Cooks and grocers define nuts as anything with edible
kernels and hard shells. This includes true nuts like chestnuts
and acorns, but also things that botanists would class as seeds, like
Brazil nuts, or legumes, like peanuts. Nuts are usually high in
fat and protein, and people throughout the world eat them as snacks or
incorporate them into both sweet and savory dishes. Many nuts can be
eaten raw but roasting them helps intensify their flavor. Nuts
are usually harvested in the fall, and it's best to buy unprocessed nuts
then. Many unshelled nuts can be kept for up to a year in a
cool place, but shelled nuts, especially those that have been cut or
roasted, are more prone to rancidity and should be stored in the
refrigerator or freezer in an airtight container. Substitutes: Grape-nuts cereal
OR dried fruit OR granola OR rolled oats (toast them first) OR chocolate chips (in
sweet dishes)
acorn Notes: These nuts come from
oak trees, and they were once an important food for Native
Americans. Before they can be eaten, most acorns need to
be treated to remove the bitter tannins in them. To do this, boil whole
shelled acorns in water, replacing the water with fresh boiling water whenever
it turns light brown. Keep doing this for about two hours, until the water no
longer changes color. Alternatively, you can soak the shelled
acorns in several changes of water for three or four days. Some Native
Americans do this by putting whole or pounded acorns into nylon stockings and
hanging them so that they're immersed in the water of a toilet tank
(repeat: tank, not bowl). Each time the toilet is flushed, the
water in the tank is refreshed. This may discolor the toilet,
however. After the nuts have been leached of tannins, roast them in a
350° oven for about an hour. They can then be eaten whole or ground
into acorn meal and used to make porridges or breads. Acorns from white
oaks aren't nearly as bitter as those from red or black oaks, and can be
roasted without first soaking them. Substitutes: hazelnuts
(These are like acorns, only they're low in tannin.) OR chestnuts |
almond = sweet almond
Equivalents: 3 ounces whole almonds = 1/2 cup =
65 almonds Notes: Almonds have a crunchy
texture and a rich, delicate flavor that's especially good in desserts,
like candy, ice cream, tortes, and coffee cake. To intensify their flavor,
toast them on a baking pan in a 325° degree oven, stirring occasionally, until they're
golden (about 15
minutes for whole almonds). You can buy almonds shelled or
unshelled, blanched, sliced, slivered, ground, or chopped. Substitutes: hazelnuts (for baking) OR
Brazil nuts OR cashews OR pistachios (unsalted)
apricot seed
beechnut = beechmast = beech nut Notes: Beechnuts
are small, triangular nuts. They're usually roasted. Substitutes: hazelnuts
bitter almond Notes: Unprocessed bitter almonds
have a more intense flavor than ordinary almonds, but they aren't
available in the United States since they're mildly toxic if eaten raw.
Instead, they're processed and used to make oil of bitter almonds, almond
extract, almond liqueurs, and orgeat syrup. This name is often used (incorrectly) for
the Chinese almond. Substitutes:
Chinese almonds (Warning: Cook these before eating to remove
toxins.) OR
oil of bitter almonds (1 drop = 6 bitter almonds) OR almonds plus a few drops of almond
extract OR almonds plus some amaretto liqueur (not as flavorful, more oily)
black walnut Notes: These are
hard to shell, but tastier than ordinary walnuts. Bakers use them
to take their fudge and cookies up a notch. Substitutes:
walnuts |
blanched almond Notes:
Shelled almonds have a slightly bitter brown skin which can be removed
by blanching them. To do this,
drop shelled
almonds into boiling water, remove the pan from the heat source and let it stand for two minutes,
then drain the almonds and rub off the skins. Many cooks prefer to
skip this step and buy their almonds already blanched.
Brazil nut = para nut = cream nut
Equivalents: 2 pounds unshelled = 1 pound shelled
Notes: These nuts come from the Amazonian
rainforest, and they're rich in protein, omega-3 fatty acid, and calcium.
