With nearly 35 years of experience in the guitar supply business, we have dealt with factories in all corners of the world. Because we deal with many mills, we can tailor your requirements from cost, quality, and delivery time to suit your needs.
Wholesale means two things to us. You are a factory, or you are buying larger quantities of goods. We give no special pricing to holders of resale licenses, or jobbers. Wholesale pricing is based, for the most part, on quantity.
We can often ship certain things from our warehouse, but often we drop-ship from a mill. We have relationships with East Indian mills, an African mill, a South and Central American mills, and many soundboard suppliers in Canada and Europe. We can ship from LTC to container-sized loads; from 100 sets of Indian rosewood to 5,000 sets of Indian rosewood, directly from the mill.
If have any need for quantity purchases please consider us for the following items:
Indian rosewood backs and sides, fingerboards, bridge blanks, headplates
Ebony fingerboards, bridge blanks, headplates
Honduran Mahogany backs and sides, neck stock
All spruces, Western redcedar
Truss rods
Bone nuts and saddles
Address General Information Sales/support Telephone:
707-431-3760 POB 217, 101 C Grant Avenue, Healdsburg, Ca. 95448 USA info@alliedlutherie.com sales@alliedlutherie.com Fax: