Phrase Association

Mara Lynn Barbee


    To speak in metaphors. To breathe in metaphors. To breathe them in, and breathe out similes. To breathe in the vacuum of space, living on ether, and on dreams and willpower. Living on whatever you please, as long as it works. Serving the purpose. Mayhaps serving it literally, with golden shackle on ankle, chain dragging, face smiling woodenly, pretending it isn't so. But a gilded cage is still. Gild means nothing at all, as we are supposed to know, at least intellectually. Intellect's many things, but not always wise. Don't you know you can be intelligent but not smart? Wise but not knowledgeable? 'Sfunny stuff. Stuffing. Not like turkeys, though. That's just weird. And plenty ickygross, if you think about it long enough. Anything's weird if you think too long, like how a word will sound strange if it's repeated too many times. Especially "pink." It's just a sound effect, not a color. It's the sound of something metal and small, falling a quiet distance and hitting a solid surface once. Pink. Can you hear it? Put your ear right up close to the page. PINK. That was the small metal thing falling the same distance, only from an ant's point of view. Assuming, of course, that ants view or see things the way we do. I heard that they don't even sleep; they don't live long enough individually. Except the queen, of course. She rules their world. She's the memory chip of the computer, the most valuable part of the hard drive. Or something like that. I don't know if there technically is such a computer part. But the point stands. Not literally, though; I can't quite picture a point standing. Maybe it would look like a pencil balanced on one end. On the pointy end. Naturally. But of course. Certainly. Sure. UnSure! Hahahah, I crack myself up. Not literally, though. That would be bad.