They're prone to rancidity, so store them in the
refrigerator or freezer if you plan to keep them for awhile. It's easier to shell them if you first heat
them in a 350° oven for about 15 minutes. Substitutes:
macadamia nuts (use 3 times as many) OR paradise nut OR almonds
OR pecans
breadnut seeds Shopping hints: These seeds come from
breadnuts, which are seeded versions of breadfruit. Substitutes:
jackfruit seeds OR chestnuts
butternut = white walnut Notes:
This walnut relative is hard to find outside of New England. Substitutes:
candlenut = candle nut = kemiri = country
walnut = buah keras Notes: Candlenuts must be cooked before eating, since
they're highly toxic when raw. Ground candlenuts are often used to
thicken Malaysian and Indonesian curries. They're so oily that natives string
them together and use them as candles. Look for them in Southeast
Asian markets. Substitutes: macadamia nuts (a close substitute) OR
Brazil nuts (These are three times as large as candlenuts, so use fewer.) OR raw
cashews ( Substitute two cashews for every candlenut.) OR blanched almonds (
Substitute two almonds for every candlenut.)
cashew Pronunciation: KA-shoe Notes:
These rich, sweet nuts have a toxic shell, so they're almost always sold
shelled. Toast them briefly in the oven to boost their
flavor. Substitutes: peanuts (in stir-fry dishes or
for making nut butter) OR pine nuts OR almonds OR pecans OR water chestnuts (in stir-fry dishes) |
chestnut = marron Equivalents:
One pound in the shell = 2 1/2 cups shelled whole nuts Notes:
These sweet, starchy, low-fat nuts are quite common in southern
Europe, where people eat them hot from the roaster, or add them to soups,
stuffing, and desserts. They appear fresh in the fall and winter,
but you can find them dried, vacuum-packed, or canned throughout the
year. Before you can eat them, fresh chestnuts need to be boiled or
roasted, and then shelled and peeled. To roast them, cut an X
into each shell (to allow steam to escape) and bake them in a 400° oven for
about twenty minutes. While they're still warm, peel off both the
shell and the furry skin surrounding each nut. Alternatively, boil
the chestnuts for about 15 minutes, then remove them from the water with a
slotted spoon. Peel off the shells and put the nuts back in
the boiling water for another minute, then remove them again and peel off
the skins. Select fresh chestnuts that are shiny and heavy for their
size. Store them in the refrigerator and use them within a week or
so. Don't confuse chestnuts with water chestnuts, which are
completely different. Substitutes: breadnuts
OR jackfruit seeds OR chufa nuts OR hazelnuts (for stuffing poultry) OR pecans (for stuffing poultry)
Chinese almond = apricot seed = hang yen =
dried almond Notes: These aren't really almonds at all, but apricot
kernels. They taste a lot like bitter almonds, and have a rich,
heavenly almond-extract fragrance. They're mildly toxic if eaten
raw, so they should always be roasted or blanched before using. Look for
plastic bags of them in Chinese
markets. Substitutes: bitter almonds (These are also mildly
toxic if eaten raw, so
they aren't available in the United States.) OR oil of bitter almonds (just a
few drops) OR almonds plus a few drops of almond extract OR almonds (not as
flavorful, more oily) |
chufa = chufa nut = tiger nut = earth almond =
earth nut = Florida almond = rush nut Pronunciation: CHEW-fah
Notes: These are popular in Spain and Latin
America, where they're used to make horchata. They aren't really nuts, but
starchy tubers that taste like chestnuts. Substitutes:
almonds (also used to make horchata) OR chestnuts (Like chufa, chestnuts can be
easily ground into flour.)
