This Sight is Continuously Evolving


On this page you will find photos of the people that attend black powder rendezvous. They come from all walks of life all ethnic and social backgrounds. They range in age from the very young to the very old. 
At Rendezvous we are all brothers and sisters and fellow buckskinners. 


Most buckskinners have camp names. The names are seldom complimentary and usually are given to the skinner as a result of some screw up by the individual or some defining  trait  but not always.

                                         mvc-389x.jpg (101950 bytes)              mvc-392x.jpg (101836 bytes)                           
                                        One Moc                               Badger

                               drum&powder.JPG (75557 bytes)             mvc-386x.jpg (103366 bytes)                kb.jpg (67260 bytes)
                                Broken-Drum &           Visitors from Rusia                       K.B.
                              Powder Dan         

                            swalodge4.jpg (91244 bytes)                  trio.jpg (157561 bytes)              bab.jpg (51420 bytes)
                            Cougar-woman                     Hooter, Tin-ear &               Brown-ass Bob
                              & Swamp                               Tanglefoot                   
