RE: First-ever conference on "Drinking Water & Disease" by PSR in Washington, DC:

Local fluoridation-fighter Jean McCone of Kansas City, MO, faxed me Friday, about the (March 10) Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) conference on "Drinking Water and Disease: What Every Health Care Provider Should Know".
It is believed to be the first time this Nobel Peace Prize-winning, Washington-based group of doctors, nurses and other health care professionals has held a meeting on the issue of drinking water. In fact, when the PSR was contacted by telephone on December 5th (by Dr. Phillip Allen, M.D., Ph.D., and his wife June Allen, M.Ed., of Wichita, Kansas), Ms. Carolyn Poppell of PSR confessed that she knew "nothing at all about fluoride". Fluoride is not (originally) intended to be a part of the presentations or discussions [!].
Ms. Poppell suggested that, IF a significant degree of interest in this aspect of water safety was received, and IF some scientists were willing to make it to Washington, DC, on March 10, to make a "fluoride-disease" presentation, it would be added to the March 10th agenda.
Note that the conference is not on fluoridation nor even water additives. It is about the relationship between water ingestion and disease. Initial offers of presentations (and especially, initial e-mail and fax support for covering this area in the first place) should speak to this relationship and not the political controversy, I would think. (PSR's concern, according to its 10-99 newsletter, is "increasing understanding among health professionals" about "potential health effects" and "vulnerable populations". Also, the group plans to "encourage the American Public Health Association's Environment Section to develop a position statement on drinking water and health in preparation for a future APHA resolution.")
Note also that the conference -- despite the fact that "fluoridated water and disease" is not on the agenda at this point -- is co-sponsored by the US Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Imagine the one-sided CDC response if, in the absence of fluoride speakers, someone innocently raises the question of fluoridation.
In Paul Connett's absence (Paul, please hurry back!), I am sending this out to a number of people; please forward it to those on your "fluoride contacts" list, if not included here.
[1] Jean McCone is suggesting that e-mails or faxes or calls (indicating avid interest in the fluoride aspect to the "drinking water and disease" focus) may put this matter on the agenda -- thus informing a large body of health professionals who seem about to be indoctrinated by the CDC.
[2] Further, Jean is wondering whether anyone with scientific credentials is prepared to make it to Washington in March to speak to this group. (Hardy Limeback, please note; also, Paul Connett, Bill Hirzy, Albert Burgstahler, Roger Masters, Bill Marcus, Phyllis Mullenix, John Yiamouyiannis, etc....) The PSR seems to be waiting for offers from would-be presenters of scientific studies on fluoride and may not be about to track anyone down; fluoride or no fluoride, this conference will go ahead.
Michael Downey

To contact PSR to suggest that fluoride may be worth including in this conference:
E-mail: and/or and/or
Telephone: (202) 898-0150, extension 231 (Carolyn Poppell)
Fax: (202) 898-0172
Mail: Suite 700, 1101 Fourteenth Street Northwest, Washington, DC, 20005, USA
To get more information about PSR, visit website: or telephone Ms. Poppell at (202) 898-0150, x 231.

A copy of this message is being faxed to John Yiamouyiannis (who does not have e-mail) and Phyllis Mullenix (whose e-mail address I do not have).