Living in a Democratic Fluoridated Country

excerpted from The Australian Fluoridation News
, Vol. 31, No. 5, Sep-Oct 1995
Box 935G, G.P.O.
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The time is November 1994 and the Victorian Parliament is about to rise for their summer holiday but business comes first and they must pass the amendment to the Fluoridation Act by changing the Victorian Constitution to stop the Supreme Court of Victoria from hearing cases against fluoridation.

The Parliament recessed, and the elected politicians departed with satisfaction and pride that changing the Victorian Constitution was done without any opposition or indeed any debate on the ethics of this new law for the protection of compulsory fluoridation.

The fluoridation die has been cast in the Victorian Government and democracy thrown out with the previous clean drinking water.

On 28 December 1994, Dr W.G. Hart, Manager Health Protection, Public Health Branch, wrote officially in a letter-

With respect to compensation the Department does not accept liability for alleged damage caused by water fluoridation and will not support any claims for compensation."

Yes, Dr Hart is manager of "Health Protection" Health Department of Victoria.

It was thought that the outspoken Civil Rights people would challenge such evil political action by tampering the the constitution, but somehow the lid was quickly put on such a possibility, so much for their cheap public rhetoric on freedom.

The Tasmanian Government went one step further to kill democracy and freedom of the people in their State. (1995) The Tasmanian Parliament passed a Bill through the Lower House to prohibit the holding of meetings on the subject of fluoridation - this included private, public, councils, legal parties, schools where education is supposed to be taught, indeed anywhere in Tasmania.

This Consequential Amendments Bill was based on a special clause declaring fluoridation of public drinking water supplies as an "Issue of Significant Interest."

It is sure is!

Do you believe the changing of the Victorian Constitution and the proposed Tasmanian Act prohibiting public debate on fluoridation has anything to do with children's teeth?

The Health Minister of Victoria said the alteration to the Constitution was because "fluoridation is important" and not one member asked "what does the Minister mean by important."

As we go to press we have been told the Tasmanian Bill has been withdrawn and will be reworded.

Seems science, medical professionalism, parliamentary responsibility, common sense, and indeed reality has disappeared into a mist of fluoride polluted water minus all the values that once adorned the hallowed halls of parliament and the public arena.

The international fluoride bank must be empty of propaganda with nothing to draw on so they now rely on our politicians seemingly knowing the Government will oblige without any dissent or reference to the people.

As there is no accountability required, they are on safe ground.