The Smells of Home

Mara Lynn Barbee


Clothes from my dresser,
faithful fish-shaped pillow,
traces of kitchen food
when I walk through,
cat collar
as I pet her,
toothpaste etcetera:
signature of the bathroom,
random sourceless hallway scent,
woods, plantlife outside,
new pillowcase from the hall closet:
memories of Mom & Dad from childhood,
ah, my bed!
comforting scent of sheets
that permeates my dreams
the smell of the garden
when I open the wondow...
even with the fertilizer.
Mom's shoulder in a hug,
cherry cider
from childhood popsicles,
all the scents I never notice.
Anything I pick up and smell
will be wonderful.
I only notice this
when I come home
smelling of someone else's house.

