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Dialup Settings


  1. Getting to your Dialup Settings
  2. General Dialup Properties
  3. Dialup Options
  4. Dialup Security Settings
  5. Networking Settings
    1. TCP/IP Settings
    2. General Settings
    3. DNS Settings
    4. WINS Settings
  6. Advanced Options


  1. Getting to your Dialup Settings

    1. Open the Start Menu and select "Control Panel."

      Start -> Control Panel
    2. Select the option "View network status and tasks."

      Network status and tasks
    3. Select "Manage network connections."

      Manage Network Connections
    4. Open your connection.

      Open your Connection
    5. To review or change your dialup settings, click the button labeled "Properties."

      Click Properties
  2. General Dialup Properties

    Under the General tab you can specify the number you computer dials to connect to recommends configuring alternate dialup numbers. Click the button labeled "Alternates" to configure this..

    General Dialup Properties
    • Alternate Numbers Listing

      This screen will show you a listing of all dialup numbers your system knows how to connect to, in the order in which they will be used. In the event that the first number fails to connect, the second number will be dialed instead.

      Alternate Numbers Listing

      Click "add" to place another number on this list. There are multiple dialup points of presence available in most coverage areas. You can find a listing of access numbers in your area using the POP Finder

      Add Alternate Number

      Click the button labeled "OK" and the new phone number will be added to your list.

      All done!

      Click the button labeled "OK" to return to your General Dialup Properties.

  3. Dialup Options

    Under the Options tab, you can make primarily cosmetic changes to your sytem's behavior during dialup. Set the redial options as you please, as you should be able to connect to on your first attempt.

    Dialup Options
  4. Dialup Security Settings

    Under the Security tab, you can change how Windows handles your password and login scripting. Select "Typical (reccomended settings) and "Allow unsecured password." Leave all other checkboxes unmarked.

    Dialup Security Settings
  5. Networking Properties

    Under the Networking tab, you should have "PPP: Windows 95/98/NT4/2000, Internet" selected as the type of dialup server you are calling. Select "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click the button labeled "Properties" for more network settings.

    Networking Properties
    1. TCP/IP Settings

      In the Internet Protocol Properties window, you should make certain that the IP address is being assigned automatically. You may wish to specify your DNS server addresses to use and, but this is entirely optional. Click the button labeled "Advanced..." for more information.

    2. IP Settings

      Under the IP Settings tab, select "Use default gateway on remote network," "Automatic metric" and "Use IP header compression."

      General TCP/IP Settings
    3. DNS Settings

      The default settings for the DNS settings should function in most cases, but you may wish to specify you DNS information.

      DNS Settings

      The DNS server addresses are and You can optionally append the DNS suffix ""

      DNS specified
    4. WINS Settings

      WINS resolution is unnecessary on a dialup connection.

      WINS Settings

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