The Sierra Muzzleloaders Spring Rendezvous
Howdy All.
Well I just got back from rendezvous'en over at Brownsville in the foot hills of the
Sierra's with my friends The Sierra Muzzleloaders.
A fine bunch of folks and they have a real nice sight.
I camped in a new area this time, a ways from the main camp and all the hub-bub that
I carved me out a spot just to the left and a little above the road/trail to the
Across the road and back in the trees by the creek was Badger's camp. 
It is always fun to camp around Badger's camp. He has a lot of visitors and you get to
meet some interesting people. It is also a great entertainment to watch Badger's dogs
"Sophi and Luke" scare the crap out of unwary people who try to go near Badgers
camp when he isn't there.
I spent a nice relaxing time just kicking back, puttering around camp and wandering around talking with old
friends while I waited for Sunday and the cannon shoot.
I took a walk through their very challenging hawk and knife range.
I was siting in my camp Saturday evening cooking a piece of meat on a stick because I had
forgotten to bring my small grill when a group of women and one man stops
on the trail in front of my camp and announce that they are the "Titty
Comity" and they are checking for violations of the primitive rules and looking at
camps to judge them for the prize of "Best Primitive Camp". They asked
permission to enter my camp and since I had no non-primitive gear exposed I invited them
in. They looked around at my poor digs and the lack of equipage and at my small piece
of meat scuired on a stick over the flames, whispered among themselves, thanked me
and left.
Later on, I found out that I had gotten the prize for best primitive camp. It just goes to
show you how primitive we can get when we forget to bring stuff. "Thank you very much
Now to the Cannon Shoot.
The cannons are on the line 
Here is Badger's new cannon
It is a full size Mountain Howertser and shoots very straight.
This is the most unusual cannon there this time. It is made out of a well
drilling bit Its amazing what people
come up with when it comes to home made cannons.
Ok, here's the targets.
They are tanks of various kinds that are set at various distances out to 200 yards and
Every one is getting ready to do some shoot'n

For those of you who really like cannons here are a couple of short
movies. Turn the volume up and click on the little cannon :o)
Badger's cannon shooting the winning shot.
This is "Big Boomer" the Bowling Ball
The Awards.
Here are a few pictures I took during the awards.
Faces in the crowd.

Well I hope you all enjoyed seeing the rendezvous, and maybe we'll see
you down the trail some.