The Turf Inn

May 4, 5, & 6, 2000


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Dinner at the Dalry Inn

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Bob Elliot displays his
candy foot award!

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Waiting in line for the show

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Pam Pinto explains the mystical aspect of their pilgrimage from the USA.
Dan Hodges winks, &
Walt Pinto says, "Where?"

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Julie Middleton, Olivia Hodges
& Ray Butler

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Bob Elliot, Jim Lloyd
& Martin Lloyd

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Carla (Summer Child),
Julie Middleton,
& Olivia Hodges

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Helen Woodhead & Bob Elliot

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Intermission for brothers
Tony & Lawrence Gurney

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And for Dan Hodges

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Eric & Mrs. Johansen
& Summer Child

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Bob (Bite My Foot) Eliot

Pete (Desert Pete) Lavick

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Ed Hoare & John

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Nick Reynolds with
Walt Pinto & Mark Austin

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Sue Chalcraft, Chris ?,
7 Summer Child

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Nick Reynolds & Bob Elliot

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Mark Austin, Dan Hodges,
Roadman, & John Middleton
(photo by Summer Child)