August 10, 2003 Chehalis WA.  AHRMA National Vintage MX

Our past fearless leader Bob Haynes and the infamous Tim "Buffalo Body" Bice trekked down from their haunts in the wilds of Seattle to join up with Loren Davis and Dave Rymal for a day of fun, camaraderie, and telling of tall tales at the AHRMA National Vintage Motocross. A beverage or two was rumored to have been consumed as well.

A great day of dust free racing on an all natural terrain track.  Just like motocross is supposed to be. (It's still not desert racing but it's purdy durn alright!)

Tim, Loren and Dave (Captain Yama Dave) in the pits.
Daves 1974 CZ 250 in the foreground and Lorens 1973 Honda Elsinore 250 in the back.


The four amigos. Bob, Tim, Dave and Loren










Dave negotiating a turn on his 250 CZ.










Three amigos. Bob, Tim and Loren.  Dave's out playing around on the track somewhere.


















Oh... there he is!

Bob, Tim and Loren with Dave taking the checkered in the background.








Loren riding Daves 175 Yamaha in the 50+ Expert/Intermediate race after the 250 Elsinore decided it didn't want to play anymore and gave up the ghost. This little "Giantkiller" was great. I had some of the best fun in years on this bike. Performed surprising well against 400 Huskys and 440 Maicos. Got quite a chuckle from Jim Pomeroy when I lined up next to his 360 Yamaha. (Thanks mucho for the loan Dave. It sure saved my bacon after an 800 mile drive up there.)









Starting into the back offcamber turn.











Starting into the whoops section.