country walnut
cream nut
dried chestnut Notes: You
reconstitute these by boiling them for about an hour. They're
available in Italian markets, but you'll usually pay less if you get
them in an Asian market. |
earth almonds
earth nuts
English walnut
gingko nut = white nut Pronunciation:
GHING-koe OR JING-koe Notes: These
nuts date back some 150 million years, and are believe to be a powerful
aphrodisiac. Asian cooks like to use them in desserts and
stir-fries. They're available in Asian markets either fresh (in the
fall), canned, or dried. To prepare fresh nuts, crack open their
shells and then pour boiling water over the nutmeats. Let them soak
for about ten minutes until their skins are loose. Peel off the
skins, then put the nutmeats in a pot full of boiling water, let it
simmer for about thirty minutes, then drain. Canned nuts have already been
shelled, skinned and boiled, but they're mealier than fresh nuts.
Rinse them before using. Substitutes:
blanched almonds OR pine nuts
hang yen
hazelnut = filbert = cobnut Notes:
Hazelnuts have a crunchy texture and an appealing flavor that goes
especially well with chocolate. Unshelled nuts show up in the produce department of
larger supermarkets in the fall and winter. Shelled nuts are available
year-round near the
baking supplies. Before you use them, toast shelled hazelnuts in a 325°
oven for ten to fifteen minutes, stirring occasionally. As soon a you take them from the oven, rub the
nuts vigorously with a towel to remove their bitter brown skins. Substitutes:
beechnuts OR almonds OR walnuts
OR pecans OR Brazil nuts OR macadamia nuts
hickory nut Notes: These are delicious, but they
aren't grown commercially because the shells are so hard. Pecans are a very
close relative. Substitutes: pecans (very similar and
much easier to shell)
Indian nut
Java almond
kemiri nut
kluwak nuts = kluwak kupas |
kola nut Notes: These bitter nuts are loaded with
caffeine, and Africans like to chew on them throughout the day. One
downside is that they turn your teeth orange.
macadamia nut = Queensland nut =
Australian nut Pronunciation: mack-uh-DAY-me-uh
Notes: These rich and creamy nuts hail from
Hawaii and Australia, where they're eaten as snacks, or incorporated into
cookies or other desserts. They're hard to crack open and tricky to
roast, so they're almost
always sold shelled and roasted in vacuum-pack containers. After you open these
containers, you should store any uneaten nuts in the freezer or refrigerator,
since they're high in fat and therefore prone to rancidity. If you
want to roast your own macadamia nuts, put them in 275° oven for about 15
minutes. Substitutes: Brazil nut (stronger flavor, 3 times as large) OR pecans OR walnuts
OR almonds OR cashews
mape = Polynesian chestnut Substitutes: chestnuts
paradise nut = sapucaya nut = sapucia nut
Substitutes: Brazil nut (larger, but very similar)
para nut
peanut = groundnut = monkey nut =
goober = goober pea Notes:
These aren't really nuts, but legumes that grow underground.
They're cheaper than most nuts, and are often eaten out of hand or
incorporated into candies, stir-fries, or trail mixes. You can buy them
shelled or unshelled, salted or unsalted, raw or roasted. To roast, place shelled peanuts on a cookie sheet
in a 350° oven for about 15 to 20 minutes. Since many people are
allergic to peanuts, it's important to alert guests if you're serving
something that's made with peanuts or peanut products. Substitutes: cashews
(for stir-frying or for making nut butter) OR almonds (for making nut
![](/Photos/nuts-pecans.jpg) |
pecan Pronunciation: pih-CAHN
OR pih-CAN Equivalents: 1 pound in
the shell = 1/2 pound shelled = 2 cups shelled Notes:
This North American nut is like a walnut, only sweeter and
milder. It's used widely in the South to make pralines, pecan
pie, ice cream, and nut breads. They're high in fat, so it's best to
store shelled pecans in the refrigerator or freezer to prevent them from
turning rancid. To roast, put shelled pecans on a
baking pan and in bake them in a 325° oven, stirring occasionally, until
