Backs and Sides Click on Part ID to add to shopping cart More info below
Walnut Price PART No. Description Each English Walnut, Marble-cake, back English Walnut, Marble-cake, sides Bastogne walnut, back, 5A Bastogne walnut, sides, 5A Claro walnut back, curly, Jumbo, 5A Claro walnut sides, curly, Jumbo, 5A Claro walnut back, curly, steel str., 5A Weekly Special Claro walnut sides, curly, steel str., 5A WBSWLCB3A Claro walnut back, steel str., 3A Weekly Special WBSWLCS3A Claro walnut sides, steel str., 3A
Below, Bastogne walnut set, a hybrid of Claro and English walnut.
At left, typical of the Claro, 5A grade billets, top plates or acoustic sets. There can be a good amount of color variation in walnut, and if it's not eye-popping enough, wait'll you get a coat of finish on it!
We offer a variety of California walnut sets (and electric top plates and billets, too), including the native Claro walnut, English (from grafts), and Bastogne, a hybridized walnut. Known to make very good guitars, and the figured material is as beautiful as any wood, almost all of the U.S. hand builders and factories offer a walnut line of guitars. It's fairly heavy, it's hard and it's stiff. It's rather porous, but it does finish nicely.
At left, English walnut "marble-cake" set.
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707-431-3760 POB 217, 101 C Grant Avenue, Healdsburg, Ca. 95448 USA info@alliedlutherie.com sales@alliedlutherie.com Fax: