That which allows all life to live
Hides itself in the land from which life first sprang.
Children of bright pass on their roles
To those who are accustomed to a darker colored world.
The silent copies lengthen, far outdistancing their colored twins,
And the distant blanket is in transition from blue to black.
Cloud fire drifts over a sea of molten gold, signaling the end of a time
That is a million lifetimes and yet only one grain of sand on a beach.
A spinning marble in the silent sea
Slowly turns its dreaming side to face the fire.
All the beautiful occurrences inspire poets and artists worldwide,
This is the magic of sunset.
Lines 1 & 2: The sun sets, disappearing "into" the sea. Without the sun there could be no life, and life first existed in the sea.
Lines 3 & 4: Day creatures switch places with nocturnal ones.
Line 5: Shadows grow taller than what casts them.
Line 6: The sky turns from light blue to night black.
Lines 7 & 8: Sunset lights up the clouds so they look like fire, and the sea so it looks like liquid gold. And, you know the saying "Time flies when you're having fun"? A day can be long or short, empty or full, all depending on how you look at it. (Also, some animals only live one day, so a day is a great deal longer for them!)
Lines 9 & 10: The earth rotates in the blackness of space, turning the side on which people are dreaming to face the sun.
Lines 11 & 12: I don't think these two need an explanation.