If so, you may want to try a little...RoadPeaceRoadPeace is a non-profit endeavor...a movement of, by and for the people, started by me (an ordinary citizen and veteran of the Commuter Wars) in early 1996 after an encounter with a rude guy on the roadway -- the incident which made me say "enough! -- let's do something to turn this craziness around." There are no gimmicks, no one is out to make a buck, and it's a chance for all of us to do something positive. All you have to do -- like the hundreds of people who have already signed on -- is decide you want to help make the roadways a more peaceful place.
RoadPeace content copyright © 1997 Ann Clark. Page design copyright © 1997 Code 1 Productions. (RoadPeace is not affiliated with the UK traffic-fatality bereavement charity of the same name.) |