Biographical sketch of Dr. Carton

Dr. Carton is an environmental scientist who worked at the Headquarters of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency from 1972-1992. Most of this time he was engaged in performing risk assessments on toxic chemicals; evaluating the literature on such high priority chemicals as asbestos, PCBs, arsenic,and hexachlorobenzene. He wrote the first regulations for controlling asbestos discharges from manufacturing plants, and developed guidelines for environmental assessments for new sources of water pollution. In 1980, he helped organize the union of professionals at EPA and was twice elected president of that union. In 1985, as a union official, he became aware of the fraudulent nature of the EPA standard for fluoride in drinking water, and fought for seven years to expose it. In 1987, he led the union attemt to file an amicus brief in the court case brought by the Natural Resources Defense Council against the EPA challenging the standard for fluoride in drinking water.

Robert J. Carton, Ph.D.
2455 Ballenger Creek Pike
Adamstown, MD 21710