I have always been smaller than you.
I have always been weaker than you.
I have always been smarter than you.
For this you hate me.
Resent me.
Envy me.
You call me names in gradeschool.
You beat me up,
And steal my lunch money.
In junior high, you tease me.
Ignore me.
Spread rumors about me.
You take my pants from me in gym class,
And hang them from the flagpole.
And everyone laughs at me.
In high school, you torment me.
You exert your "superiority" by winning the football game.
And talking about how you fucked the head chearleader last night.
I strive to succeed in school.
Only to be mocked and laughed at when I do.
Yet you still come to me for help when you're failing math.
You talk to me.
Become friendly to me.
Just so long as you need me.
I beleive you.
I think "Maybe he's finally matured."
And I always help you.
And as soon as you are through with me,
You return to your old ways.
I never learn.
I live in my own society.
Of geniuses and outcasts.
You fear and hate us.
The lines are drawn.
You resort to petty insults and violence.
You try to feel superior.
But this will all change someday.
Your glory days will be over.
And you will discover that high school football doesnt open many doors.
You will end up being some menial worker.
In a third rate job, getting third rate pay.
And I will be the manager.
And while you were fucking some cheerleader.
I was busy befriending some girl that you deemed unattractive.
And our relationship lasted.
I married my girlfriend.
Where is your bimbo?
Oh, thats right - you're not in your prime anymore.
All you had going for you was your muscles.
I have my mind.
And that is what really counts.
I guess being a nerd payed off.