Southeast Mexico
March, 2005


03-07c-calakmul-0073x480.JPG (62759 bytes)
Along the Path to the Calakmul Ruins

From every trip, one photo just feels so right.
And you just don't know when it will happen.
Most often they are gifts... they just appear in my field of view.

This was taken while walking the path to the Calakmul Ruins.
I saw the perspective of the path fading in the distance
and I  looked for a place where the trees made a nice composition.


02-28c-montealban-0015x400.jpg (45443 bytes)
Monte Alban


02-28b-oaxacacentro-0065x400.JPG (51355 bytes)
At the Plaza, Oaxaca


02-28b-oaxacacentro-0006x400.JPG (61443 bytes)
Oaxaca Shop


2005-03-01d-mitla-0052x400.JPG (70498 bytes)
Mitla Street Scene


2005-03-01d-mitla-0021x400.JPG (54653 bytes)
The Church in Mitla


03-01f-tocamaron-0008x400.JPG (44494 bytes)
Homeviews, from the Street


03-01f-tocamaron-0010x400.JPG (53008 bytes)


03-02d-tuxtlanoche-0014x400.JPG (34611 bytes)
Balloon Vendor, Tuxtla Gutierrez


03-03d-sancristobal-0028x400.JPG (34427 bytes)
Government Building, San Cristobal


03-03d-sancristobal-0024x360.JPG (43326 bytes)


03-04c-sancristobal-0055x480.JPG (49139 bytes)


03-03d-sancristobal-0041x400.JPG (33923 bytes)
Stoplight, San Cristobal


03-03d-sancristobal-0058x400.JPG (44469 bytes)
Sidewalk, San Cristobal


03-03d-sancristobal-0066x480.JPG (53882 bytes)
Hotel Lobby, San Cristobal


03-03d-sancristobal-0099x360.JPG (44197 bytes)
At a Dance in the Town, San Cristobal


03-04c-sancristobal-0035x480.JPG (51034 bytes)
In the Central Plaza, San Cristobal


03-04a-chamula-0035x480.JPG (62183 bytes)
Callas, Chamula


03-05a-totonina-0009x640.JPG (37744 bytes)
Viewpoint with Hollyhock, On the Road to Palenque


03-05b-tonina-0006x640.JPG (128413 bytes)
In the Tonina Ruins


03-05c-aguaazul-0007x400.JPG (39743 bytes)
Aqua Azul, at the Top


03-05c-aguaazul-0020x480.jpg (92477 bytes)
Agua Azul, at the Bottom


03-05c-aguaazul-0055x480.JPG (68842 bytes)
Along the Trail, Agua Azul


03-05d-palenque-0020x480.jpg (95379 bytes)
Mainstreet Merchants, Downtown Palenque


03-06a-palenqueam-0006x480.jpg (99290 bytes)
Looking Down at the Plaza, Palenque


03-06b-tobonampak-0005x640.JPG (36416 bytes)
Sunrise, On the Road to Yaxchilan


03-06b-tobonampak-0006x480.JPG (67354 bytes)
From the Bus Window, On the Road to Yaxchilan


03-06b-tobonampak-0007x480.JPG (140013 bytes)
Pastureland, Carved from the Jungle, Along the Road to Yaxchilan


03-06b-tobonampak-0009x480.JPG (70281 bytes)
Pasture Scene, Along the Road to Yaxchilan


03-06e-yaxchilan-0017x480.JPG (56885 bytes)
In the Ruins, Yaxchilan


03-06e-yaxchilan-0014x480.JPG (47730 bytes)
Bat in the Ruins, Yaxchilan


03-06e-yaxchilan-0034x480.JPG (114647 bytes)
Stairway, Yaxchilan


03-06e-yaxchilan-0062x480.JPG (116372 bytes)
On the Bus


03-06f-palenquenoche-0011x480.JPG (62628 bytes)
A Dance in the Plaza, Palenque


03-06f-palenquenoche-0047x480.JPG (63735 bytes)
Street Musicians, Palenque


03-07a-palenque-006x480.jpg (84838 bytes)
Palenque Ruins


03-07c-calakmul-0022x640.JPG (97158 bytes)
Calakmul Ruins


03-07c-calakmul-0048x400.JPG (72798 bytes)
Calakmul Ruins


03-07c-calakmul-0028x480.jpg (83675 bytes)
Tree and Steps, Calakmul Ruins


03-08c-punteallen-0015x640.JPG (47633 bytes)
Sunset near Punte Allen


03-09b-dzitnupcave-0006x480.JPG (84401 bytes)
On a City Street near Dzitnup


03-09b-dzitnupcave-0008x640.JPG (128943 bytes)
Steet Scene near Dzitnup


03-09c-chichenitza-0020x400.JPG (38768 bytes)
Chichen Itza
As seen through a Lensbaby lens.


03-09c-chichenitza-0038x400.jpg (96401 bytes)
Chichen Itza Stairway


03-09c-chichenitza-0051x400.JPG (51886 bytes)
Chichen Itza
As seen through a Lensbaby lens.


03-09d-progresso-0013x640.JPG (66744 bytes)
Along the Beach at Puerto Progresso


03-09e-merida-0007x400.JPG (69737 bytes)
Nightlight on the Palms in the Plaza, Merida


03-09e-merida-0012x400.JPG (42208 bytes)
Cafe Awnings, Merida


03-09e-merida-0015x400.jpg (62983 bytes)
At the Plaza, Merida


03-09e-merida-0020x480.JPG (57301 bytes)
Church Bell Tower, Merida


03-10b-uxmal-0043x400.JPG (51288 bytes)
Uxmal Ruins


03-11a-campeche-0028x480.JPG (81270 bytes)
Just Inside the City Wall, Campeche


03-11a-campeche-0063cropX480.jpg (64532 bytes)
Fishing Pier, West of Campeche


03-11b-villahermosa-0014x480.JPG (58058 bytes)
Street Food, Villahermosa


03-11b-villahermosa-0018x400.JPG (40836 bytes)



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