Paia Memories

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Greer Holland, Marvin Jones, Mona French
Greer Holland, Marvin Jones, Mona French
Greer was an early bench tech I hired, and Mona kept the front office running and customers happy.
Shirley & Ron Morrow, Marvin Jones
Shirley & Ron Morrow, Marvin Jones
Shirley was the first graphic artist to work on Polyphony. Ron worked in the wood and metal shops, and is a great drummer.
A great 2003 reunion
John and Marvin
John and Marvin
Our last get-together for a week in 2003.
Marvin and Scott
with Scott Lee
Always great when I can get together with Scott to "talk tech".
with Craig Anderton, Clayton, CA 1978
with Larry Fast, Atlantic City computer festival, Fall 1976
The stuff we would do for a brochure!