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Back, classic, 3A *see below See Weekly Special Sides, classic, 3A *see below Back, classic, good Sides, classic, good Back, classic, standard Sides, classic, standard
Steel String
Back, steel string, 3A *see below Sides, steel string, 3A *see below Back, steel string, good Sides, steel string, good Back, steel string, standard Sides, steel string, standard
for All Madagascar rosewood
Local builder, Eric Monrad's guitar of Madagascar rosewood with Moorish embellishment on the heel cap. There are a number of types of Madagascar rosewood. The one we offer is more like the set pictured below.
The above graphic of a tree cross section is an example of the typical Madagascar rosewood tree. Only infrequently do the trees have more than two heavy ink-black lines coursing through a back panel. The trees are small, so the backs are rarely fully quartered (if ever).
There are a few types of Madagascar rosewood here. There's the more figured, Dalbergia baronni, which generally is a little more figured, lighter in weight, and less stiff longitudinally, and there are two types, with less figure, heavier and harder, and stiffer, possibly D. greaveana. Since it seems that there is more demand for the figured type, and we have less of it, we have it marked as "best." The other grades reflect other degrees of quality, including solid pin knots, small pin holes, degree of figure, etc.
These four sets on the first row used to be typical of our better grades.
However, it's getting harder and harder to get top grade material. The best way to get an idea of grading is to go to the Weekly Special to see the current offerings. Prices will give you an idea of what current stock and pricing is like, i.e. a $275 set
will give you an idea of what to expect in a 3A grade. (We suggest buying your sets from the Weekly Special. It's always better if you can choose the set that best meets your needs.)
Note: All sets below have been sold The above 4 sets represent the better grades, and comprise about 10% of a shipment. These typically sell for $350 and up. (These are thumbnails, click to enlarge.)
The above 4 sets represent the medium grades. The above 4 sets represent the lower grades.
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707-431-3760 POB 217, 101 C Grant Avenue, Healdsburg, Ca. 95448 USA Fax:
707-431-3762 ![]()