they're slightly golden, about ten minutes. Substitutes: walnuts OR hickory nuts (similar, but harder
to shell)
Persian walnut
pili nut = Java almond Substitutes: almonds
pine nut = pinoli = pinyon = pinolea = pignolia =
Indian nut = piñon = pignolo = pignoli = snoober = pine kernel
Notes: These expensive and delicate seeds are
harvested from pine trees in different parts of the world. Italians
like to grind them into pesto or sprinkle them on pasta dishes. There
are two main varieties: the triangular
Chinese pine nuts sold in Asian markets, and the
slender Italian pine nuts, which are more expensive and subtly
flavored. All pine nuts are high in fat, so store them in the
refrigerator or freezer to keep them from getting rancid. Before you use them, toast
pine nuts in a 325°
oven, stirring occasionally, until they're slightly golden, about five
minutes. Substitutes:
walnuts (this is a common variation in pesto) OR almonds (this is a common
variation in pesto) OR hazelnuts (this also works in pesto) OR cashews
(raw, unsalted) OR peanuts (unsalted) OR
sunflower seeds
pistachio nut Pronunciation: pih-STASH-ee-yoh
Equivalents: 2 cups pistachios in the shell = 1
cup shelled nutmeats Notes: These
green Middle Eastern nuts are encased in tan shells, which are sometimes
dyed red. They're crunchy and delicately sweet, so they're great in
everything from ice cream to pilafs. When the nuts are mature enough
to eat, the shells split open enough that they can be pulled off easily
with your fingers. Unopened shells contain immature kernels and should be
discarded. Pistachios are available shelled or unshelled, salted or
unsalted, roasted or raw. To roast, put shelled pistachios on a
baking pan and in bake them in a 325° oven, stirring occasionally, until
they're slightly golden, about ten minutes. Substitutes:
pine nuts OR blanched almonds
Polynesian chestnut
Queensland nut
sapucaya nut
sliced almonds Equivalents: 3
ounces = 1 cup Notes: You can buy almonds
already sliced, or do it yourself using a food processor fitted with a
slicing disk. It's best to toast the sliced almonds before using
them. Just spread them on a baking sheet and put them in a 350° oven
until they're light brown, about five to ten minutes.
slivered almond Equivalents: 3
ounces = 2/3 cup Notes:
You can buy slivered almonds in the baking supplies section of most
supermarkets. To sliver a blanched almond yourself, use a paring
knife to cut it lengthwise into several small sticks. |
sweet almond
royal walnut
tiger nuts
walnut Equivalents: 1 cup chopped = 4 1/2 ounces; 1 cup halves = 3
1/2 ounces; 1 pound unshelled yields 1 1/2 cups shelled Notes:
Walnuts are rich and flavorful, and cooks like to use them in
everything from fudge to salads. Markets
usually carry English walnuts = royal walnuts = Persian walnuts. Less
common are black walnuts, which are much more flavorful but harder to
shell. To roast, put shelled walnuts on a
baking pan and in bake them in a 325° oven, stirring occasionally, until
they're slightly golden, about ten minutes. After you remove
the nuts from the oven, rub them vigorously with a towel so as to remove
as much of their bitter skins as possible. Fresh
walnuts are available year-round, but they're best in the fall.
Since they're high in fat and therefore prone to rancidity, it's best to
store them in the refrigerator or freezer. Substitutes: butternuts OR pecans
(not as crunchy or flavorful) OR hazelnuts (not as rich) OR pine nuts
(especially in pesto)
water caltrop = horned water chestnut = Jesuit nut = ling
kio = ling chio = ling kok = ling jiao Latin:
Trapa bicornis Notes: This black
nut bears an unmistakable resemblance to a bull's head. Each one is
two inches across, and has a very hard shell. After you shell water
you'll need to steam or boil them before you can eat them as they contain
harmful toxins in their raw state. Or you can skip eating them
altogether, and just use them to make jewelry. Substitutes:
water chestnuts (crunchier and sweeter) |
white walnut
white nut
Copyright © 1996-2005 Lori Alden