We are all travellers of the road.
In the dead of night,
With our back to the past,
We slowly walk along the path.
It is dark, and lonely,
And even dangerous.
But we continue to walk the road.
Shadows in the distance scare us.
Sometimes the shadows take substance,
And become our nightmares.
Sometimes, we let the shadows become too real.
They attack us.
And sometimes we die.
We never truly see the others on the road.
They are just shadows, of a different kind.
What these shadows do affects us all.
We travel alone down the path of many.
The others are there, but we cannot see them.
But, they are always with us.
When walking down the lonely road,
The road itself is your only true friend.
It is always there for you.
The road knows your deepest, darkest secrets.
The road knows what lies ahead.
The road does not care.
You fall many times on your path down the road,
Only to rise again.
You must reach the end.
The end is infinitely far away.
Yet, we still must get there.
And some do.
The road is dark and foreboding,
But we still must travel.
And the answer why -
Is known only to the stars.