Bloodliners at
The Iron Horse
Music Hall,
Northampton, Massachusets

April 24 , 2002



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Waiting in Line: Art Faller,
Ben Blake, Al Cook, & John Such

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Bob Smith & Jerry Mac Donald
with a Lurker in back

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Tom Thomas, Art Faller,
&  Michelle Stevens

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Tom Roycroft & Al Cook

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Steven Donaghey (Stingboy),
Michelle Stevens, & John

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John & John Such

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Pam (TisPammie) Burdecki & John

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Noreen & Tom Roycroft & John

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John & Ben (Old Ben) Blake

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John Such & Ben Blake

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In Front L>R: Art & Jean Faller,
John Hedbavny, Cozette Haggerty, Ben Blake, Joe Haggerty, & John Such 
In Back: Jerry Mac, Ken Swiatek,
Bob Smith, & ???

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Pam Burdecki, John Hedbavny,
Scott Mercer,
Cozette & Joe Haggerty,
& Michelle Stevens