Fantasy is infectious, in a cheerful sort of way.
Especially if it's well done.
This is easy to see in little kids pretending to be
the characters from a movie they just saw;
from Peter Pan to Jedi Knights.
It influences inspiration, too:
Artists will draw the interesting thing they're reading about,
Writers will write about something similar.
It works the other way as well.
What someone is working on often gives a hint
as to what book they'll seek out, what movie they'll rent.
It brings ideas.
It can also cause you to think of things
for rather odd reasons.
Like imagining that soda is poisonous
because your book said elves were allergic to caffeine.
Then there's deciding who in the crowd
looks the most like a vampire.
And there are the dreams.
After elf books, I'll always dream of pointed ears.