with Acrobat 5: Visual QuickStart Guide
Great Reference That Should be on You Desk!"
with Acrobat 5 Visual QuickStart Guide
Author: Jennifer
Peachpit Press http://www.peachpit.com
Publication Date: AUG
31, 2001
Pages: 304
ISBN: 0-201-74144-X
with Acrobat a5 Visual QuickStart Guide is a visual tutorial/reference
book that features tips, tricks, and step-by-step directions illustrated
with b&w screen shots. Some topics covered include editing of PDF
documents, color integration with other Adobe programs, conversion of
entire Web pages to a PDF with links, and adding multimedia to PDFs. Acrobat
5.0's new features, including digital signatures, batch processing, customizable
toolbars, and increased security options are also explained throughout
this book. The author has written many other software tutorial books,
including books for the Visual QuickStart Guide series.
This book is appropriate for both PC and Macintosh users. Check out the
Peachpit Press Web site (http://www.peachpit.com)
for more information about the book and other books.
Beginning to advanced computer users.
This book is good for all level computer users. |
I like:
Takes an easy, visual approach to teaching Adobe Acrobat, using pictures
to guide you through the software and show you what to do;
- Works
like a reference book so you look up what you need and then get straight
to work;
- No
long-winded passes as it is concise, and the straightforward commentary
explains what you need to know;
- Affordably
The Book Is Organized |
with Acrobat 5: Visual QuickStart Guide
is divided into an introduction, 15 chapters and an appendix.
Introduction |
what's new in Acrobat 5 and the components of Acrobat.
1-19 |
1 through 15
cover the following:
- Chapter
Acrobat Reader Basics--presents
information on: downloading Acrobat Reader; installing Acrobat Reader;
the Acrobat Reader Screen; the toolbars; more toolbar tips and tricks;
the Reader menus; the Reader palettes; the status bar; opening a PDF
file; viewing a PDF file; using zoom; arranging multiple windows; navigating
in a document page; moving between document pages; and printing a PDF
- Chapter
Acrobat Reader in Depth--discusses:
looking at document properties; selecting text and graphics; Reader
preferences; setting magnification preferences; reading annotations;
using the find tool; searching your document; and adding index files.
- Chapter
Acrobat eBook Reader--covers: downloading
and installing eBook Reader; reading eBooks; annotating eBooks; building
an eBook library; and organizing your library.
- Chapter
Creating PDFs--presents information
on: creating PostScript files; using Distiller; changing job options;
changing font locations; automating Distiller; adding security to your
PDFs; creating PDFs in other ways; creating PDFs from other applications;
and creating an eBook.
- Chapter
Working with Acrobat--provides information
on: starting and quitting Acrobat; understanding the Acrobat screen;
opening PDF files; saving PDF files in other formats; editing text;
editing images; and printing PDFs.
- Chapter
Structuring PDF Documents--shows:
getting information about your document; changing open options; working
with thumbnails; changing page order and numbers; inserting and replacing
PDF pages; removing PDF pages; rotating and cropping pages; creating
and viewing bookmarks; moving bookmarks; changing bookmark properties;
creating articles; editing articles; and reading articles.
- Chapter
Links--gives you information on:
setting links; linking to the Internet; and editing links.
- Chapter
Forms--discusses: creating form
documents and fields; adding fields; setting field properties; creating
combo box fields; creating check box fields; creating radio buttons;
and setting advanced form options.
- Chapter
Adding Multimedia to PDFs--covers:
creating buttons; creating other multimedia objects; creating a slide
show with Acrobat; adding sounds or movies to PDFs; and using page actions.
- Chapter
Annotating PDFs--describes: understanding
the types of annotations; creating and editing notes; using free text
annotations; using audio annotations; stamping PDFs; creating custom
stamps; creating a file-attachment annotation; editing with the graphic
markup tools; marking up text with annotations; deleting annotations;
filtering annotations; and summarizing annotations.
- Chapter
11: Catalog, Indexes, Searches--provides
information on: using Acrobat Catalog; creating indexes; making changes
in indexes; setting Catalog preferences; and using indexes.
- Chapter
Paper and Web Capture--includes
information on: scanning a document into Acrobat; capturing and editing
images and text; working with scanned text; working with suspects; setting
Capture preferences; and converting Web sites to PDF pages.
- Chapter
Digital Signatures--provides information
on: handling digital signatures; setting up a signature profile; creating
a digital signature; signing documents.
- Chapter
Automating Acrobat--presents information
on: using batch processing in Acrobat; creating and editing sequences;
setting batch preferences; and using consultant to analyze PDF files.
- Chapter
PDF Files and the Web--describes:
reading PDF pages online; editing PDFs online; linking a Web page to
a PDF; optimizing PDF files for online viewing; and removing optimization
from PDF files.
- Appendix
A: Acrobat Help: gives you information on
Acrobat Help.
- Appendix
B: Security: provides information on security
with Acrobat 5: Visual QuickStart Guide is
a must have book if you want to use Acrobat 5. It is concise yet thorough;
organized yet fun; and great for beginners yet beneficial to intermediate
and advanced users. |
running Adobe Acrobat 5, you need:
- Intel
Pentium class processor;
- Microsoft
Windows 95 OSR 2.0, Windows 98, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows
NT 4.0 with Service Pack 5 or 6, or Windows 2000;
- 32
MB of RAM (64 MB recommended);
- 115
MB of available hard disk space;
- Additional
70 MB of hard disk space for Asian fonts (optional);
- Power
PC processor;
- Apple
Macintosh OS 8.6, 9.0.4, or 9.1;
- 32
MB of RAM (with virtual memory on) (64 MB recommended);
- 105
MB of available hard disk space;
- Additional
70 MB of hard disk space for Asian fonts (optional);CD-ROM
Adobe Photoshop 6.0
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