District Meeting
Cloverdale Soroptimists Attend
Districts III & IV Meeting in
St. Helena October 5th.

"Riding the Wave of Change"
Promoting the Dream Together

Cloverdale Soroptimists
Dental Awareness at
Jefferson School

Dr Le demonstrates what happens when
"sugar bugs" stick on teeth

Dr Wood and Dr Le join Cloverdale Soroptimists in Dental Hygiene Presentation
Soroptimists hand out toothbrushes, coloring books and crayons

President Patti Robarts

2013-14 Installation of Officers
June 27th
Pedroncelli Winery

"Let the Light of Soroptimist
through You"

Installation Officer
Pam Parker, Founder Region Treasurer

President Patti is installed

Welcome to the Zoo

Cathy Mitchell is installed as Recording Secretary

New Member Anne Baker is inducted
President Patti, New Member Ann Baker
 and Installing Officer Pam Parker
Jeannie Griffitts is installed as Club Treasurer

Buy Sees Candies
All Profits from our See's Candies Sales benefit Soroptimist International of Cloverdale

Available at Antiques & Uniques, 124 So. Cloverdale Blvd.

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WebMaster:Sydney Sciaini