This is the monorail car I took to go to the Comic Market comic convention... at the time, i thought I had just picked the busiest part of the day to go to the convention. Now I know that the monorail and buses to this convention are always this packed; it's just that popular!
While we're here, please note the ads hanging down over the passengers' heads... these are in every JR [Japan Railways] train, and advertise everything from houses and cars to magazines and cigarettes. During the summer, many advertise great places to spend a vacation [via a JR train, of course], and I've seen a lot recently (circa 1999) advertising new houseing developments that want people to move in. Do I look at these too much?
By the way, the center ad in the picture is an ad for a weekly comic called "Mister Magazine"... I've never seen this one, but ads for the weekly comics are not unusual on the trains.