col. John B. Alexander, Program Manager for Non-Lethal (psychotronic) Defense, Los Alamos National Laboratory, served as conference chairman.
According to information of Some Aspects of Anti-Personnel Electromagnetic Weapons" by David G. Guyatt , "Col. John Alexander is dedicated to the development of a super-human soldier with enhanced abilities leading to an 'invisible warrior." (see details on following attachment ). Considering with above two information, we know that Col. John Alexander is deeply involved in life control surveillance system and "dedicated to the development of a super-human soldier with enhanced abilities leading to an 'invisible warrior." Thus, it further proves that the invisible operatives have been used in life control surveillance system for a long time.

This information support the current facts, some business manager/owners will be recruited by involved LEO as operatives and use invisibility technology, mind machine, microwave voice device, and Nonlethal weapons to secretly enter people's home/office, car, etc. for surveillance, or illegally eliminate their targets in life control battle-field. The following information also proves that every invisible operative would have used EM mind machine in surveillance system.

(attachment) "Some Aspects of Anti-Personnel Electromagnetic Weapons" by David G. Guyatt
Alexander wrote a book an article (and later co-authored a book entitled The Warrior's Edge) published in Military Review in which he outlined a number of hitherto "fringe" subjects --including telepathy - - that should be brought in to the battery of future weapons. Alexander is dedicated to the development of a super-human soldier with enhanced abilities leading to an "invisible warrior."
The above report also supports another inside information from Taiwan.

The following information is a report on nonlethal technologies, issued by the Council on Foreign Relations. Although this information tell us that the invisible wave weapons are the specially designed by government to use against terrorists and drug traffickers, however, these career officers (and operators) can also use it to manipulate people' lives. That's because this information has proven that these invisible wave weapon can be used to injure victim from any direction without victim's knowledge. Furthermore, it does prove that the invisible wave weapons currently are in the hands of law enforcement officers. Please read carefully on the sentence which has been marked-as ***.

(attachment 10)  _Angels Don't Play This HAARP_  by Jeane Manning & Dr. Nick Begich 1995 (p. 180)
This report points out that , "The Nairobiv Convention, to which the United States is a signatory, prohibits the broadcast of electronic signals into a sovereign state without its consent in peace time.

This report opens discussion of use of these weapons against "terrorists" and "drug traffickers". *** The CFR report recommends that this be done secretly so that the victims do not know where the attack is from, or if there even is an attack! *** There is a problem with this approach. The use of these weapons, even against these kinds of individuals, may be in violation of United States law in that it presume guilt rather than innocence. In other words, the POLICE, CIA, DEA, OR OTHER LAW ENFORCEMENT ORGANIZATION become THE JUDGE, JURY AND EXECUTIONER.

The above document has proven that LEO can use sound & radiation wave weapons to secretly attack people from any direction without victims' knowledge (see details on my web-page Part III-Part A).

After John DuPont committed murder, he had been caught by polices then sent to jail. If this case was really created by life controllers, they have more chance to manipulate DuPont's mind & behaviors to make him as insane.

Furthermore, life controllers can use life control weapon to injure DuPont's brain to create mentally ill symptoms on John DuPont.

Based on news report, after John DuPont was caught in jail, his health condition was getting worse. Such kinds of situation can cause DuPont getting old, weak and also looks as mentally ill. After Mr. John DuPont ultimately had been charged as mentally ill person, the truth of illogical murder in this case was not investigated anymore.

In DuPont's murder case, involved LEO & operators had once shown our society that they could determine anything on anyone because they are judge, jury and executioner of local people with their life control surveillance system (which including invisible operatives who can enter people's home, car, boat, etc., then either induced illness/death on people or create a mind control victim with mind control equipment. If John DuPont is really suffering from the persecution by life controllers (local involved polices & invisible operators of surveillance system), it proves that everyone is threatened in the society. Even if one is a very wealthy person and still cannot be exempt from this type of prosecution, then the wealth does not really belong to him when he live in a life control society.

According to the news report, currently law enforcement officers of US are still very interested in mind control technologies.

Not only the FBI & CIA purchase the mind control equipment from Russia, state & local law enforcement also use the mind control equipment & life control weapons.

The 3\1\93 issue of Time Magazine reported: "American and Russians are discovering common interests.. in MIND CONTROL TECHNOLOGY.

The Jan. 11-17, 1993 issue of DEFENSE NEWS reported that U.S. political and military officials are obtaining Soviet mind-control technology. The Soviet KGB "capability, demonstrated in a series of laboratory experiments dating back to the mid-1970's, could be used to suppress riots, CONTROL DISSIDENTS, demoralize or disable opposing forces and enhance the performance of friendly special operations teams, sources say."

The 4\94 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN reported that Janet E. Morris and her husband Christopher C. Morris "have been involved in promoting a psycho-correction' technology, developed by a Russian scientist, that is INTENDED TO INFLUENCE BY MEANS OF SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES EMBEDDED IN SOUND OR VISUAL IMAGES." In 1993, "the Morrises organized a meeting in which the technology was demonstrated for U.S. scientists and officials by its Russian inventor." (Infrasound mind machine--Alan Yu note)

DEFENSE ELECTRONICS reported that a Richmond, Virginia firm, Psychotechnologies (believed to be closely tied to the CIA and the FBI) has purchased the American rights to the Soviet mind-control devices.."

If the free and democratic countries have won the victory and defeat the theory of Communism, it has proven that the freedom and democracy is the most valuable treasure. But, why are these countries' involved law enforcement officers still studying the mind control technology from Communist countries and try to use it to gain life control over general public? Does the law enforcement officers believe that the Communist country give the authority the most powers to "govern" (control) people?! or the involved LEO of surveillance station/system enjoy the taste of real masters/life controllers in this life control surveillance system.

No matter what, facts proves local involved LEO become life controllers and use mind control equipment on people in current surveillance system.  Thus, Local police station become mind control basic unit.

Therefore, if any normal citizen suddenly become mentally ill murderer, it must be a driving to kill mind control case.   Thus, involved local polices must be responsible for the death of innocent people.   That's because polices are responsible to keep local people under closed surveillance & control since they become life controllers of local people. Not only police & their invisible operatives are not allowed to freely escape in any mind control murder case, but they also need to pay the monetary damage to any innocent people's injuries or death.